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    One more important message - Do not answer to people pretending to be from xnxx team or a member of the staff. If the email is not from forum@xnxx.com or the message on the forum is not from StanleyOG it's not an admin or member of the staff. Please be carefull who you give your information to.

    Best regards,


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  2. Hello,

    You can now get verified on forum.

    The way it's gonna work is that you can send me a PM with a verification picture. The picture has to contain you and forum name on piece of paper or on your body and your username or my username instead of the website name, if you prefer that.

    I need to be able to recognize you in that picture. You need to have some pictures of your self in your gallery so I can compare that picture.

    Please note that verification is completely optional and it won't give you any extra features or access. You will have a check mark (as I have now, if you want to look) and verification will only mean that you are who you say you are.

    You may not use a fake pictures for verification. If you try to verify your account with a fake picture or someone else picture, or just spam me with fake pictures, you will get Banned!

    The pictures that you will send me for verification won't be public

    Best regards,


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  1. unilive

    unilive Newcumer

    Feb 7, 2019

    I’ve asked for my story to be edited before posting more chapters to it and it was refused it for the reason: Underaged.

    I don't get it, my characters are still 18, the story had been approved before, I didn't change anything. Do characters have to be 21 now or something?

    thanks for telling me.
  2. Sensualist24

    Sensualist24 Porn Surfer

    Apr 11, 2019
    Sent off a six-chapter story today. I think it's my best yet, but we'll see how others respond.

    Interesting thing - you can't use words in a story that can form html tags, like select or script. Even if they don't have angle brackets. You write something like "inscription" and the site changes it to "ins*****ion".
    • Like Like x 1
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    1. JoeRogue
      Yeah I asked about that months ago. No reply of course. So I just use l's -"subscrlptlon"- it looks funny but better than trying to decipher de*****ion. and if I need to well there's always a thesaurus.
      JoeRogue, Aug 27, 2019
    2. Sensualist24
      Published today, so that's three days. For some reason chapter 5 is missing. Hit publish on it again, I thought I did so the first time, can't tell now.
      Sensualist24, Aug 28, 2019
  3. Sensualist24

    Sensualist24 Porn Surfer

    Apr 11, 2019
    This is not fair. Five of the six chapters of my story were rejected. The reasons given were:

    - talk about minors
    - underage girls
    - underage persons in the story
    - kids in the story
    - underage girls

    The trouble is that this is mistaken. The characters in the story are over 18. All sex happens between 18-year-olds. The story takes place on a university campus.

    One of the chapters does have a section where a character talks about her childhood, but there is nothing sexual about that memory. Another chapter talks about education, but again nothing sexual. And even chapters that don't even have that are being rejected.

    I really don't get it. How can I get this cleared up?
    1. Sensualist24
      They kept rejecting until I removed any references to ages under eighteen, even if the age was in the context of a nonsexual memory. This gutted the story, which relied on the characters' experiences in youth (in a war, no less). There is nothing I can find in the site rules that justifies this.
      Sensualist24, Sep 6, 2019
  4. minniesdollhouse

    minniesdollhouse Newcumer

    Apr 7, 2019
    I created an account on here and used it to sign-in on the Stories site, but it seems to not work? I submitted a story to be posted but it says it's from an 'unknown user' and I get something similar when I try to change my profile, it says user does not exist or something. Any idea what's up?
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Mojavejoe420

    Mojavejoe420 Porn Surfer

    Jun 3, 2016
    What is the accepted age now for characters? My story was turned down even though they had no specific age. I was leaving it vague on purpose.

    thanks for the help
    1. BashfulScribe
      As far as I know, as long as age isn't specifically mentioned, characters shown to be above 14 are fine. Was your story specifically rejected for age-based reasons?
      BashfulScribe, Nov 2, 2019
  6. Twink Mike 420

    Twink Mike 420 Newcumer

    Oct 30, 2019
    I'm trying to post my first story but can't get it out of edit mode. I clicked on edit, and once on that page the box says publish and I click save, but it still shows on edit mode. Do I have to wait for it to be approved before it changes from edit mode?
    1. BashfulScribe
      You're correct, you have to wait for it to be reviewed. As long as you made sure it was set to 'publish,' just wait until it goes through the system and you should be good to go.
      BashfulScribe, Nov 2, 2019
  7. Twink Mike 420

    Twink Mike 420 Newcumer

    Oct 30, 2019

    Thank you for the explanation! It got posted.
  8. Mojavejoe420

    Mojavejoe420 Porn Surfer

    Jun 3, 2016
    Hey Bash, looks like it has to be 18 now? My first story got rejected for age even though no age was specified. My second story got rejected because of this line: "They were friends since they were two years old." Yes, really.
    1. BashfulScribe
      That's so dumb. I'm sorry, my friend.
      BashfulScribe, Nov 12, 2019
    2. Sensualist24
      I have had the same thing. You can't have any mention of an age under eighteen. Even if you write back and explain that the context is nonsexual, they don't bend. Their scripts probably search the words "one" through "seventeen". In fact, judging by the language of the mods' responses, it appears moderation is outsourced to a team in India which is instructed to not try to evaluate context.
      Sensualist24, Nov 24, 2019
  9. Mojavejoe420

    Mojavejoe420 Porn Surfer

    Jun 3, 2016
    Has anyone noticed that all the New Top Stories are under 92%, all the time? Is there a self-appointed hit squad that downvotes all stories? This place pisses me off, I don’t know why I bother sometimes.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    1. throatHER
      9 out of 10 ain't bad
      throatHER, Nov 8, 2019
    2. Sensualist24
      Possibly yes. Technically it's not that hard to set up a spam voter to "hit" others' stories. The only solution would be to require login in order to vote. But then there would hardly be any votes.
      Sensualist24, Nov 24, 2019
  10. feldegast

    feldegast Newcumer

    Feb 20, 2011
    Hi, as a reader on this site for quite some time now i have seen many changes, i note that stories on some topics were excluded some time back, there are lots of story themes that remain on the site that i find distasteful, a feature that would allow me to select those themes i prefer to see and either put the rest at the end or hide the rest so i do not have to wade through many many stories i dislike, this would improve the sites desirability and possibly also help authors to target their stories at topics that people prefer
  11. feldegast

    feldegast Newcumer

    Feb 20, 2011
    adding the ability to sort the stories by quickly clicking on the heading of the table

    adding the JavaScript from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14267781/sorting-html-table-with-javascript or similar to quickly sort stories by clicking in the heading, some authors are prolific but their stories are not in any logical order making it hard to follow stories posted in multiple parts
    this sorting is done client side so no server side changes needed (hopefully)
  12. TaffyTitbit

    TaffyTitbit Newcumer

    Nov 20, 2019
    New member here, just joined yesterday.Looking to upload a story or 2 soon. Does anybody have any advice regarding story content guidelines. Not sure if age restriction is 18 or 21 on story characters.

    Any advice would be much appreciated


    have h

    • Like Like x 1
    1. Josef.K.
      TaffyTitbit was last seen:
      Nov 26, 2019

      Total postings = 1
      Josef.K., Dec 31, 2019
  13. feldegast

    feldegast Newcumer

    Feb 20, 2011
    it's possible to set up a bot that logs in as well
  14. aamir Hyderabad

    aamir Hyderabad Newcumer

    Dec 18, 2019
    Hey I have written 4 parts of sex story and it has been more than 2 days since I clicked on publish story in the edit menu. it still shows in edit mode though I selected 'Publish your story' It still shows edit mode under status.

    i read this on this forum which i suggest you may add on submit story page for new writers like me.
    • first, you should write and save your story on your computer (on a txt file or a word file, no matter the text editor you used) before posting it. There's a server timeout. If you spend too much time writing your stories into our system, you will be disconnected from your session, and your story will never be saved. The best solution is to copy/paste your work from the file saved into your computer.

      - To post a new story, just click on "New story".
      Little explanation about "Characters Count": your story must have at least 5000 characters. After few years, we realized that readers generally prefer long stories with many description...

      At the bottom of the page, there's a box called "Publishing".
      - Publish your story: your story will be online after validation (shouldn't be longer then 48 hours).
      - Continue editing: your story is on "edit mode". When you think your story is ready, you can change it to "Publish your story" to see your work online.]
    • There are 3 modes of a story:
      1. - Validated: for an online story. 2. If you click on "View", you can see the story with all comments made on it.3. - Edit mode: for a story in edit mode, if you have choosen "Continue editing" from the "New story" page. You can make every modification as you want. When you think your story is ready to be online, you can change this mode by cliking on "Edit" and change the box at the bottom of the page to "Publish your story". You can also delete it if you want.
    • There's no way to tell if a story is in edit mode or in the moderation queue. But it definitely needs "in queue" indication.
    • I Read on This Forum that for New stories on the sex stories site are reviewed before publication. The process can take up to a week, Don't re-submit your stuff, or you'll go to the back of the line. Patience is a virtue.

    It would be nice if the website mentions this on their submit or post story page when you click on post a new story so new writers like me don't wonder for a while why it's not working properly.

    • Like Like x 1
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    1. Cmonkeynutz
      You would think that would be included reading when one is reading the site's guidelines for story submissions ......
      Cmonkeynutz, Aug 6, 2020
  15. aamir Hyderabad

    aamir Hyderabad Newcumer

    Dec 18, 2019
    Hey I have written parts of a sex story and it has been more than 2 days since I clicked on publish story in the edit menu. it still shows in edit mode though I pressed 'Publish your story' It still shows edit mode under status.

    i started to look for answers on the site and i am posting what ever little useful i coukd gather this for the benefit of new writers like me..

    hope it helps..

    i read this on this forum which i suggest you may add on submit story page for new writers like me.

    Basics steps to post a story on sexstoriescom:

    - First of all, you must have an account on the forum.

    - Once your account is created, you can go to sexstories.com.

    - If you already have an account, you just have to login to sexstories.com with the same login information.

    - Important note: first, you should write and save your story on your computer (on a txt file or a word file, no matter the text editor you used) before posting it. There's a server timeout. If you spend too much time writing your stories into our system, you will be disconnected from your session, and your story will never be saved. The best solution is to copy/paste your work from the file saved into your computer.

    - To post a new story, just click on "New story".

    Little explanation about "Characters Count": your story must have at least 5000 characters. After few years, we realized that readers generally prefer long stories with many de***********ion...

    At the bottom of the page, there's a box called "Publishing".

    - Publish your story: your story will be online after validation (shouldn't be longer then 48 hours).

    - Continue editing: your story is on "edit mode". When you think your story is ready, you can change it to "Publish your story" to see your work online.

    - "Your stories":

    first, you should write and save your story on your computer (on a txt file or a word file, no matter the text editor you used) before posting it. There's a server timeout. If you spend too much time writing your stories into our system, you will be disconnected from your session, and your story will never be saved. The best solution is to copy/paste your work from the file saved into your computer.

    - To post a new story, just click on "New story".

    Little explanation about "Characters Count": your story must have at least 5000 characters. After few years, we realized that readers generally prefer long stories with many de***********ion...

    At the bottom of the page, there's a box called "Publishing".

    On the screen capture below you can see the 3 modes of a story:

    - Validated: for an online story. If you click on "View", you can see the story with all comments made on it.

    - Edit mode: for a story in edit mode, if you have choosen "Continue editing" from the "New story" page. You can make every modification as you want. When you think your story is ready to be online, you can change this mode by cliking on "Edit" and change the box at the bottom of the page to "Publish your story". You can also delete it if you want.

    For every stories listed on this page, you have some statistics like the number of comments, reads and rate...

    - Publish your story: your story will be online after validation (shouldn't be longer then 48 hours).

    - Continue editing: your story is on "edit mode". When you think your story is ready, you can change it to "Publish your story" to see your work online.]

    There are 3 modes of a story:

    1. - Validated: for an online story. 2. If you click on "View", you can see the story with all comments made on it.3. - Edit mode: for a story in edit mode, if you have choosen "Continue editing" from the "New story" page. You can make every modification as you want. When you think your story is ready to be online, you can change this mode by cliking on "Edit" and change the box at the bottom of the page to "Publish your story". You can also delete it if you want.

    There's no way to tell if a story is in edit mode or in the moderation queue. But it definitely needs "in queue" indication.

    I Read on This Forum that for New stories on the sex stories site are reviewed before publication. The process can take up to a week, Don't re-submit your stuff, or you'll go to the back of the line. Patience is a virtue.

    It would be nice if the website mentions this on their submit or post story page when you click on post a new story so new writers like me don't wonder for a while why it's not working properly.

    Don't write your story directly into system. There's a server timeout, after few minutes of inactivity, you will be disconnected and you will lose your work.

    The best solution is to write and save your work into your computer and copy/paste it here.

    Don't forget to check your story before posting it. With some text editors, there could be some problems like formating text or inapropriate characters.

    Please, don't abuse with themes. No need to add all of them.

    Your story must have at least 5000 characters. Please, don't trick the system, your story will be refused.

    Don't post PEDO stories ! We check all reports from users regularly and actions are taken: stories deleted, accounts banned etc...

    Thanks for posting :)
  16. Diny

    Diny Newcumer

    Feb 5, 2019
    Hi, can i post a story in Arabic ?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Josef.K.

    Josef.K. Porn Star

    Jul 21, 2018
    .لا لا يمكنك ذلك
    la la yumkinuk dhalik.

  18. Morningglorie

    Morningglorie Porno Junky

    Aug 25, 2018
    I have had that same issue....from Day #1. I do believe that I have sent an email...but, since "Life" is what happens while you are making other plans~ spring-summer--Halloween/SNOW. Oh, Happy New Year to all. I am NOT computer or tech savvy.
  19. aamir Hyderabad

    aamir Hyderabad Newcumer

    Dec 18, 2019
    i have submitted a story in 4 parts on 25/12/19 but it is still under edit ..please update status
    1. throatHER
      During the holidays it takes longer to publish.
      Probably by next week
      throatHER, Jan 4, 2020
      aamir Hyderabad likes this.
  20. aamir Hyderabad

    aamir Hyderabad Newcumer

    Dec 18, 2019
    No New story posted since 19/12/19.. seems long holidays..