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  1. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    Having been in and around the lifestyle for 20 years (my husband 38 years) to degrees few will ever experience I can tell you that the only thing "gay" about it is your friend's reaction....but then again not. What I mean by that is, his response would be except it sounds as though you were discussing subjects with someone who is not experienced or mature enough to be discussing them.

    It doesn't matter that he has started swinging in that he has not been in it long enough to have enough experience to be comfortable with his own sexuality. Think about it. Why does it matter to him what you do? My initial guess being you mentioning such a thing to him probably felt to him as though you were tossing it out there to garner a good/bad reaction intent on leading onto more rather than simply having a casual conversation.

    I'm not saying that you spoke on a subject you shouldn't have. What I'm saying is you discussed a topic with the wrong people.......Hence the old swingers concept of "discretion". Part of that being not sharing people, events, or situations with those not having similar tastes, experience or knowledge......you're the veteran, it is upon you to make that call knowing that when they are ready to know or learn they will ask.

    Hush....an alias
  2. swingerj

    swingerj Sex Machine

    Oct 21, 2010
    Very true all around. To give context, we were having a conversation about the lifestyle and he was asking quite a few questions about how to behave. They all seemed like he was wanting to make sure he did not violate the "rules". The question that spawned my answer above was regarding "accidental touching". Like if he were to touch another member of the party in some way that was not intended. I told him it all depends on the relationship they have with their partners. Then I told the story.

    I was quite put off by his response and checked off the "too immature" box on his party invitation.

    Thank you for your well thought out input. Always good to connect with others in the lifestyle that have experience.
  3. swingerj

    swingerj Sex Machine

    Oct 21, 2010
    Tiny bit, yes.:)
  4. BrandiDelicious

    BrandiDelicious Luscious Lips

    Sep 3, 2010
    You were confident which is a huge turn on and the etiquette of the lifestyle is yet to be learned by your friend who called you gay.