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  1. InTheMindsEye

    InTheMindsEye What a cock!

    Jul 23, 2009
    Love his dance at the end!!!
  2. lovelylouise

    lovelylouise Sex Lover

    Jun 28, 2010
    *opens the door for King Nothing*

    Please! Get out! Don't let the door hit you on your way out!

    I have ENOUGH of you! You were a fucking bastard to me before you even got to know me and from what I can see, that's how you are with everyone else too.

    Remember that? :) Dickhead. I really hope it bothers you that I'm from Metro Detroit, because that would make my day. Oh, and thanks for calling my boyfriend a fag! Because you would really know for sure when you don't even know him. :excited:

    Also, I have had ENOUGH of all of this drama. If you want to be a whiny little brat and leave then just DO IT! It would be so nice for both sides of this bullshit to just drop it and move on. You're right, I shouldn't have posted my "Jerry Springer shit" on the forum. I won't make excuses for myself or try to explain why I did that. But at least I'm not like all of you, running around screaming at eachother like a bunch of children for no reason at all. Besides the fact that you like to hear yourselves talk, that is.

    Whether I like the final outcome of all this Diedre drama or not (because I am, personally, still not sure it was handled the right way nor do I think that her being banned was really necessary), it is what it is and I guarantee you Nophest and all of the other mods are not going to fall to their knees crying if you leave as a sign of protest, nor will Diedre be restored to the forum just because you pitched a fit and left, no matter how many people you take with you!

    So, why don’t you walk on through that door and I will be glad to slam it shut and lock it behind you! :excited:
  3. SemiLunate

    SemiLunate Lill Luna Lunatic

    Aug 4, 2008
    Ah,so thats a yes then.
    dont worry, I dont demand undying love until I've known you for at least a year. :kiss:
  4. ancient's OBVIOUS SOCK!

    ancient's OBVIOUS SOCK! Sex Lover

    Jul 18, 2010

    *wiggle wiggle*

    It's saturated every fiber of my being!
  5. InTheMindsEye

    InTheMindsEye What a cock!

    Jul 23, 2009
    I think lovelylouise needs a lie down in a darkened room and I think I need therapy.
  6. lovelylouise

    lovelylouise Sex Lover

    Jun 28, 2010
    I think that's a yes to both of those. :excited:
  7. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    King Nothing says our moderators are prideful and apparently vindictive enough to get a member banned for criticizing them.

    Tenguy is alleging some kind of conspiracy on the mods part to get Diedre79 banned.

    The mods say they have nothing to do with that and did not know Nophest was even going to action.

    Personally in all the time I've been here and in all the fights I've had with moderators I've never seen them display anything except the highest personal honor, integrity, and fairness.

    I believe our moderators have proven themselves worthy of our trust time and time again and its is completely unfair, hurtful, harmful and destructive, to suddenly claim they are petty, vindictive and dishonest people.

    They've put in thousands of hours on this forum for free. They've showed incredible restraint and you know something else they've also show unbelievable humility when Nophest has overruled some of their decisions. They didn't get mad and quit like a lot of people would. They took it as constructive criticism. And in all that time the moderators on this site have never discriminated against members or show favoritism to others as far as I could see.

    But those are "mods" as we call them. I've also come to know some people at least as well as one can get to know someone on the internet.

    Chunky was my first friend here and my computer and forum instructor. I thought we were like best friends. Then he became a mod and one day he deleted a thread that was choke full of really ugly racism and nasty things said by members. It was a complete embarrassment. In the mean time the guy the thread was about was spamming, hacking, and fucking up the site on purpose.

    Chunky banned him and removed the thread that referred to it. I accused Chunky of only removing the thread because so many members had lost their tempers and made themselves look terrible. I fought and attacked Chunky for days and took on most all the other mods in the process. It repairable damaged our friendship.

    Perhaps you can get a sense then how humbling it is for Chunky to fix spelling errors for me (sometimes even on his own because he knows how terrible of a speller I am). Of the times he's straightened things out on the threads. Or for responding as quickly as possible if I have a question even though on a normal basis we don't even speak to each other.

    I've met so few people like Piggit in this world. Just from observing her quiet and truthful straight forward manner. Seeing her meet personal scorn and insults with grace and often humor. Never extending the fight always exiting gracefully. And most amazing of all the ability to stop one of my tirades after I'd lost my temper with just a handful of soft words.

    I had to get to know a woman like that and it turned out to be one of the hardest things I ever did because I am married and she will have nothing to do with a married man in the real world or any place else.

    I finally managed to convince her I could keep respectable boundaries and that I had actually sort of introduced her to my wife already anyway and gradually she came to trust me. And its become sort of a platonic three way between her, my wife, and I.

    I have so rarely found those qualities in a human being it literally breaks my heart to see her viciously and falsely attacked.

    I've also come to know ShakeZula and Eljs. Shake because he's an asshole deluxe just like I am and the most worthy opponent I've ever encountered. And that's because ShakeZula lives by an intellectually and academic honesty rarely seen especially around here.

    I don't know a better way to prove that you are actually fair and objective than to be that way while you under attack and fire in an internet brawl.

    And Eljs. Come on. What the fuck has Eljs ever done but be constructive, intelligent, caring and fun?

    That's what's so shitty about this. Those are real people behind that mod tag who I know well enough, and I would think anyone else on the forum would know too, to know they are actually being hurt and harmed by what's going on here.

    Suddenly Deidre79 is not the problem the prideful and vindictive moderators are. That's the most disgusting and undeserving attack I've ever seen maybe in my life not just on this forum.
  8. SemiLunate

    SemiLunate Lill Luna Lunatic

    Aug 4, 2008
    Lmao! I dont get it - but I liked it non the less!

    ..... there are soooo many things I could say to this!
  9. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    You know, I still do not understand why you feel that way about the mods. You constantly manufacture shit to make them look bad, they're anything but bad. They're human, are you?
  10. lovelylouise

    lovelylouise Sex Lover

    Jun 28, 2010
    *chuckles* Yeah... Kind of a wide-open statement.
  11. Deleted User kekw

    Deleted User kekw Porn Star Banned!

    Nov 28, 2008
    I would've left it at 1, 3 and 7... but well done :eek:

    I've always been amazed at the so-called "professionals" who come here and don't know basic grammar rules (specifically in reference to #1).
  12. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Of course it is! The only problem is, you picked the wrong partner. :)
  13. SemiLunate

    SemiLunate Lill Luna Lunatic

    Aug 4, 2008
    Well you know, I cant help be attracted to the arrogant, egotistical, know it all, loud mouth pricks out there! ;)
    I'll have to find someone else to tease about my spanking.... unless you know of someone decent?!
  14. ancient_red

    ancient_red Sensual Skeptic

    Nov 20, 2008
    I volunteer. Do you prefer stingy, or thuddy? I have a variety of implements, but my most versatile is my hand. Now *hefts over knee* how bad have you been? I'm not going to have to get out the wooden hair brush am I?
  15. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    I'll work on that....there's got to be someone in my Rolodex who's into light B&D....:)
  16. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    So, is this the private school headmaster/wayward schoolgirl thing? *watching eagerly* :)
  17. SemiLunate

    SemiLunate Lill Luna Lunatic

    Aug 4, 2008
    *grins* I like it all.
    *wiggles about on your knee, pretending to try and get off while rubbing against your hardening cock as my ass is all exposed to you*
    I'm sorry. I didnt mean to be bad. But I couldnt help it! I back chatted some people and insulted some others. But I'm really sorry about it now!

    You believe me, dont you?

    Edit - wow Kimi! You work quickly! Like a fairy godmother or something! *kisses your cheek and nose* Thank you!
  18. Deleted User kekw

    Deleted User kekw Porn Star Banned!

    Nov 28, 2008
    I'm an arrogant, egotistical, know it all, loud mouthed prick.

    However, I'm too busy being an arrogant, egotistical, know it all, loud mouthed prick :cool:
  19. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Your welcome, sweetie...just leave a few pounds under your pillow for me. ;)
  20. ancient_red

    ancient_red Sensual Skeptic

    Nov 20, 2008
    *Slapping gently and rhythmically on your ass bringing a nice blush to it's surface...*

    Do I believe that you're sorry? Not yet, but I'm sure I can find a more convincing apology if I try.

    *WHACK! your left cheek burns with a crimson hand print.*