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  1. meforyou

    meforyou The Spurtinator

    Feb 22, 2012
    LOL. I have to hand it to you - you're the only Aussie brave enough to come onto this thread. I take my hat off to you, sir. :cool:
  2. DeathsKnight

    DeathsKnight Knight In Off-White Shining Armour

    Apr 23, 2008
    Well the Ausies might still surprise us, they are one of those teams you never write off...watch out for a huge second innings fight back...
  3. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014

    I also remember the twenty plus years we pounded you buggers....swings and roundabouts.

    I am a bit confused why captain cook didn't send the aussies back in again :confused:, our batsmen would have crumbled again as they don't do well under pressure.
  4. meforyou

    meforyou The Spurtinator

    Feb 22, 2012
    I think he just wants them to suffer, or maybe give Root a chance to shine. Had it been me, I would have got them to follow on.
  5. DeathsKnight

    DeathsKnight Knight In Off-White Shining Armour

    Apr 23, 2008
    Yeah I really expected a second innings by Aus, this is really weird, but hey it's a reprieve for the Ausies at least.
  6. meforyou

    meforyou The Spurtinator

    Feb 22, 2012
    Maybe Cook doesn't want them to look too bad. :rolleyes::excited:
  7. DeathsKnight

    DeathsKnight Knight In Off-White Shining Armour

    Apr 23, 2008
    Or he's trying to get another day out of the Ausies for the fans to come watch and through that get more cash for the ECB
  8. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014

    I suppose you'll tell me he deliberately hit the ball onto his wicket to help us save some face.... :excited:
  9. meforyou

    meforyou The Spurtinator

    Feb 22, 2012
    Good point. the sponsors will want as much coverage as possible. :excited:

    Well, we Pomes are a magnanimous bunch. ;)
  10. DeathsKnight

    DeathsKnight Knight In Off-White Shining Armour

    Apr 23, 2008
    Like it was said in a movie I never watched, though should and can not remember the name: "Show me the money!" So that is where all answers lie, the money...and of course skill.
  11. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014
    What's a Sth African doing supporting the poms?, and even more strangely refering to them as "Us"......I realise that a quarter of their side is Sth African born, but sheesh!!.. :eek::)
  12. DeathsKnight

    DeathsKnight Knight In Off-White Shining Armour

    Apr 23, 2008
    Us the viewers.

    I only support the Poms because we have a saying here: "Enigeiemand kan wen, solank as wat dit nie 'n Australianer is nie."

    Translation: "Anybody can win, as long as it's not an Australian."

    Yeah we kind of don't like Ausies because they whipped our butts around on the cricket field for a long long time.

    When it comes to rugby I'm a stout All Black, so there I will be a very neutral guy, unless you face the NZ team :-D
  13. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014
    :laughing::laughing::laughing:, .....that's not very nice.

    Rugby???, rubbish.....Aussie Rules Footy is the only real game.
  14. DeathsKnight

    DeathsKnight Knight In Off-White Shining Armour

    Apr 23, 2008
    I have no idea what Aussie rules are, but I have heard about it.

    I always wondered why most South Africans hate guys like Shane Warne, Steve Waugh, David Boon, Glen McGrath...then I realized it is because the guys were fabulous at what they did.

    Now I will not put their posters on my wall, but I will respect them. The only cricketers who ever made it onto my wall was Hansie Cronje and Allan Donald :-D
  15. meforyou

    meforyou The Spurtinator

    Feb 22, 2012
    Brit comic Jasper Carrott refers to Australian Rules Football as "Australian 'no' Rules Football", in view of the fact that punch-ups are commonplace, and there appears to be no sense to it, much like Gaelic football.

    As regards the Aussies - I am such a fan of Warne it hurts. Each and every one of the Aussies during that period caused sleepless nights.

    You mentioned Cronje - controversial, but a great player; however, you forgot the greatest all-rounder the gane has ever seen - Jaques Kallis. He puts Sir Garfield Sobers in the shade. Greame Smith deserves a mention too. That guy has captained the side for what seems like an eternity, yet he is still piling on the runs.

    Finally - who would I like to face the least - Anderson or Steyn? Steyn. That fast inswinging Yorker is deadly.
  16. DeathsKnight

    DeathsKnight Knight In Off-White Shining Armour

    Apr 23, 2008
    Well Gaelic football is something I'd rather play, at least you know why you hurt the next week.

    So far the only South African I know of who could play Warne with some success was the very controversial Cronje. As for Kallis, he is great, probably one of the best we ever had...but I just don't like him at all. No idea why.

    Smithie...sheesh he does pile on the runs, but he is SO inconsistent that it's not even funny any more. In that case I'd rather go for Hashim Amla as opener, at least you know what you get with him.

    Steyn is my new Alan Donald, just haven't seen any nice poster of him...yet :D
  17. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014
    I think he was confusing that with Rugby League.....In Aussie Rules one can't even get away with a jumper punch.
    where a player takes hold of an opponent's jersey and then pushes in a punching motion

    And talking about not appearing to have any sense to a game...how about your genre of football. Players can run around in a frenzy kicking the ball to each other and after 90 minutes there could be no score at all...where's the sense in that.
  18. meforyou

    meforyou The Spurtinator

    Feb 22, 2012
    I quite agree with you about football (soccer). I seldom watch it, and absolutely never watch the disgrace that calls itself the national side. Give me cricket or rugby union any day.

    As for Jasper Carrott, he was referring to the fights that used to break out amongst the teams. This was back in the 70's.
  19. DeathsKnight

    DeathsKnight Knight In Off-White Shining Armour

    Apr 23, 2008
    Speaking of fights, I loved the introduction Jeremy Clarkson gave to Vinnie Jones on Top Gear: "He drives a huge Mercedez to a fight, where a bit of football might break loose."

    I watched it three times over and over just to laugh at that.
  20. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014
    Pattinson wont be playing next match.....I reckon he's bowling with the theory if he bowls so wide down the leg side that the batsmen can't reach it then he wont get hit all over the field, though I would help if Haddin could reach it..:wall::wall:

    M4Y your predictions were one match early, it'll be this one where you poms will win before 4pm on the 4th day.