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  1. jazmeen

    jazmeen Porn Surfer

    Jul 13, 2012

    did it all the time my senior year. after football i'd have 2 wait 4 the bus had 40 mins to kill. did it in locker room boys & girls mostly in the auditorium. very secluded & nobody ever in there after school went on for months:cool:
  2. gdiver

    gdiver Newcumer

    Jan 18, 2009
    I used to jerk off in the classroom starting in Jr high. Used a pen or pencil and rubbed my dick thru my pants till I came. Also would rub my dick till I popped in the crowded hallways between classes, often while pushing up against a girl. A quick trigger at that age made it possible.
  3. liketoedge

    liketoedge Sex Lover

    Aug 24, 2009
    The riskiest place I ever did it in school was in the whirlpool tub in the locker room after practice with others walking around and standing around. With the water moving in the tub nobody could see what my hands were really doing.
  4. laos_lover

    laos_lover Porn Surfer

    Sep 27, 2012
    Masturbated plenty of times at school. Hell, even got a handjob from one of the school captains during my year 12 English classes.

    Fuck I miss highschool, so much more fun sexually than being at uni for engineering
  5. MattMk2

    MattMk2 Porn Surfer

    Jul 15, 2010
    Never masturbated in school, but sat next to a girl and we had a thing going, she tossed me off and I fingered her, right there in maths class! Was a brilliant climax!!