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  1. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    A good man is more likely to be a good president than a bad man being good.
  2. anon_de_plume

    anon_de_plume Porn Star

    Jul 15, 2012
    Ah, so asking me if i think Christians are evil is not an strong to driving what i said? Also, nothing i said could be considered an attack on Carson. I stated facts, pure and simple.

    Maybe you just don't like facts.
  3. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    It would require cuts in government spending, including military spending, that few Americans are in favor of.
  4. anon_de_plume

    anon_de_plume Porn Star

    Jul 15, 2012
    Just where does this 10% number come from? It's not in the bible. And considering that Carson talked about basing his taxes on the bible, then yes, this is a religious thing, no matter how you want to ignore that.
  5. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    To tithe is to pledge 10% to anything.

    But, since he does mean that only bible reading Christians pay the 10%, how is it a religious thing?

    It appears that you want to make something out of nothing. Typical.
  6. anon_de_plume

    anon_de_plume Porn Star

    Jul 15, 2012
    Where did he say that only Christians would pay? And what makes it religious is that HE said he wants to base his system on the bible.

    Guess that's just too difficult to understand.
  7. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    Not at all hard to understand. Since tithing is religious when it is pledged to the church, how is paying a 10% flat tax a religious "thing". Because he used a biblical reference doesn't make it a religious practice.

    Now, if said the people of the US has to pledge 10% to a church, we'd be having a different conversation.

    As I see it, you and Carson's detractors are using anything remotely connected to religion against him.. Why not make your attacks on the real issues, and not the ones you conjure up.
  8. Tommiecd

    Tommiecd The voice of reason

    Jan 14, 2011
    With what we have now, and Clinton who would not know the truth, if it bit her on the backside, and a Socialist Sanders, I respectively disagree. For one thing, one man does not decide for himself, he has advisers. Except the current dishonest man we have in there now, a president cannot make p0licy.
  9. anon_de_plume

    anon_de_plume Porn Star

    Jul 15, 2012
    Because it is a real issue how he intends to tax us. And as far as this ten percent, there is nothing in the bible that specifies a number, and the bible also allows for tithing things other than money, such as crops or livestock. On to of that, the whole tithing system didn't apply to everyone, only those that owned land and lifestock.

    I'm also curious... If I shouldn't be concerned with his religion, why did (and still does) make a huge stink over Obama's religion, of what they perceive his religion to be?

    And one more thing, it is quite telling that you only cherry pick my comments about religion, but totally ignore the comments about public assistance. That is something that Carson is very hypocritical, especial when it was Carson himself that said he used foodstamps growing up, and he got medical assistance at the expense of the government.

    Go ahead and cherry pick some more things from what i wrote.

  10. clarise

    clarise Precious princess Banned!

    Jan 28, 2011
    People still question Obama's religion because he's a lying motherfucker. That's why.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. clarise

    clarise Precious princess Banned!

    Jan 28, 2011
    double post. again. sheesh.
  12. clarise

    clarise Precious princess Banned!

    Jan 28, 2011
    I really like Carson and I would vote for him (as much as I think he is unelectable).

    But for the life of me I don't understand why he brings the term "tithing" into his explication of flat tax. I haven't liked it in the past when I've heard him do it on radio shows, and I did not like it when I heard it again on the recent debate. I don't see why it's necessary. He should instead focus on the leftist euphemism for our current system, namely, "progressive tax," and explain why it is anything but. The U.S. tax code is a travesty on its face, and there is no reason to bring the Bible into it.
  13. tommyturtle

    tommyturtle Having an Out of Shell Experience

    Apr 5, 2008
    You shall not steal is also a religious concept but we made it a law anyway.
  14. Tommiecd

    Tommiecd The voice of reason

    Jan 14, 2011
    I can explain, Dr Carson being a Christian assumes everyone knows what tithing is. Since he likes the concept of a flat amount, I would think that is why he refers to it as tithing. You must remember, this man is not a politician. I do not think he will ever be a politician. Do not under estimate the contempt in this country with politics as usual. Dr Carson may very well surprise everyone.
  15. clarise

    clarise Precious princess Banned!

    Jan 28, 2011

    I would be gratified to be surprised by him. At this point he is my favorite. I've been following him for at least two years.

    I also like Cruz, but I think he is even less electable than Carson.

    At this point the most electable might very well be Trump, and much as I like to razz all of Trump's knee-jerk detractors, his general popularity is disheartening.
  16. FeltPlay

    FeltPlay Porn Star

    Dec 30, 2014
    True, but Hillary is a murderous bitch and it looks like she will get her chance...why not Ben?
  17. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    So why are you bringing religion into it?

    He has every right to say that he doesn't agree with out policies on public assistance, whether he at some point in his life received them or not. You want to look at everything he did while he was living with his family as something that he had control of, did you control where your mother got money for food?

    Don't worry too much, I would not vote for him because of his extreme liberalism, or socialism, or communism, depending on who is labeling him.
  18. anon_de_plume

    anon_de_plume Porn Star

    Jul 15, 2012
    Jesus, you're stupid. Carson brought religion into this.

  19. NoOneFamous

    NoOneFamous Porn Star

    Jan 19, 2012
    who did Hillary murder
  20. FeltPlay

    FeltPlay Porn Star

    Dec 30, 2014
    The bitch has more blood on her hands than Lady Macbeth...only difference is Hillary is so brazen she worries not about washing the blood off.