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  1. transgressyourself

    transgressyourself Porn Star Suspended!

    Sep 9, 2010
    Aw, thanks Cupcake. You truly are a sweet.

    As for the rest of you, god damn, most of you are a bunch of dicks.

    So I guess I dpon't really care what you think of me since you've proven to be unworthy of my thoughts at all. Fuck y'all (mostly).
  2. Krieg

    Krieg Unholy

    May 31, 2010
    Meh.. I haven't encountered you enough to know if your crazy, needs meds, full of shite as others say..

    Haven't seen you be overtly rude..

    So not going to hop on this "bash'em" ride because I don't know you.

    BUT.. If you going to "fuck y'all" it is completely or not at all.. none of this "mostly" stuff. Depriving some of a good "fuck y'all" is just rude.

    I demand a "fuck you Krieg" just to feel included.
  3. Obscene Cupcake

    Obscene Cupcake sexy fluffzilla

    Jul 1, 2010
    nitpicking krieg?
  4. transgressyourself

    transgressyourself Porn Star Suspended!

    Sep 9, 2010
    Fuck you, Krieg. :p
  5. transgressyourself

    transgressyourself Porn Star Suspended!

    Sep 9, 2010
    Now seriously, I was drunk the other night and feeling depressed and, randomly, I decided to vent here.

    Now, when I get drunk, I get philosophical. When I get depressed, I get philosophical. So sue me! I didn't know I was giving you all a know-it-all attitude.

    Whatever, I'm about to get drunk again and do some creative writing.
  6. Emily23XXX

    Emily23XXX Studette

    Oct 6, 2008
    I can't wait, be sure to share it with us!!! :rolleyes:
  7. transgressyourself

    transgressyourself Porn Star Suspended!

    Sep 9, 2010
  8. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    Lol. Score one for Emily.
  9. dr.nobody

    dr.nobody Porn Surfer

    Dec 12, 2010
    Oh man let me get my rubber boots shit got kind of deep on this thread!

    Life is of what you make of it, and then you've got to deal with many assholes along the way, find someone to shag with, have her put out a few pups, and after you pass, they'll live off with all the mula they inherited from your insurance policy if you had the brains to get one, or if you really want to be an asshole just leave the wife deep in dept and the mafia after your gambling money! ;)
  10. Krieg

    Krieg Unholy

    May 31, 2010
    Thank you.
  11. Goldicocks

    Goldicocks Porn Star

    Mar 8, 2009
    thank you! :rose:
  12. forged

    forged Porno Junky

    Dec 10, 2010
    This is truth.

    You make very good sense with this. Although Judging from the responses, I would have to determine that most here are living in crazy land.

    life has no meaning. - this is why people struggle with their lives and watch TV, Drink, or try to "escape" from their responsibility to live a life. Life has no meaning other that what you are doing at any given moment, which is a kind of paradox, because the moment lives only in our brains.

    Our brains are our connection and basically the creator of our reality, and each person's reality is different that everyone else's. Our realities are basically made-up... our in your words, imagined.

    So what if you and twelve other people saw me walk into a room, that is your imaginations, my imagination only sees me walk into the room, and if my imagination is working to tell me that I entered a green field, then I have entered a green field...

    And everyone in the room can argue otherwise until they are blue in the face... it won't change my reality.

    You can discuss this point with any six year old kid who thinks they are a princess, astronaut, ninja or whatever. they believe what they believe and that's the end of the story.

    Now, even by how this thread progressed, when said child says they are a princess, everyone else want to force their reality on them, and tells them that no, you are not a princess - get your head out of the clouds. By doing this you are forcing someone into your view... dictatorship? forced rule?

    Nobody can actually share a reality.

    Each reality is individualistic and is owned by the creator solely.

    I would think that trying to force someone to agree to your reality and live it... is definitely crazy.

    Are we already dead? Perhaps most are. Those who drown themselves in "reality" TV shows, hate their job, cheat on their spouse, or find anyway to smooth over the fact that they cannot, and have not stood up to the nagging fear that sits in their belly like a rotten potato.

    I don't mean the fear of hieghts, the fear of an angry dog... I'm talking about the fear of lost opportunity, when the chance to seize a moment to create from thought something truly spectacular... just because of "what other people might say" about it, or the fear of telling themselves that they aren't good enough to do _____.

    Yes, a life like this is death, only it is animated and walking... a parasite of humanity. These people can only take, and use what others create, because they know deep down they are too afraid to create for themselves.

    What is happiness? That is for each person to decide. for me, I decided that happiness is when I feel good. When I feel good about what I am doing. What I have done, and what I am about to do.

    Then I am happy.

    If I am doing something That I don't like... I hate myself... so I don't do it anymore.

    I like to do things in a way that I feel good... most can only dream of this, some lie to themselves and sacrifice to get there... "I hate doing THIS, but I will do IT to get THAT." Kind of like working at a job to make some money to go on vacation... (to try and escape their doldrum-esque existence).

    Because our brains are so tricky and powerful, you can believe anything you want... and it will become real. Few people realize this, and deny that it is so, because then they would have to face the fact that their life could be more than what it is. That they were too lazy and too scared to manifest their dreams.

    We have the power to take thought and tarnsform that thought into matter. Artists do it all the time, you are doing it all the time. An architect can dream up a building, and then have it built. SHAZAM!

    Nothing exists, and there is no purpose...to life and living until each individual person decides what existence is and what their purpose is to them.

    great thread.
  13. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    Another wannabe philosopher.

    That was just such unbelievable bullshit. Wow.
  14. Old Tool

    Old Tool Porn Star

    Sep 29, 2006

    Although a little disjointed, that poster made some fairly decent points - arguments that have been feverishly debated by sophisticated minds for centuries.

    What part(s), exactly, did you find to be such bullshit?
  15. Rockprincess

    Rockprincess Celestial Princess

    Oct 29, 2006
    I've been right there at the very edge of death-I love life and every single day even the trials and tribulations...
  16. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    They're both projecting and making assumptions/assertions based on their sheltered lives. He's calling people crazy who point out that they don't live in reality and that reality is not subjective. It's all self-centered bullshit.

    Now had it not been self-centered and based on something other than his own sheltered experiences/life, then maybe it'd be different but that's still a big maybe.
  17. Old Tool

    Old Tool Porn Star

    Sep 29, 2006

    Again I ask you - what points, exactly, from the latest faux-philospher, do you take exception to? :confused:
  18. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    The whole thing.

    When you see everything subjectively and self-centeredly, you are incapable of speaking objective truth or thinking objective thoughts.

    They only make these "points" to justify their own "meaninglessness" and failure. It's like the douchey little fucks who try to say that the non-existent male ego, the human race in general, or something bilogical/evolutionary is the reason they're like children who can't share their favorite toys when it comes to girls/women. It comes from nothing other than being a spoiled little shit who is never corrected and is allowed to be that way.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2010
  19. Old Tool

    Old Tool Porn Star

    Sep 29, 2006
    So you disagree with this portion of his statement? :confused:

    If so, what is your rebuttal, exactly - that only objective truth exists? If so, what is it? Define it for me, please.
  20. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    Of course I disagree with it.

    The only thing that exists is what is. This whole self-centered idea that we decide anything is just ridiculous. Yes it's true that we don't see everything that exists outside of visible light(hear everything that exists outside of our range, etc) but that doesn't mean this is a figment of our imagination, and then to go from there and say that we decide what existence is or that we decide our own meaning is completely contradicting the idea that reality is subjective. It's just self-centered, circular logic.

    We can say and think and believe and feel whatever we want but at the end of the day, all that exists is what is, not what we say exists or not what we feel exists or what we believe exists.

    Especially if you believe in human evolution then you're contradicting yourself by acting like we're important or special enough for this to all be for us.