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  1. twofeathers

    twofeathers Dreamcatcher

    Jul 2, 2009

    The Democrats are triing to reach a bipartisan bill, which side is stalmating the bill??

    • By 50 to 39 percent, voters in Maine believe Republicans in Congress “aren’t being constructive and just want Obama to fail” rather than that they “are playing a constructive role in improving a health care reform bill.”
    • By 62 to 29 percent, Mainers believe President Obama “has made an effort to reach out to Republicans on health care reform” rather than that he “has ignored Republicans’ ideas on health care reform.”
    This is just the views of Maine.

    Why a bipartisan bill?
    Why try to involve the Repubican party with the recovery of the Nation?
  2. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    You totally miss the point.

    The only thing the Democrats are giving the Republicans is blame. If the shoe was on the other foot, would you be saying the same?

    The Dems have the power to ram it through, why can't they? Perhaps some Dems are actually looking at the down side of the who thing.
  3. ElCasanova

    ElCasanova Porn Star

    Jul 27, 2006
    And according to this, it was 2 Democrats, not Republicans who was holding up the Health Care Bill.


    So how about you blame yourselves, and quit blaming us Republicans?
  4. twofeathers

    twofeathers Dreamcatcher

    Jul 2, 2009

    So who started the death panel lies?
    Who has been triing to manipulate the public veiw?
    Who has made this whole thing very difficult to pass?...

    What has the republican party done to help?
  5. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    Why has it been stalled? The Republicans can not stop it. You are evading the question.
  6. ElCasanova

    ElCasanova Porn Star

    Jul 27, 2006
    Evidently the Republicans gave votes to the cause, or nothing would have been passed. Look at the breakdown on my post number 80, and you will see that nothing would be able to get passed, unless Republicans voted in favor with the Democrats.
  7. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Ummm...where did you get the idea that it takes a 2/3 vote to pass a bill in Congress?
  8. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Before you go mouthing off let's first point out that you're up to your old games of trying to make people argue something YOU said instead of what they actually said.

    What I said was:

    And I stand squarely behind those statements and as proof of their validity would offer these common knowledge examples. The Republicans did not offer constructive input in the Stimulus package. Instead the Republicans voted in lock step against the very same solutions they helped begin before George Bush left office.

    They are refusing to act on President Obama's appointments. On health care reform they've used every political option available to them to slow down or derail the efforts completely. The Republicans both inside of congress and outside in the public eye have resorted to scare tactics, distortions, misinformation, and falsehoods. When is that ever acceptable to people who supposedly have morals and values.

    In the meantime our nation is confronted with the most serious problems in a generation; two wars, a staggering economy, more than 10 million people out of work, a health care system that is crippling and unsustainable. And the Republicans are working against the Democrats on everyone of those problems instead of actually working to solve the problems. The only priority is to fight president Obama and the democrats.

    And yes I think in a time of War, in a time of US decline, in a time of our hour of peril, its treasonous, or should be, to waste our resources, time, energy and effort on petty conservative/Republican resentments.

    No El Casanova, I already granted in my initial statement that there were some negative threads and comments about President Bush. But they did not amount to the steady stream of anti Obama propaganda we see on the forum now.

    Doing the same search you did there are 42 threads on President Obama in the past 10 months. Those are only the threads that have his name in the title and 80%, or about 30 of them are negative threads.

    And what did you come up with? Six threads in 10 months about President Bush. 30 is a lot more than six isn't it El Casanova? Isn't 30 like five times as many as six.

    Like I said, sure there were some negative Bush threads, but nothing like the constant stream of anti-Obama propaganda we see on the forum now.

    I just did that El Casanova but frankly your dishonesty disappoints me.

    El Casanova, 30 to 6 over a 10 month period. A ratio of 5 to 1. Stop acting like you're really that dumb.

    You for one. What do you think it means when you blindly oppose things like the stimulus package when nearly every economist in the nation even conservative economists said the stimulus was needed. So were the bailouts.

    If you think those things are wrong fine, but where are the republican solutions. Where is there any cooperative effort to actually solve the problem instead just oppose the Democrats.

    And you buy all that stuff and use the same tactics too El Casanova. And don't try to deny that.

    I find this to be fool delivery on a silver platter. Are you trying to tell me El Casanova that even after being in the military you believe it is anti-American for someone to dislike a leader and say hateful things about him? What kind of fascist are you? Disliking our president and saying hateful things about him is a cherished and often used constitutional right.

    But this idea that President Obama needs to be opposed more than problems need to be solved is to me really stupid, counter productive and hazardous.

    No, now it would be really stupid of me to consider wanting a president removed from office, or anyone stating their opinion has anything to do with working for and actively hoping for the country to fail.

    So we'll ignore the inherent stupid involved and address the real issue which is working for and actively hoping for President Obama and the Democrats to fail. And fail at what? Fail at solving problems that could destroy us and inflict long extend periods of pain and suffering.

    The Republicans refusing to work with democrats, offer their own plans and recommendations, and refusing to compromise in any meaningful way is worse than just being partisan. The problems we're faced with need to be solved and the people of this country deserve to have everyone working towards solving those problems as quickly as possible instead of one party simply digging in their heels, resisting every effort, trying to slow the process as much as possible, and not having any solutions of their own.

    Now I've already asked you to stop acting so dumb. Any fool can see that life happens every day, situations for people get worse every day, debts climb and incomes rise and fall every day. So instead of actually helping solve the problems this nation is facing the Republicans only want to oppose the Democrats and President Obama, and so instead of having any solutions of their own or being willing to find real solutions they simply try to slow everything down as much as possible, even though everyday they slow things down is another day people were hurt by it.

    Yes you're right this is a perfect example of spiteful ideology on the part of Republicans where they have been dubbed the "Party of No." You know if there are real concerns and real differences that's fine. But the art of government is compromise and there comes a time when ideology should not overshadow practicality. There comes a time when everyone should put their partisan ideology aside, roll up their sleeves, pitch in and solve the problems.
  9. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    And on a more current note, the Dems are cluster fucking the whole plan.
  10. KevinFlynn

    KevinFlynn Porno Junky

    Aug 12, 2009



    Division B Titles III, IV, and V

    Now remember, this was in the Stimulus Bill (H.R.1 of the 111th Congress) that was rammed down our throat earlier this year. This laid the groundwork, guidelines, and mandates for a government controlled health care system. I.E., what physicians can and will be paid for "approved" treatments and penalties for non-compliance. While these provisions are for the Medicare and Medicare it is only rational to think that once there is "Universal" healthcare, these mandates will become system wide. It also puts the technology for a government bureaucracy called the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology into place to "monitor" the treatments your doctor is providing and make sure they abide by the standards set forth are both appropriate and cost effective.

    Now, look at this gem....


    Section 1233, starting on page 424

    Mix those 2 together and you have a government bureaucrat that has the ability to dictate to a doctor what care can be given to a patient.

    Every politician and political party since the dawn of time. "R", "I", or "D", all full of lies.

    2 types of politicians. First are the ones that think that the bill does not go far enough. Second thinks it goes to far.

    Stand against the bill but for reasons I cannot fathom. It seems that there is little to no difference between the crooks in D.C.....besides the color of tie they wear and which side of the isle they park their ass.
  11. SilverLycan

    SilverLycan The XnXX Alpha Wolf

    Jul 31, 2008
    I've noticed that Republicans seem to be focusing not just on the President, but actually hoping he fails at his job, that he somehow turns this country even shittier.
    When I made fun of Bush for acting like an idiot, I never stopped hoping that he would wake up and start doing things that would help people like me. I thought that somebody that claims to be as patriotic as O'Reily would want any President to succeed. I was shocked when he said that he would be so happy if Obama was a failure.
    That right there goes way beyond criticizing the President. He wasn't just hoping Obama acts like a fool, that was him hoping for America to get even worse.

    (It was O'Reily that said that right? It was one of those guys.)

    I now know the futility of hope. If I want help, I'm going to have to get it myself.
  12. yoyoyea

    yoyoyea Newcumer

    Sep 30, 2009
    OP cry me a fucking river. Seriously
  13. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Helping people like you and me was not on Bush's agenda. He only cares about rich people.
  14. SilverLycan

    SilverLycan The XnXX Alpha Wolf

    Jul 31, 2008
    I know that, but I still wished that he had helped me. That's all I have. It's just hope.

    It's cold tonight..... *shivers*
  15. netagent910

    netagent910 Porn Surfer

    Aug 16, 2007
    oh get over yourself for fucks sake. You make your own opportunities to pull yourself up and your also going to need to pull your head outta your ass if you believe that bush only cared about the rich.
  16. netagent910

    netagent910 Porn Surfer

    Aug 16, 2007
    and for gods sake don't quote Bill O'reilly he gives his opinion on a situation not the facts about it.
  17. SilverLycan

    SilverLycan The XnXX Alpha Wolf

    Jul 31, 2008
    Quiet you.
  18. netagent910

    netagent910 Porn Surfer

    Aug 16, 2007
    welcome to America the land where you can say what you want curtsy of your founding fathers who were persecuted for their beliefs and still tried and accomplished giving themselves and us the freedoms we all enjoy today
  19. netagent910

    netagent910 Porn Surfer

    Aug 16, 2007
    and for that matter (so i am not a hypocrite) when i say don't quote O'reilly i mean it as he is not a reliable source to depend upon for information
  20. twofeathers

    twofeathers Dreamcatcher

    Jul 2, 2009

    What about 2004?

    When Democrats fought to protect American workers' right to overtime pay:
    • Ninety-one percent of Republicans voted against overtime protections on 5/4/04
    • Republicans pulled the FSC-ETI bill rather than vote on overtime on 4/8/04
    • Republicans pulled the FSC-ETI bill rather than vote on overtime on 3/24/04
    • Republicans stripped overtime protections from the omnibus appropriations conference report on 1/22/04
    • Eighty-eight percent of Republicans voted against overtime protections on 9/23/03
    When Democrats fought to increase the minimum wage for the first time in seven years:
    • Republicans returned welfare reform bill to the Senate calendar on 4/1/04 following a failed cloture motion, which was filed to avoid a vote on minimum wage
    • Republicans pulled the Foreign Relations Authorization Act rather than vote on a minimum wage increase on 7/10/03
    When Democrats fought to close corporate tax loopholes to discourage corporations from renouncing their American citizenship and sending American jobs overseas:
    • Every Republican voted against a provision (the "runaway plant" amendment) to discourage the outsourcing of American jobs on 5/5/04
    • Republicans stripped the corporate inversions provision from the reconciliation bill conference report on 5/23/03
    When Democrats fought to extend unemployment insurance benefits:
    • Seventy-six percent of Republicans voted against extending unemployment insurance on 5/11/04
    • Ninety-four percent of Republicans voted against extending unemployment insurance benefits for unemployed workers on 7/10/03
    • Ninety-six percent of Republicans voted against extending unemployment insurance on 5/15/03
    • Every Republican voted against extending unemployment insurance on 3/25/03
    • Seventy-six percent of Republicans voted against extending unemployment insurance on 2/26/03
    • Ninety-four percent of Republicans voted against extending unemployment insurance benefits on 1/22/03
    When Democrats fought to reduce drug prices by allowing Americans to purchase drugs from Canada:
    • Republicans stripped a provision to allow drug reimportation from the Medicare prescription drug conference report on 11/25/03
    When Democrats fought to lower gasoline prices for American consumers by demanding that OPEC nations stop manipulating the supply of oil:
    • Republicans blocked a resolution calling on the President to encourage OPEC to stop restricting the supply of oil to increase prices for American consumers on 4/7/04
    When Democrats fought to improve our highways, bridges, and transit systems:
    • Republicans have been unable to resolve their own differences about funding levels and, as a result, the Department of Transportation has been operating on temporary extensions and we've lost an estimated 100,000 jobs
    When Democrats fought to ensure the reliability of our electricity system:
    • Republicans blocked floor action on the Electricity Reliability Act on 4/27/04
    • Republicans blocked floor action on the Electricity Reliability Act on 4/1/04
    When Democrats fought to reduce our dependence on imported oil by requiring an increase in the sale of home-grown renewable fuels like ethanol:
    • Republicans voted against increasing the use of renewable fuels on 4/29/04
    • Republicans insisted on including MTBE liability protections for producers on 11/18/03, thereby defeating the energy bill and its provisions to increase the use of renewable fuels
    When Democrats fought to reform the pension system for both large and small pension plans:
    • The White House and House Republicans blocked passage of responsible pension legislation on 4/8/04 by insisting on a provision that would have covered only four percent of multi-employer pension plans
    When Democrats fought to enact responsible gun safety legislation:
    • Eighty-four percent of Republicans voted against instant background checks for the sale of firearms at gun shows on 3/2/04
    • Eighty percent of Republicans voted against continuing the assault weapons ban on 3/2/04