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  1. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    That is correct.

    I don't have your real name or your login. The mod control panel does give us access to your IP and whatever email you used to register your account. And the minute I do something I'm not supposed to with it (assuming I bothered to even run a search on you, which I haven't) then you have every right to complain about it to the higher ups. Granted you can complain about it now, no one's stopping you, but if you have no grounds, your complaints will be ignored.

    I do not accept responsibility for this because I had nothing to do with it. The only thing that Deidre was punished for was her continued lie that she was persecuted and discriminated against by chunky and piggit. Nothing else. Her recent behavior in just about every respect was not part of the decision. This problem existed before I was a mod. My move over to mod seems to have simply driven her over the edge and upper management decided not o put up with her any longer.

    And Deidre has told me on several occasions that she is proud of those words and that I am welcome to keep them there. She goes from complaining that I'm mocking her to telling me she stands by every word. However, I don't recall her ever asking me specifically to remove them.

    I have names for three members. DL, Baller and Deidre. However, in the last ten days I have used my name for her only once and indirectly at that. I told her that I have two names that I sometimes use for her, Filthy Whore and occasionally silly bitch.

    In a post to DL I referred to his 'whore' and it was understood that I was talking about Deidre. I have been called a great many names by all three of them. I think what sets me apart is my consistency. I don't know that I'd call three specific members a pattern. DL's nickname was the last one I adopted and that was several months back. Given the names that are tossed about here on a daily basis, many of which are more vicious than mine, I have to suspect that either A) you're not be objective where this is concerned because you favor Deidre and dislike me or B) you are shocked by my level of consistency to keep it up. Either option is illogical. If it's the bias, it can be ignored. If it's B then it's still illogical. Would it be better if I used different insults every time instead of one consistent one?

    Which is true. There are many a member who would like to take a peek behind the curtain. I gloated a bit, mostly at the expense of Deidre, because I had always suspected she had something to hide. Does she? Even with her ban deadline approaching, I can't say. Even after the ban I won't say, either publicly or privately. Not even if Kimiko herself were naked at my feet with my balls in her hands and asked while licking her lips.

    Well, okay, probably then, but I think anyone would blame me for that.

    The 'moderator' is there so that people can click it if they need to conduct me on mod business. Notice it's a link? Piggit does it but your complaint is that she doesn't post much and I do? This is illogical and I can only assume it's a result of your dislike of me personally. Mods here do not have the authority to met out punishment for anything other than spamming. Posters need have no fear of moderator retribution for any opinion or flame they issue (excepting death threats). I've already gone over this. If you know that then how can you have a complaint that adds gravitas to my posts. I'm a moderator. On every forum I've ever been on, moderators were tagged.

    They chose me because they trusted me to handle the job. Perhaps they know me a little better than you do. If you trust them with your 'personal information' then why would you not trust them to make the decision they did?

    ejls locked one thread not knowing she wasn't supposed to and promptly apologized for the confusion it caused. It was practically her first day on the job. Now she knows better.

    Then I guess it's good for me that they're not. However, nophest trusts their judgement and so far have I done anything with regards to my mod access that betrayed that trust?

    I can't really speak to their motivations. Perhaps you should ask them.

    You're right. That is all my job is. So why are you behaving as if I am solely responsible for all of this? I didn't cost the community anything. Her constant attacks that began long before I was a mod about a specific issue, and then her big fuck you to nophest, caused that. You and a few others refuse to accept that fact.

    I had no say in nophest's decision. I did not lobby for her removal to him or any of the other mods. You can accept this fact or not, I don't much care either way.

    I would do this on the condition that she publicly apologize for her repeated lies concerning piggit and chunky. Nophest is loathe to ban anyone unless they're spammers. I would imagine that if she made a sincere apology concerning that issue then he would reverse his decision to have her banned. And I'll throw in another bonus. If she does that and the decision to ban her is changed, I'll remove my sig line quotes and publicly apologize to her as well. But this is conditional on her coming in here and apologizing first. After that she'd be free to be her regular old unbalanced and under-medicated self.

  2. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    :lol: I don't care what you post. If you have something you'd like to share with the rest of the class about me, by all means, do so. Preferably in your own thread, though, that's all I ask.

  3. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    We [the mods] have not talked about it all that much. Nophest did not ask our opinion before he started this thread and decided to issue the ultimatum. Given the wording of his OP, he's tired of her spreading the lies to other members that mods here are heavy-handed and discriminate against other members. There is not a single member here who can claim abuse at the hands of any of the current mods. Deidre would state as fact that they abused her and then when challenged try and say she was only expressing her opinion. Then turn around and declare what biased mods this forum had. Once enough other members began to grumble about mod abuse, nophest took notice and demanded proof.

    Regarding saying things about the mods, you are free to call us any names you want. You can shout that we're all drunken goat fuckers and no one will demand proof, including nophest. What nophest requested proof of was how his representatives were behaving in the forums. If any of us were abusing our authority then he would kick us without reservation. However, given the protracted and repetitive nature of Deidre's complaints–and the fact that it was spreading to other, less informed members–he decided to step in. It does not help the community if everyone begins to fear for their active status because one member has been spreading lies about forum management.

  4. lor280465

    lor280465 Porn Star

    Jan 4, 2007
    Now Nopest just look at what you have started.....A bloody war, shame on you..;)
  5. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    I woke up to this thread this morning, having been absent from the forum since yesterday afternoon, and I've been thinking about what to say for awhile, or whether to say anything at all. But this forum is all about speaking our minds, so I'll go ahead and share my thoughts, however disjointed.

    First of all, I don't think deidre should be banned, and at no time did I request that she be banned. On the other hand, I fully understand (or think I understand) Nophest's reasons for doing so, and he stated them very clearly and concisely. It should be obvious that this had nothing to do with her politics, her bigotry and intolerance, her way of expressing herself, and all the other annoying things she does that have put me and others in conflict with her. If all that were cause for banning, as several others have pointed out, there would have been a lot of heads rolling around here. Nophest has always been remarkably tolerant of obnoxious behavior, and that's commendable. By extension, the mods have always been tolerant as well. Swamps are tolerant of alligators, too -- they're just another part of the ecosystem.

    One of the reasons I've always tempered my feelings about deidre is that I've always felt she had more than a few screws loose. Her behavior is frequently irrational and indicative of multiple personalities. She never seems to quite understand the consequences of her words or actions. Her relentless diatribes against the mods provide ample evidence of this.

    But at the same time, she has an astonishing ability to manipulate and even charm people, and to play the part of the victim. I can't quite believe that's not all part of some conscious, sociopathic strategy on her part. I'm still amazed at the number of friends and supporters she has, and even more amazed at their collective ability to simply not see, or pretend not to see, what the rest of us object to about deidre.

    Ultimately, though, that isn't what this is about, and Nophest and the mods have been very clear about that. This is about having confidence that the mods will act fairly, no matter what their own personal views about other people might be. Deidre and others challenged that repeatedly, without any basis whatsoever, as far as I can see, and I can understand why Nophest might feel that she went too far.

    All that being said, this is a plea for yet more tolerance. Let her stay if she wants.
  6. Incubus

    Incubus Horned & Dangerous

    Aug 2, 2006
    what the fuck? I only just saw this thread. is shit here really that deep? :eek:

  7. piggit

    piggit A Fine Wine of a Woman

    Jun 11, 2006
    I believe it is necessary to point out that the mods have never

    I repeat, NEVER

    asked nophest to step in and do something about or to deidre.

    This thread was as much of a surprise to us, as to anyone else.

    You may consider nophest's handling of this situation awkward, but it was open, honest and visible for all to see.
  8. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    HEY!!! And here I thought you were immune all this time! I guess you're human after all! :)
  9. redeyed

    redeyed Porn Star

    May 13, 2009
    He needs to edit!!
  10. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
  11. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    Flirting on here feels awkward to me. Plus I have no idea what you look like and so it's rather hard for me to fantasize. Now, if you want to send me a picture, I can probably be much more agreeable. :cool:

  12. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Perhaps because were both smarter than we look. :)

    But let there be no doubt whatsoever...I fully support Shake's appointment as mod. I have every confidence that he'll make me proud, and as with the other mods, I'm deeply appreciative of his willingness to devote time to what has to be one of the most thankless and rewardless jobs on the planet. His opinions about deidre or anyone else have nothing whatsoever to do with this. He's a good choice.
  13. <MisterX>

    <MisterX> Sex Machine

    Jun 22, 2010
    Thanks for your response.:)
    Its not that I dont understand where he was coming from, because I do. I just think that this is the worse case for a ban anyone could come up with.
    Personal attacks are welcome, whether they are true or not. I cant imagine too many people putting too much stock in anything that came out of Diedres mouth. Obviously that isnt how he felt.

    I would be very surprised if the people complaining to Nophest, where users other than the ones who have been provoking Diedre for days, and probably even longer. Seems like that is a conflict of interest.
  14. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    That one is a done deal, I fear.
  15. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Well, it's an entirely rational point of view....but no fun at all. :)
  16. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    The main reason I don't think Shake had anything to do with this is that it's totally out of character for him. He's never, as far as I know, advocated for deidre, baller, or anyone else he doesn't like to be banned. If anything, I think Shake delights in the existence of such people...they provide a perfect foil for him. Sometimes I think this is what he lives for: proof of idiocy in other people. :)

    No offense, Shake.
  17. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    See, piggit, I told you. :lol:

    Nophest alerted us to this thread in the moderator section yesterday. In it, I told them I fully expected to be blamed for this, given the timing. And what I said there and I've already said here is that my mod status simply sent her over the edge and nophest finally took notice, as it were. But that doesn't change the fact that my relationship with her and our many fights had nothing to do with this decision.

    Since becoming a mod I have spoken to her only in the New Mod thread, not counting to posts that were not insulting in any way in another thread. If anything, my posts in that thread were tamer than usual. I think it was KN who commented that I must be going soft. Which is funny because now he's blaming me, just as you are, for being to hard on her and some how being able to insult her as mod in the past to get her to attack the notion of mod behavior in the present.

    I really can't be any more clear in saying she was not banned for anything that was said between her and I in the New Mod thread.

    Just because he doesn't post, don't take that to mean he doesn't watch what goes on. He did not consult us and we did not bring it up to him.

    I knew it would be unpopular with a few people but that's not a reason not to give me the job. I have the availability that was needed, I'm a regular, long time member, and I was willing to do it. They trusted me not to abuse the position and pull a Xyber. It's always a risk when you appoint a new person, after all, they appointed Xyber and pookey and look how that turned out. But, if you feel I have abused my position in some way, we'll talk about it. If it needs to go up the chain, we'll move it up the chain.

    My feelings regarding religion aside, what makes you say that? What can you point to, besides my occasional insults, of which all members are guilty of, that would lead you to believe that I would abuse my position?

    I didn't promise anything with regards to nophest. After reading through some threads in the mod section and seeing how he's responded in the past with calls to ban this member or that, it is my belief that he would reconsider his decision to ban Deidre if given a reason to do so. But I don't know him so I could be totally off base. It's not like we're best friends now that I'm in the new position.

    However, I can promise what I would do if Deidre comes in and apologizes for her slanderous remarks against the other mods. I don't expect any apology from her because she didn't do anything to me that requires some sort of official apology. She doesn't even have to acknowledge me and I'll do as I've said.

    A peace offering, if you will.

  18. <MisterX>

    <MisterX> Sex Machine

    Jun 22, 2010
    Very well said. And I think it is gracious of you to even suggest letting her stay.
    Its funny, I walked into a Diedre conversation the other day, and simply said, cant she be ignored. Over the next few days it became obvious that the people taunting her, actually enjoyed it. It seemed to make their time here more enjoyable. And it continued for days.
    So anyway I walk into this conversation and say a few things. I don't know this person, I don't know if it is a man or a woman. And frankly I don't care because I never had intentions on getting to know this person. But Ive never been one for sitting back and watching a group of adults tear into 1 person. It became a game for those people who don't like D79. And they followed it, everywhere. Just to poke it. That to me is very sad.
    Anyway because I actually did not bash this person I was considered to be someone who was fooled by this person, or that I supported this person.
    So just because someone doesn't support bullying, doesn't necessarily mean they support the person being bullied.
  19. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    This isn't just a personal attack, though, that's the thing. Deidre was attacking how the forum is run. Nophest gave her the benefit of the doubt and said if someone has wronged her, he'll kick them straight away. But if not, given the nature of her complaints, he informed her that she would be out if she couldn't. It's been going on for a very long time. And in response to that, she basically flipped him off.

    I doubt anyone complained to him about Deidre directly, but what do I know. I just started. I'm just a long time member here and I'm familiar with the ebbs and flows.

  20. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Nope, that's a dumb lie. Nophest was very clear what he was dealing with. Diedre79's false accusations of discrimination against him and favoritism towards others.

    That is not true and anyone who's been here awhile knows that.

    But none the less attacking the moderators and the administration is part of Deidre79's consistent pattern.

    Even so Nophest gave Deidre79 ample opportunity to retract and instead all Deidre79 did was continue his false accusations and comativeness.

    I don't blame Nophest one bit.

    See that's what I told you. You better visit while you can. Instead of wasting your time and causing more trouble here.

    Y'all should have just shut the fuck and apologized when you had the chance.

    And none of the rest of this stuff would have happened would it?

    Tenguy I tracked you and Distant Lover and even Ace down because on the one hand you are supporters of Deidre79 and yet have been here long enough if there was any incidences of discrimination and favoritism on the part of the moderators you would have been able to see it. Especially in Diedre79's case because you tend to follow her's/his/its posts.

    Here is exactly what you said:


    Notice also the false claim "save one." You're referring to ShakeZula who was not even a mod at the time.

    You're already prejudging ShakeZula as being unfair when he hasn't even had a chance to do anything yet.

    "To be sure the moderators, save one, have been proven to me to be very fair and even handed."

    And yet you protest when I call you a liar.

    And there you go lying again tenguy. You show me where I'm claiming any kind of victory concerning Deidre79 getting banned.

    On the contrary. As soon as I saw this thread come up, instead of encouraging Deidre79 to keep playing his lying game like you so called friends did. I tried to head it off and get Deidre79 to come to her/his/its senses, drop the false charge of mod discrimination, and then shut the fuck up.

    If Deidre79 and you had followed my advice the banning of Deidre79 might not have happened.

    So let's see a little of that personal responsibility you're always preaching about tenguy. You and your enabling are far more to blame than I am. I tried to stop it. All you did was fan the flames.

    I sure don't see it tenguy. Libel, in other words lying about someone, is not covered under free speech. It is a violation of free speech. That's why you can sue someone's ass of for committing it.

    And that is exactly what Deidre79 was doing. Libeling the moderators, and the administration of this site.

    No I do not agree with that at all. I do not think that charges of discrimination and favoritism should be ignored at all by the administrators of this site or any other business for that matter. Much of the success of any business depends on that business having a good reputation, and if you allow people to go around saying the business discriminates against some people and favor others it can and eventually will ruin your business.

    I'd think someone who claims to have created and ran several successful businesses would be aware of that.

    This is another bald faced lie tenguy.

    Here's the chain of events.

    Piggit announces the selection of Eljs and ShakeZula as new moderators.

    Deidre79 immediately goes ballistic and falsely accuses the moderators of discriminating against her,him/it and showing favoritism to others.

    Real simple tenguy check it out yourself.

    You bet I was tenguy. One thing I admire about this site is the moderators do not show favoritism, they do not discriminate, and you, Distant Lover, and Ace all admitted you'd never seen any discrimination or favoritism yourselves.

    And you know what I've always thought was pathetic tenguy? Its the way people like you enabled Deidre79's, supported Deidre79's attacks and lies, fueled the fights. In other words you and Distant Lover spent an awful lot of time actually hiding behind Deidre79 and getting her/him/or it to do your dirty work for you.

    I think that's actually what you're really upset about. You've lost your attack dog.