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  1. Littlefinger564

    Littlefinger564 Porn Surfer Suspended!

    Aug 12, 2012
    Look we have to remember sexuality is a broad church and is in no way black or white. Im a great beliver that sexuality is a spectrum and that even a guy who only ever fucks women can have a gay thought or be a closeted homosexual.

    It saddens me that you called someone a limp wristed liberal as if polotics has anything to do with sexuality liberals and conservatives alike should neither encourage nor discourage any kind of sexuality its non of their buissnes. And whilst were at it why when conservatives say they favor small goverment and no goverment intervention do they get up in your buissnes about the most personal things like sexuality?

    If you want to eat pussy thats fine but you should also be fine with a guy sucking a cock its not like gay people force you to watch it or get involved its their privet life.
  2. the fox

    the fox A Feisty little Animal

    Oct 19, 2006
    even so there both fucktards so there is that
  3. vibibottom

    vibibottom Sex Machine

    May 23, 2011
    By far, my favorite word...EVER!!! :cool:
  4. Dovahkiin627

    Dovahkiin627 Amateur

    Feb 29, 2012
    Dude, why don't you just shut up and go away. You have already failed as a parent and as a human being. I get it. You're straight. I am too. But that doesn't mean you have to hate on those who aren't. And if your own son becomes gay? So what?? Who gives a rat's ass??? He's still your SON. And still deserves your love as a parent. You are a closed-minded, ignorant prick. I hope you never have a kid at all. Because no kid deserves a father who would turn their back on them for their sexuality. I bet you'd change your tune if it was a daughter who turned out to like other women, wouldn't you? Well guess what. It's the same damn deal. So get off your biggot high-horse and learn to be a little more accepting of people for who they are, would ya? Damn. Some people these days.
  5. tiffanyk7

    tiffanyk7 Sex Lover

    Sep 3, 2012
    This pretty much sums it up.... :)
  6. Capnip-Everdeen

    Capnip-Everdeen Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jun 15, 2012
    Ever wonder why some liberals always want some things to be a choice and other things they say it isn't a choice? Take for example a woman having an abortion and a woman eating pussy. She wants the choice to kill a baby, but when it comes to eating pussy they say it isn't my choice and I can't help but want to eat out another woman. Yum yum Nom Nom Nom!!!!!
  7. Capnip-Everdeen

    Capnip-Everdeen Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jun 15, 2012
    Ever wonder why some liberals always want some things to be a choice and other things they say it isn't a choice? Take for example a woman having an abortion and a woman eating pussy. She wants the choice to kill a baby, but when it comes to eating pussy they say it isn't my choice and I can't help but want to eat out another woman. Yum yum Nom Nom Nom!!!!!
  8. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    Well are you people?

    Hush.......an alias
  9. screamer6y

    screamer6y Sex Machine

    Apr 24, 2012

    Right on. If my son is happy, I'm happy. But he is not gay at all.
  10. origen01

    origen01 Porn Star

    Nov 18, 2008
    So you want NO cock?

    Doesn't that make you a lesbian?
  11. Gemstone

    Gemstone Sex Lover Suspended!

    Sep 7, 2012
    I fail to see how sexual orientation and abortion are in any way similar or linked.
  12. skinsman82000

    skinsman82000 Porn Surfer

    Feb 20, 2010
    All I can gather from this thread is the OP really wants a guy to try and fuck him to he can put on his latex gloves(his fetish) and grab it aggressively...like he can't help himself.

    His first gay experience was with an ultra liberal, and he hates how much he enjoyed himself. So he is projecting that hate onto the same people who's cock he craves to be inside him.

    Or he's a sad little man just trying to get some much needed attention ;-)
  13. furrychin

    furrychin Porn Star

    Apr 19, 2007
    either way your right
  14. Capnip-Everdeen

    Capnip-Everdeen Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jun 15, 2012
    I think you're a 19 year old faggot that is finishing up his second skater at the local community college.
  15. Littlefinger564

    Littlefinger564 Porn Surfer Suspended!

    Aug 12, 2012
    You are just repressing your own sexuality. If you woke up one night and a guy was sucking your dick like a pro then i bet you wouldnt stop him.

    Besides why do you care where your son puts his dick how dose it affect you in any way ?
  16. Capnip-Everdeen

    Capnip-Everdeen Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jun 15, 2012
    If I woke up and had some faggot sucking my cock, that would be the last cock he sucked. I would throw him off of me and then pull everyone of his teeth out with a pair of pliers! Then I would kick the shit out of him. Bust his head up reap nice. That limp wrist fruitloop would eating the rest of his meals through a straw.
  17. furrychin

    furrychin Porn Star

    Apr 19, 2007
    come on capnip why don't you come clean about your latent homo tendencies and embrace it . i did and felt loads better about myself. you would stop hating a large %of people. why, you might even end up being liked by people. maybe pushing it too far there ,but you never know. love david xxx
  18. keennyt

    keennyt Porn Star

    Dec 17, 2011
    i think catnip is a drama queen going around causing shit and stirring pots when they dont need tobe.....my opinion anyways...
  19. Capnip-Everdeen

    Capnip-Everdeen Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jun 15, 2012
    My name is not catnip! It is capnip! Damn you're a fucking lib.
  20. Julie30

    Julie30 Porno Junky

    Feb 3, 2012
    Did you choose to be heterosexual? NO! You just always knew that you were! People who are homosexual do not "choose" to be so it is part of their genetic make-up! Can't believe this outdated bigotry is still rife in the 21st century.