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  1. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    I see this thread hasn't stopped being a load of horseshit.
  2. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    I'M BETTER THAN YOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  3. Krieg

    Krieg Unholy

    May 31, 2010
    "Boom goes the dynamite"

    *grabs the popcorn*
  4. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    It's coming. Are you ready?

  5. Krieg

    Krieg Unholy

    May 31, 2010
  6. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
  7. Krieg

    Krieg Unholy

    May 31, 2010
    You poked it.. you play with it.. I'm just watching..
    *munches popcorn*
  8. MrFors

    MrFors Young Master

    Apr 7, 2009

    I am a bit torn on this to be honest. On philosophy and as myself I agree whole heartedly with you Emily, but when I slip on my counsellor hat I have to go the other way. I don't have any clue about Trans state, but to play the devils advocate, depression is a hell of a lot bigger then media shows, and trans is showing a lot of the signs.

    The common misconception is that it is just feeling sorry for yourself, but that doesn't scratch the surface of it. One of the major symptoms is emotional flattening/loss of affect which Trans is showing with emotional numbness. I have never had depression that severe, but honestly, getting to a point in life where I feel nothing at all scares the hell out of me. Another frequent factor is loss of hope and has also been shown by Trans. It's not that they can't be bothered to do anything, it is that everything seems hopeless or doomed to fail that it is hard to find the effort to even try, usually because of a string of disappointments or failures.

    TLDR version :p I agree Em, but I will give the benefit of the doubt that he has severe depression with the above symptoms

    As for Trans, if you read this then I strongly advise you look into counselling or therapy. It sounds like you do have a severe case of depression, I can count about 4 symptoms in your posts alone. If you are suffering from changes in your eating or sleeping habbits, then that makes it 6, and I can't stress enough that there is a lot more help these days. Even if it's with medication, you can get through depression, or find ways to manage it
  9. transgressyourself

    transgressyourself Porn Star Suspended!

    Sep 9, 2010

    Yeah, Emily, lay off me would you? Jesus. I'm fucking down in the dumps.

    Have a heart you big meanie.
  10. Ashley24XO

    Ashley24XO Porn Star

    Aug 15, 2010
    I agree with MrFors if what you're saying is true Trans.......... but from what I've seen from you I don't think it is.

    This is probably your attempt to get attention and make people feel sorry for you ......... Nothing more than a big joke to you where your laughing at anyone that is sucked in by your shit!
  11. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    Na, he's not trying to get attention or pity, and he's not depressed either. He's just a stoner/wannabe philosopher who's trying to be "deep" and make people think he's "deep" or "blowing their mind", just like Mr. Fors is a wannabe-pretty-much-everything-he-ever-tries-to-be.

    Look at his signature and it tells you everything you need to know. "I don't mean to be a dick.. but I am one". If that were true, he wouldn't need to put it as his signature.
  12. hatsoff

    hatsoff Sex Machine Suspended!

    Aug 30, 2010
    The very act of opening a discussion on this totally belies your belief, and makes your statement untrue.
  13. MrFors

    MrFors Young Master

    Apr 7, 2009

    Unfortunately I have faith in people. He might be a stoner or a wannabe philosopher, I have no idea, but I would rather give him the benefit of the doubt and offer a helping hand instead of judging him like you do.

    Oh, and as for me being a "Wannabe", I openly admit my failings unlike you. I admit that I am 20, and there is a lot left for me to learn and experience. I stay away from threads on politics because I do not have anything special to contribute in them, I stay away from sports threads because the topic does not interest me so I have little knowledge about it, I stay away from most threads about other countries because I do not travel much so I am unlikely to have firsthand experience or knowledge in them.

    What I do know a lot about however, is psychology and counselling. I have two years of psychology studies, and another year of formal counselling training at college level. I am currently a year through a two year University level counselling diploma. I also volunteer for the Youth Enquiry Service, and serve as a counsellor to the young to fill placement hours for said diploma. In other words, although unpaid, I am already working as a counsellor, and I have four years of training under my belt in that field

    So yeah, call me a wannabe counsellor if you wish, and just prove how ignorant you are.
  14. Krieg

    Krieg Unholy

    May 31, 2010

    While an admirable and honest response.. I would give some sociable advice regarding baller.
    Simply ignore it.

    Consider baller like a thing in a petri dish.. fun to experiment with but after a while you see a predictable pattern and become bored with it.
    A few still give it attention,but really, you have met his type on other forums before.
    But you be the judge :)

    If you are truly a person with an interest in psychology.. I offer you for your observation baller16..
  15. WhaWhaWha

    WhaWhaWha Registered Self Abuser

    Jul 17, 2007
    That's gusto.

    Have you created art? Made your mark? Raised a child? Improved a life? Astonished and Amazed (not just admired) yourself? Conquered a fear? Overcome an illness or injury? Stood up for your beliefs in the face of adversity? Left the world better than you found it?

    That's living a life. Not a Nike commercial.
  16. MrFors

    MrFors Young Master

    Apr 7, 2009
    Wise advice that I should probably take. I prefer not to judge or make assumptions about people from observations though, it was a useful habbit for my psychology classes, but it's not good for the style of counselling that I study.

    That being said, I am the counsellor in my studies and sessions. I prefer to be plain old MrFors in my free time :p
  17. Obscene Cupcake

    Obscene Cupcake sexy fluffzilla

    Jul 1, 2010
    EMPTY? hell. I want an empty existence. pass some o that weed over here inky.
  18. Destor

    Destor Sex Machine

    Aug 9, 2010
    Living = Procreating, passing on the knowledge you have gained throughout your lifetime, and contributing to the progress of society.
  19. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    While I highly doubt any of that is true.. I'll just point you to the root of his "depression" as he explains in another thread...


    Go to the last post before mine.
  20. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    Predictable behaviour, from the predictable idiot.