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  1. crackedjaguar

    crackedjaguar Porn Star

    Jan 29, 2007
    Chapter 1 from the Tutor... would love to hear what you have to say


    Amy wasn't a spoiled little rich kid, she was a trust fund baby, but the trust didn't pay quite that much. She could survive on it, but little more. She was pretty; long blond tresses spilling from her crown. She would, from time to time put streaks in it just to spice things up. Not that anyone noticed, ever. The only thing that people noticed was her boobs, she got them early, and they were a gift and a curse. They seemed to attract all the wrong guys. Guys who were so vapid and dull that it made her want to drill a two inch hole in the side of her head just so she could be on the same level as them. But that she had big breasts, perhaps big wasn't quite the word for it, some women had teased her about her tata's. Some of the attention she got from them made her feel pretty, other times it made her feel like a freak. She would often fixate on the freak part and be on the verge of tears because she didn't believe that she was worth knowing. Maybe her left breast was worth knowing. Maybe it was the right one, boys, men didn't seem to care they just stared intently at them as if they were some wonder of the world.

    If she thought about it hard enough she would get to where she just thought of herself as just a big pair of boobs. It was wholly depressing thinking that everyone thought of her as big cow. She cursed her breasts sometimes comparing them to udders on a cow. Sometimes she wished that she wasn't “Blessed”, as her mother had told her, with them. She would often wear baggy clothing to disguise her figure. It helped some but then people thought she was fat and she wasn't sure if that was better or worse. No on second thought that was worse. Although having people overlook her made her feel better than when people stared at her because she looked like a cow.

    Amy lived a fairly normal life otherwise. She watched the cooking Channel, and Scorpion, Dr. Who, And the Big Bang Theory. Everything else on television seemed like a waste of time. Sports were fine if she was playing them, not that she ever got picked for a team, She was a little clumsy, and she cursed herself for it. It was probably because she had to great big boobs in her way.
    She tried writing, she had a vivid imagination or at least she thought she did. She published a short story on the Amazon publishing site. It was a few days before she got a response. It was bad, she didn't understand what she had done wrong. Another writer on the site called it bad porn, and she still didn't understand. He left her an e-mail address.

    She sat down at her desk. Who does this asshole think he is, she thought to herself, as she got ready to write something scathing to him. But then again she was unsure. She wrote a note to him, to the effect of, okay wise guy what the hell am I doing wrong.

    The response took a while, and the waiting was a bit maddening. He explained that her story was rushed and didn't have enough depth. The characters, as well as the action, was flat and needed more flavor. He attached a short story he wrote, a rough draft he said. She assumed, this person was a he, judging by the surname on the email header, but that could be a pen name too. She read the story entranced, she felt all quivery inside when she finished it.

    This guy had chops, that’s for sure, but could he teach her, would he teach her?

    She told him where she lived, and asked if he would help her personally.

    He said he would help her, and he would think about the personally part.

    She asked him where he lived.

    He responded, “Close.” He sent a barrage of stories to her.“You need to read and understand what the writer is doing,” he explained. “These are mine.”He also supplied a reading list for her to go through. She was overwhelmed, reading now more than writing. The Marquise De Sade, Anais Nin, Jacqueline Susann, Anne Rice, just to name a few on the lengthy catalog.

    Some of his work was bizarre, and covered all sorts of topics. Topics that made her cringe and topics that, for lack of a better description left her chair wet.The smoothness and poetry of his words made her want to be better, and he implied, well no that wasn't true, he said that she had talent and that she just needed to develop it.

    Amy begged and cajoled and then finally he gave her his address and told her to come to the house that Friday. He would decide then if he would take her on as a personal student, he didn't ask for any money or anything else for that matter. She wondered if he would ask her for something.

    He told her to bring fresh pages for him to read. Amy grasped her books and made sure her laptop was secure in her bag. She walked down the long drive, leaves blew out of the treetops, she shivered in the thirty degree weather. She chose to wear a loose fitting sweater and long dress, hoping that he would see her for her and not a big milk cow. She didn't want the uncomfortable feeling of his eyes on her the entire time. She had seen a picture of him. That and some of the things he had written made her squirm in her seat. Her tennis shoes squished in the slush on the ground. She pulled her scarf tighter as she crossed the lawn towards the door. She wanted him to take her seriously, was that too much to ask? She wondered idly as her toes got wetter, and colder in the melting snow. She stepped onto the stone porch and straightened herself before pushing the button for the doorbell.

    It took a few minutes, but then the door opened. "Ah Amy I presume," he said,studying her for a moment. She looked into his warm brown eyes, with her own piercing blue ones.

    "Yes sir" she said softly. “And you are James Harding” He was big, or at least imposing. Dark hair with grey around the edges and a slight stubble. He was taller than she by a bit, and he was stocky, a slight belly but nothing unattractive. He was dressed in an ugly plaid flannel, with blue bunny rabbit slippers.Was he really answering the door in his pajamas? She wondered. She hoped that she wasn't drooling. He looked like this and he wrote stuff that she rubbed off to every night. He was her wet dream. Although she would have him dressed in something a bit more exciting. Pajamas really? She chose not to say anything then.

    "Are you ready to work?" He asked her.

    She nodded, her teeth chattering from the chill wind and excitement at finally meeting the man who promised to teach her. He led her to a big room filled with books, maybe a great room or a library.? She thought. There a black ugly stove sitting towards one end of the room and the heat radiated off of it. Several wall sconces decorated the walls. The walls themselves were paneled in oak maybe, the furniture except for a large couch in the middle of the room were dark wood, black walnut or maybe mahogany? "This is really nice"

    "I'm glad you like it." he smiled"Set your things down, and we'll get started?"


    “Well where would you like to start?”

    “Well in this story the first one you read...” She stepped over to the stove and started to get warm.
    He explained the problem with the story three or four different ways before it finally dawned on her what she was doing wrong."Okay" he grinned. She watched as he walked over to a bar and poured two glasses of brown liquid one with ice and one without.

    "What's that for?"

    "Writing" he smiled and handed her the glass with ice. "Loosens the mind and the tongue, I have found, other might say it dulls the senses but I disagree. You seem to have a fixation with dirty words" He sat down on the dark leather couch.”Only small children and adolescents get excited by dirty words, it's fine to use them occasionally but as a general rule avoid them. Unless of course your writing for them, in which case go right ahead, although I doubt you can find someone to publish that kind of writing with that audience in mind, a bit inappropriate.” He paused taking a pull on his drink, he continued. Amy listened carefully and brought out a notebook to take notes.

    “One little question” Amy interrupted and the sipped her drink, suppressing a cough as the dark liquid burned down her throat like fire, and warmed her belly “Strong stuff” she gasped.

    "Yes, has a nice kick”

    She gulped her drink..."I,um, want to write like you..." She dropped the glass, its contents spilling onto the hardwood floor..."Oh god, I'm sorry." She fervently looked for something to clean it up. He looked at her and raised an eyebrow as if to say what? "I... just don't … you know have the experience for that?"

    "What has that got to do with anything?" He asked her and handed her a clean white towel from behind the bar.

    "I... Just think I should... you know..." She stammered

    "Know what your you’re talking about? That is a rare thing for writers, they usually can't find their way out of a paper bag much less know what they are talking about."


    He stood up and took another sip of his drink. “Its about how things feel” He picked up a piece of ice from the floor. "Close your eyes"

    "I..."She stared at him a lump of fear forming in the bit of her stomach.

    "Do it." he said firmly. He touched the skin of her neck lightly with the cube of ice and she shivered. It was cold, the ice cube lightly caressing the side of her neck. A droplet of water formed and run down towards her cleavage. Amy started to lift her hand to catch it. "Don't move," he told her and she froze,

    "Hands at your sides." She let her hands fall to her sides. She shivered as he leaned in close to her, his tongue catching the drop on the crest of her breast, his lips caressed the side of her neck.

    "Do you want more?" He asked his finger tracing the line of the collar bone.

    "Yes..." She whispered...

    "I didn't hear you," he whispered in her ear. He smelled good she bit her lip like oiled leather and wood smoke.

    "Yes." she said louder

    "Get your things. We are done!" He said turning and walking as he turned and walked toward the door.

    "What?" She asked her eyes wide with shock "What did I do?"

    "Out." he said.

    "Please?" She said picking picked up her things slowly. "What did I do?"

    "If you don't know, I'm certainly not going to help you, now get out." His impressive brow knitting over his dark eyes.

    "Please,sir,it was a mistake."

    “You don't even know what your mistake was” He said as he turned to his desk.

    “Fine, you are a fake anyway, you and your stupid pajamas and bunny slippers, how am I supposed to even take you seriously,”

    “You asked to come here!” he shouted turning on his hell, “You begged me to help you,” He advanced on her like a jaguar the cat like grace of his walk and the threat of his voice she back up, the fear coursing through her. “I am trying to teach you, and all you can think about is what's in your panties”

    “But” Amy stammered her back against a bookshelf.

    “You don't want to write you don't want to learn, you just want to get laid, you think your the first little fan girl who walked in here begging me to teach them?”

    Amy was terrified now. Her back against the wood panel she tried to go through the list of things that she could do. She could make a run for the door. But she would never see him again. A knee to the groin would facilitate that. If she did that then there would be no coming back. She thought fast “I'm sorry sir I got lost in the feeling, it was a mistake.”

    “Was it really?”

    “Honestly, yes it was, I would like for you to ravish my body” God did she really say that. “But I want to learn more, please don't throw me out.”
    “I don't appreciate people wasting my time” his eyes bored into hers.

    “Sir I promise you it was a mistake I got caught up in the moment and no I'm not wasting your time”

    "Are you willing to pay for your mistake?" He looked her in the eyes, and she felt smaller he seemed to loom over her.

    She lowered her eyes. "Yes, sir, whatever it takes."

    crossing the room to the couch "Come here." he said. She stepped quickly and stood beside him as he sat down. "Well?"

    Amy started to sit., and he shook his head. "What would you have me do sir?" She asked,confused.

    "You are a naughty little girl and what happens to naughty girls?"

    Amy bit her lip and chewed her tongue for a moment., "They get spanked?" She asked cautiously."Sir?"

    He nodded. She curled her hands into fists wondering if she could do this, wondering what this would lead to. She looked down at him and then carefully, draped herself across his lap. “No!” he said through his teeth. Amy rose and unfastened her dress. She blushed as she let it fall to the ground. She looked at him as to ask if he was satisfied, the look on his face said no. she hooked her fingers into the waistband of the bikini underwear and slipped them over her hips and she let them fall in a pool at her ankles with the dress. She resumed her repose across his lap. Her embarrassment at being half naked, the important part naked in front of him, made her want to cry. She bit her lip as his strong hand caressed the smoothness of her backside. Then it happened, his hand came down and stung her. “I don't care if I'm naked, I will dress as I please in my house, you are here at my indulgence. I didn't even want you here to begin with. I decided that because you were so insistent that I would indulge your request.

    "Yes sir," she gasped.

    "You will complete your assignments as directed."His hand came down again.

    "Yes sir," she whimpered.

    "You will obey me without question in my house."

    She didn't know what to say. His hand came down and her ass felt like it was on fire. "You will obey me without question,” he repeated. “You want to be here, its by my rules.” Her whole body shook as his hand smacked the smooth flesh of her ass.

    "Yes sir," she sobbed.

    "That’s a good girl," he said softly his hand gently caressing the hurt away. He picked up her panties and tucked them in his shirt pocket. He walked her over to a full length mirror in the corner of the room and had her turn and he lifted her skirt so she could see the large red hand prints that decorated her ass.

    "Five pages when we next meet, I want your best effort." he said softly.

    "Yes sir." she said her head hanging.

    He came up behind her, he whispered in her ear, "You want things don't you? You want me to suck your nipples?" He paused to let the words sink in"Maybe kiss your throat?" She felt his lips against her neck.

    "You want my cock?"

    "Yes sir" she whimpered she didn't know how she could stand her knees were so weak.

    "In your mouth?" He whispered, "In your pussy?" He suckled her earlobe and she mewled softly "In your ass?"

    "Yes sir" she was trembling she could feel her sex drooling as the words dripped from his lips.

    "Perhaps I'll show you that I can suck your nipples and make you cum?" He whispered fingertips lightly brushing the front of her blouse she wasn't even sure if they were his fingers or her own. She whimpered as she actually came standing there. He held her up, he was strong, his chest was solid like a brick wall, she mused languishing in her fantasy. She imagined what it would be like to have her bare breasts pressing and rubbing up against that chest. To have her legs wrapped around his waist. She buzzed with the thought of feeling him inside her.

    "Please sir do with me whatever you like, I'm yours to use"

    "Yes you are," he whispered "but your time is up today. "I will see you next week"

    "Please sir" her voice pleading "You can't"

    "I can and I will. Next week seven pages.

    "Yes sir" she said the disappointment on her face, she stood and gathered her things, carefully wrapping her dress around her waist before he walked her to the front door. The long walk in the cold wind brought her back to herself, she shivered as she climbed into the car and drove home.

    Amy sat at her desk trying to write, something anything she got up and checked her butt in the mirror the hand prints were beginning to fade she almost felt bad about that. She liked them they reminded her of him. He was so strong and firm. Mmm firm she thought her fingers slipping between her legs teasing her sex. Yes he was firm and strong and handsome and she bit her lip as she brought herself off. She sat back down at the computer savoring the flavor of her sticky fingers. She started writing.
    • Like Like x 2
  2. darthel0101

    darthel0101 Porn Star

    May 25, 2012
    Sorry about the lack of reply. I didn't think to follow you and catch your recent posts. I also didn't think that your new chapter was going to be an introduction. Let's face it, I didn't think.

    I got stopped a couple of times by errors (grammar or typo - can't remember right now) but the premise is PROMISING with a s(n)ide jab at some of the other writers on the site.

    I'll give it another read when you post your next chapter with a more critical eye to the content.
  3. crackedjaguar

    crackedjaguar Porn Star

    Jan 29, 2007
    Well this is about a second or third iteration, so there are some grammatical errors, it's going to have to be re-written... I'm curious what you thought about the Amy character.
    1. darthel0101
      Identified with her even though I have no trust fund.

      Bring in a second chapter (possibly posting the edited first chapter with it) and I will have a stronger impression of the character.
      darthel0101, Nov 6, 2016
      crackedjaguar likes this.
    2. crackedjaguar
      Yeah well I wanted to make her idle but not stupid rich, a situation where she has to be careful with her finances.
      crackedjaguar, Nov 7, 2016
  4. crackedjaguar

    crackedjaguar Porn Star

    Jan 29, 2007
    This has been sitting on my shelf for a few months....
  5. crackedjaguar

    crackedjaguar Porn Star

    Jan 29, 2007

    Amy stepped out of her car there was several inches of snow on the ground and she trudged toward the house, she wore a long coat this time and more sensible shoes at least. She had wanted to wear her four inch mules but thought better, considering the weather. She had however decided that perhaps a school girl outfit would be more tempting to him than the frumpy get up that she wore the last time. She stepped up to the door and rang the bell shivering. It seemed like forever she looked at her watch, she rang the bell again as the wind numbed her face. Why in gods name she asked herself had she chosen to wear her sexy school girl outfit today. He had ignored her sexuality last time completely. He had passed her test, he hadn't cared about her body. He had stimulated her mind and she had found that a better aphrodisiac than any she had heard of. Yet he had ignored her, she wanted him and he had turned her down. She would have happily stripped down and given him a lap dance with a happy ending if he had asked. Instead he had talked to her for three hours about what was important to her, her writing. She craved him, she craved his voice, his admiration just being around him was cathartic. She even hoped for another spanking, his strong hands controlling her. She had no idea that she needed that. Once it had happened it was as if everything had led up to that point. That perfect moment. He opened the door and stepped onto the front porch.

    His shoulders were broad, and snow got caught in the hairs of his chest, His lean muscled body before her very eyes. "The pages?" He asked quietly. He was wearing shorts for christsakes! His legs were chiseled and thick, he was barefoot! She fumbled in her bag and brought out the pages she had printed at home.

    He stood there in front of her and read them. She shivered from the cold, she wanted to ask to go inside, but he didn't seem to be interested in that. He flipped to the last page finally and opened the door and let her in. He closed the door "Can I take your coat?" He asked.

    "Yes please sir" she said carefully" and pulled it off her shoulders. She thrust her chest out in the thin white blouse, having decided to forgo a bra. Her nipples were poking right through the tight white material. Leaning forward and taking coat from her. She inhaled; strong, and smooth with tang of leather it was enough to make her twitch in her panties.

    She walked over to the stove, which was relaxingly warm, and she stood there until the numbness left her fingers and her cheeks. He poured a drink for both of them again. He sat down at his desk and scribbled on her pages making notes, and generally making the pages bleed. "Fix it" he said handing her the papers. She looked at him and then took the pages and opened up her laptop. She went note by note adjusting this and fixing that extending this and finally she was finished. She printed it and brought it to him. He looked at it nodding to himself, and handed it back to her. "Read it" he said.
    "Sir I wrote it … Oh! Yes sir" she said, getting what he wanted. She started reading the story to him. As she did he reached out between her legs and caressed her panty clad pussy. She stammered and stopped.

    "Read, feel the words" he commanded. Amy began again his fingers just brushing and teasing the flesh beneath the silken fabric. She only got to the second sentence before she was unable to continue.
    "Sir" she began. He looked back at her. "Please, I'm so.”

    "Aroused? Horny even?" He asked calmly. “Let that passion go stop trying to control it, feel it around you, in the words that you write, the words that you read, you want the reader to feel the same passion, the same energy”

    "Yes" she agreed "Yes sir, I'm very horny, and I try, I try to make them feel that way.” He stood and walked to the couch leading her by the hand, he sat down. Amy hesitated, "Sir?"

    "What would you do if you could"

    "Sir, I would fuck the daylights out of you"

    Jame clicked his tongue and sighed "Show me, how much you'd like to do that."

    "You mean you want me to"

    "No not that I want you to use your fingers and lips. Don't move or remove any clothing"

    "How?" She asked "I don't even know how to begin"

    "You only know the one way" He pulled her onto his lap brushing the hair away from her neck "There are dozens of erogenous zones" he whispered in her ear. Grazing his lips against the side of her neck. He gently kissed her throat. Amy's body buzzed her whole body felt like it was on fire if he didn't fuck her, pound the shit out of her pussy, she didn't know what she would do. She whimpered, as his fingers trailed down her spine. "With writing and sex, you have to build the passion, stoke it. "He whispered sucking her earlobe.

    "I feel like I'm on fire" Amy said her hand dropping between her legs just itching to bring herself off.

    "What did I say?"

    "No removing clothes" she whimpered her hand balled into a fist that she squeezed between her thighs. "I'm sorry sir I'm a naughty dirty girl, please I need you"

    "Good your learning" he smiled “But are you learning the right things? Stop holding on so tightly”

    "Please?" She begged.

    "Our time is over for today Amy, you are trying to control too much and by default failing.”

    "Please sir ?" Amy trembled at the thought of what she was going to ask.

    He looked at her his eyebrow raised "Yes?"

    "I... Please sir I need you to spank me" Amy quickly rose and pulled her panties down and draped herself over his lap. She pulled up her skirt to bare her ass to him. She felt his hand resting on her ass massaging it. It was maddening his fingers lightly dancing over the cleft of her ass. "Please sir" She moaned.

    "Tell me why Amy"

    "Because..." her heart felt like it was in her throat, could she admit that she loved the way her ass looked with his hand prints on it, she loved being marked by him, she couldn't think of anything else when she was home alone. God how many times had she masturbated thinking about him, she didn't know "Because I love the way it looks I want you to mark my ass"

    “Ascetics really?” his hand cupped one of her cheeks and he smoothly stroked it. “I'm not sure that that is the reason, or at least a good enough reason”

    “Please sir, I haven't learned my lesson,”

    “Do you know what the lesson even is?” He asked. His grip firm on her.

    “Is it about letting my passion lead me”

    His hand lifted up and she bit her lip in anticipation, and then she creamed when she felt the hot burning of his open hand on her ass. She held on as he continued, her slit bubbling and twitching with every strike. "Perhaps you would like something more lasting" He said quietly.

    "Mmmm anything" she whimpered in her lust induced haze. He leaned over, and she felt his teeth on her ass it hurt and she squealed. He stood her up and she hurried to the mirror and stroked her ass lovingly looking at the read hand prints and then the round circle from his bite. He met her at the door with her coat.

    Amy hurried down the walk to her car and she started it up. After she turned the heater on she opened her coat and pulled her skirt up and dipped her fingers into her gooey candy box. She stroked her clit like at mad woman and came hard. She sat up in the car, "I need him to fuck me" she said "God I need to be fucked."

    There was a knock on the window. She rolled it down, the windows were fogged, it was him and she looked at him wonderingly. "Five more pages next week" he said. His eyes lingering on her bare naked snatch. She felt the blood rushing to her face, she was sure that her face had turned the same color as her ass.

    Amy closed the door to her room and undressed, she caressed her breasts, her nipples ached for him, her sex let a soft hum through her body, that hungered for his touch. She wanted him, she wanted to feel him feel him all over her, she stroked her inflamed sex leaning against the wall imagining his hard cock pulsing in front of her, feeling it touching her penetrating her, she bit her lip to suppress a scream as he legs shook and failed, and she fell to the floor. She pulled her nipples stretching them, stimulating them delightfully. She worked her body through three successive orgasms before she was too tired for more.

    Amy woke and worked on her pages, she wrote more. Inspired by the pool of passion boiling inside her. She would be ready next time and she would have him. She imagined the ways that she would have him. Why she wondered had he not already taken advantage of her in her lust induced haze.
    • Like Like x 2
  6. crackedjaguar

    crackedjaguar Porn Star

    Jan 29, 2007

    She woke up early, and was having some juice before her morning workout in front of the television. Her phone rang. “Hello?”

    “Hey Amy, it's Cora”

    “Oh hi Cora what's up?” Cora was one of her many friends who almost got her. She was a little ditsy and while she liked sex, she talked about it entirely too much. At least when other girls were around it was sort of a series of who had the best sex or the most sex as if it were some kind of contest. She wondered why she had befriended the local public bike. Cora actually was sweet she just didn't make good decisions.

    “Hey Amy, listen I need your help” Amy rolled her eyes wondering what kind of help the girl could possibly want. “My boyfriend Blake wants to take me out and, well he wants to take his brother cause he's in town, and well you know, he doesn't want to leave him at his place alone, and like I was wondering if you could like double with us you know?”

    “Jeese Cora how old is his brother?”

    “He's eighteen, he said he would go out but only if the girl had big tits”

    “Really Cora?”

    “What he's rich and not bad on the eyes, and you never go out, so I figured I would hook you up with a winner”

    “Cora I'd rather not”

    “Please Amy it would help me out, I mean I get that you don't know anything about getting guys, I'm trying to help you?”

    “How are you trying to help me Cora?”

    “Men are like bricks if you lay them right they become permanent fixtures”

    “Where do you come up with this bullshit” Amy asked.

    “Everyone knows that” Men were like bricks alright Amy thought. If these were like any she had encountered before, they would deserve to be thrown at something.

    “No Cora I appreciate it but no, I'm not interested.

    “Please Amy, all of my other friends are smaller than me and, well your assets fit the bill.”

    “How is that Cora most guys don't really care.”

    “Oh Will does he said they have to be at least a double D or he's not interested in them.”

    “Did he also want them to be dumb too?”

    “Of course!” Cora said “You know guys don't like girls who are too smart.”

    “Once again Cora your intelligence is only exceeded by your bad judgment”

    “Thank you Amy, so nice of you to say that.”

    Amy groaned. “you are going to keep bugging me until I give in aren't you Cora?”

    “Thats the best way.” Cora bubbled.

    “I can't believe we are friends”

    “Me either!”


    “Come by my house around four and we'll go out around six”
    “Okay” Amy said resigning herself to her vapid friend and her equally vapid boyfriends. She showered and enjoyed the hot water as it danced on her skin. She put on a grapefruit scented oil, and then dressed in a sweater and sweat pants knowing full well that Cora would try and fit her into some ridiculous stripper outfit. Going out with Cora as a general rule was fine so long as it was October thirty-first. Any other day might be a nightmare.

    She pulled up in front of Cora's apartment a few minutes after four and went and knocked on the door. “Oh my god Amy you can't wear that out, these are rich guys they expect a certain amount of skin. She took Amy by the hand and dragged her back to the bedroom. Her bedroom was about the same mess level as Amy's except the clothing was priced a few levels higher. Where Amy had one or two sets of Victoria secret and most of the rest was either hanes or some other comfy brand. Cora's underwear drawer looked like Victoria threw up in it. Cora was wearing a half cup bra and a thong. As she dug around in the piles around her bed and then turned to her closet. “Well come on take those rags off you can't go out looking like that can you?”

    “actually I'm quite comfortable” Amy replied

    “It's not about comfort Amy, jeesh no wonder you don't have a man it's about how much skin you show, here try this” she said tossing a white tank top at her and then the matching shorts.

    “Cora you do realize that it's winter don't you”

    “Oh trust me those boys will keep us plenty warm.”

    Amy pulled on the shorts which were of course entirely too tight, and then the tank top, which covered her breasts just fine but that's where the fabric ended. “I don't think this is going to work?”

    “Are you wearing a thong?” Cora said “Boys like thongs, I have lube too if you need it”

    “Cora I'm going to be freezing in this”

    “You'll be fine I told you, here is a vest if your so worried.” Cora handed her a fleece lined vest. “Do you want to borrow some of my make up?” Cora asked applying eyeliner and then a foundation.

    “No I'm good”

    “You sure your lips look a little pale try some of this raspberry” She said handing her a tube of lipstick.

    Amy held the tube and frowned as Cora put on some red lipstick, it was arterial red and she applied it thickly. “Are you sure?”

    “Of course it will look great with that outfit.” Cora continued “Stockings... do you feel like fishnet or would you like something else? What size shoes do you wear?”

    “Six” Amy said as Cora handed her an array of stockings. “Why do I feel like a I class hooker” she said under her breath.

    Amy pulled the stocking on, she felt ridiculous with stockings and booty shorts and a tank top. Cora handed her a pair of stiletto heels. Amy put them on and wobbled “Lets have a look at you” Cora said, “Just a little eyeshadow here,” She said coming at her with the makeup brush. Amy indulged her friend.

    Cora then walked out into the living room and poured two glasses of wine. “Help you be a little less nervous she said draining her glass. Amy picked up her glass and waited while Cora drank a second glass. “They should be here any minute!” Cora said excitedly.

    There was a knock at the door. Two guys walked in, both were in beige polo's and khaki pants. With dress shoes. They both wore heavy leather bomber jackets. “Wow Cora you weren't kidding about your friend.” The older one said.

    “Yeah she'd hot” The other guy said.

    “Amy is a little shy” Cora supplied.

    “That's okay we'll bring her out of her shell” The older one Blake she recalled said. “Sweetie, why don't we give Will and Amy a minute to get acquainted, I want to talk to you for a minute.

    “Sure sweetie whatever you want” Cora said as Blake steered her back toward the bedroom.

    “Hi Amy” Jame said taking her hand, she set down the wine glass as he kissed it. “You look amazing” he said as his eyes drifted from her bust to her too tight shorts “We are going to have lots of fun tonight, maybe even do this again if you have fun”

    “Sure Will” that would be nice Amy said already annoyed at the teenager.

    “You have a great rack”

    “I know” Amy said

    “Those are bigger than most double D's I have seen are they”

    “They are F's Will if you must know”

    “That's awesome, some of my favorite words begin with F, can you guess what they are?”

    “I don't know I haven't gotten to F in my pocket dictionary yet” The subtle venom issuing from her lips.

    “You have a pocket dictionary, why don't you just ask Google”

    “I hadn't thought of that, Will” Amy said.

    “You guys ready?” Blake said smiling coming out of the bedroom.

    “Yeah” Will said “Lets go” Cora walked up to Amy and led her out to the car, a porche four door coupe.

    “Cora you have a little something at the corner of your mouth” Amy said the gobbet of semen clinging to the corner of her mouth, Cora's tongue slithered out and caught it. Amy sat in back with Will, they chatted and Will took advantage of the situation and put his hand on Amy's stocking clad thigh. Amy put her hand on his keeping his hand still. She felt very uncomfortable and not in a good way. They pulled into an Olive Garden and quickly got a table. The guys ordered shots and beer and Cora ordered wine. This was turning into a disaster Amy thought, “Is it all right if I be the designated driver?”she whispered to the waitress.

    The waitress nodded and brought her a Shirley Temple. They ate and Jame's hand kept grabbing her knee. When they finished the guys handed Amy the keys, they wanted to finish off the drinks they had ordered and would be out in a minute, but she was to start the car and get it warm.

    Amy got in and started the car and then got in back. She was surprised to see Cora getting in beside her. “What's going on?”
    “Oh the Guys want us to put on a little show for them.”

    “They want what?”

    “You know a little lesbian action to get them hot” Cora said pulling off her shorts and shirt. “It'll be fun”

    “No Cora it won't be fun, this is wrong”

    “Amy don't be like that, you just relax and let Cora do all the work” Cora's hand cupped her breast.

    “No Cora, Amy opened the door and started walking. She tried to think of who she could call, it was early, but most of her friends were unreliable at best. She called her friend Trina, the call went straight to voice mail. “Hey Trina, It's Tuesday night and I need a ride. I'm walking down the road by the Olive garden on the west side. Give me a call back if you get this. She thought about it long and hard before she dialed his number.

    The phone rang and rang, she tried again. “What?”

    “Mr Harding?”


    “This is Amy, you know the girl you are tutoring.”

    “Yes I recall”

    Amy took a deep breath “I'm kind of stranded and could really use a ride, would it be possible for you to pick me up please?”

    “I can, where are you?” she gave him the directions to the twenty-four hour Walgreen's where she was defrosting. She wandered the aisles, attracting all kinds of unwanted attention. God she hated this ridiculous outfit her ridiculous body. That Cora had even talked her into anything. And then there was Jame Harding at the end of the aisle. “You look cold”

    “Freezing” Amy replied.

    He walked out and walked back in with a heavy wool pea coat. She put it on.

    They walked out of the front where a police officer was waiting. “Sir?” he said.

    “Yes” James replied.

    “I'm afraid I'm going to have to...”

    “I'm just taking her home. If you want to follow by all means follow. I'm not picking up a hooker”

    “Sir the management...”

    “I understand that, I'm just going to take Amy to her house Officer.”

    “Okay very well if you are sure there is nothing untoward”

    “No officer, my daughter just made a huge mistake and she walked away from a very bad situation and called me to pick her up.”

    “Can I see your ID?” The officer said. “Of course here” James pulled out his wallet and produced his Driver's license and another strange pink card. “Get in the car Amy” he said she looked around the parking lot as he clicked the fob on his keys. A long black car. Older much older, streamlined not a brand she was familiar with. She climbed into the leather upholstered car and waited. It was a few more minutes and James came to the car. He started it, it roared, he moved the shifter thing on the steering wheel and then moved it again as he pulled out and then a third time as he pulled onto the road.

    “I left my car at Cora's house.”

    “Cora talk you into this?”

    “Yes” she said. As he moved the shifter stopping at a red light. “Your car is beautiful”

    “Thank you, I'm glad you like it, I'm a bit fond of it myself”

    “What kind of car is it?”

    He laughed “Its a Hudson”

    “I never heard of that brand where is it from?”

    “Detroit” He grinned again. He moved the lever through three positions accelerating when the light turned green. “Tell me where to go” he said.

    Amy directed him and he pulled up. Amy got out and got in her crappy Prius and started it she waved to James. He waved back and headed down the road. She, waited a few minutes and then went and got the hide-a-key and got her clothes and dressed. She stopped for a moment and looked at herself in the mirror. The garish colors made her look like a cross between a hooker and a clown. She wiped the makeup off and washed her face. She looked again, at least now she looked human. She locked the door and replaced the hide-a-key.

    She climbed into her car and drove home. She lay on the bed, in the darkness. Hoping to god that James didn't hold her emergency phone call against her. He didn't judge her for the poor choice in clothing. The makeup everything. Her life was a mess. She closed her eyes. The phone rang.


    “Amy, is that you?” The voice sounded familiar but slurred slightly.

    “Yes, thank god please come and get me”

    “Who is this”
    “It's Cora”

    “What? I thought.”

    “They got mad when you left”

    “What happened?”

    “Come and get me please!”

    “Where are you”

    Cora gave her the directions and Amy crawled out of bed. She looked at the clock, it was almost four in the morning. She threw some clothes on and picked up her keys and headed to where Cora directed, The place was a lonely barn out in the middle of nowhere. There were no cars and no signs that anyone was there. She pulled her flashlight out of the trunk and a blanket. She walked toward the old imposing building.

    “Cora?” she called when she stepped inside.

    “Amy is that you?” Amy swung the flashlight to a small shape in the middle of the floor. She walked quickly over to where the shape was.

    “Cora?” She asked.

    The woman smiled eight of her front teeth were missing both eyes were beginning to bruise. She had ropes tied around her breasts which were purple. “You shouldn't have left” she said

    “Looks to me like I should have” Amy said seriously. “We need to call the police”

    “No they said that if I did that something worse would happen”

    “Cora!” She fought with the knot that was in the middle of Cora's back and finally got it free. She pulled her up and she collapsed immediately. She laid out the blanket and dragged her. To the car. It took several long minutes of effort before she got her into the back seat and they were on the road. She drove around for several minutes before pulling up to the police station. Cora was asleep in the back. She rang the bell. There was no answer. Angry she leaned on the buzzer. She didn't know how long or even care a man in a police uniform came out “What?”

    “My friend is hurt, her boyfriend beat the crap out of her”

    “What's her boyfriend's name?”

    “Blake something”

    “That's all you have?”

    “Look I just picked her up for all I know she could be dying in the back of my car are you going to help or just ask stupid questions all night long?” The officer followed her to her car and a few minutes later an ambulance arrived. Amy followed it to the emergency room. She held her friend's hand while the doctors did their thing. It appeared that she had been brutally raped. Conventionally and with various objects. Her breasts would return to normal and the bruising would go down. They had her on antibiotics and a saline drip. A police detective arrived a short time later. Cora wouldn't talk about it. Amy supplied what little information she had and the detective left.

    Then there was the district attorney, she begged him to leave because Cora was in no shape to really answer questions. It was funny Amy thought of all of the things to survive it was Cora's cell phone. She held Cora's hand. She flipped through the list of contacts till she found what she was looking for; 'Mom'
    The phone rang.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. darthel0101

    darthel0101 Porn Star

    May 25, 2012
    Thinking ...
    1. crackedjaguar
      crackedjaguar, Nov 10, 2016
  8. crackedjaguar

    crackedjaguar Porn Star

    Jan 29, 2007
    do you need more?
  9. crackedjaguar

    crackedjaguar Porn Star

    Jan 29, 2007

    “Amy call me Joan, none of this Mrs. business it makes me feel old and I hate that. What's the matter with Cora?”

    “Joan,” Amy began, she didn't know how to break the news, your daughter”

    “Did she get a boob job? She's been talking about getting one what is it?” Joan bubbled.

    Amy hung her head and sighed.

    “It's something bad isn't it” Joan said softly looking at Amy.

    “Yes” Amy said “She was raped and tortured last night, she is alive, but brace yourself because she is a mess”

    “My baby was,” Amy was just in time to keep Joan from falling to the floor.

    “Help” she called. Several attendants rushed to her and got Joan onto a gurney and carried her off to a room.” She left her number with one of the attendants an went back to see Cora.

    “Hi” Cora whistled though the enormous gap between her teeth.

    “Hi Cora how are you feeling”

    “Better” she lisped.

    “I called your mom, she's downstairs”

    “I don't want her to see me like this Amy” Cora said tears forming in the corners of her battered eyes.

    “Okay. I'll ask her to wait, What happened.”

    “Well when they came to the car and found out you were gone. Blake started yelling at me” We drove for a while he was on the phone most of the ride, we came to that barn where you found me. There were four other cars there when we got there. They tied my hands and cut off my clothes. They tied my legs apart and took turns. I don't know how many guys there were. One guy wanted to use my mouth. I wouldn't open it. They beat me. When I woke up a guy was pulling my tooth with a pair of pliers. They tied ropes.” Cora fell silent.
    “It's okay Cora” Amy assured her.
    “No it's not okay, I'm a stupid stupid bimbo”
    “Cora you are my friend.”
    “Some kind of friend I am to you” she sputtered “They would have expected you to.”
    “I know” Amy said.
    “That wasn't fair to you and honestly Blake and his brother aren't that nice”
    “I would say they aren't” Amy said softly holding Cora's hand.
    “Time for your meds” The nurse said handing Cora her pain medications. Cora drank them down and was alert for another ten minutes before she drifted off.
    Amy's phone rang, Cora shook slightly at the noise. “Hi Joan” Amy said answering, she said she doesn't want you to see her like she is. She's sleeping, Just be prepared”

    Amy met Joan outside the room and held her hand when they walked in. Joan covered her mouth when she saw her daughter. “Oh dear god” she whispered.

    “I know” Amy said. “she called me and I went and got her after”

    “You are a good friend to her Amy, Oh my poor baby, did they get who did this?”

    “Not yet., she really hasn't talked, they pulled eight of her teeth out”

    “Oh my god!” Joan said softly “Amy promise me they will get this guy”

    “I'll do my best to help Cora, Joan, and I will help the police all I can.

    “Thank you Amy, I'll be back, when she is ready to see me”

    “Okay” Amy said.

    She watched as the older woman pulled out her phone “Hello Hank, It's our baby Cora Hank, bad people got her and, and, they did horrible terrible things to her Hank” She gushed, the tears falling freely as she walked out the door.

    Amy sat down beside the bed and held Cora's hand. Amy drifted off to sleep.

    Amy woke up she had been sleeping in cat naps. She looked at the clock it was nearing eight, in the morning or the evening he wondered, she flicked the blinds open, night. She drank some water.

    “I watched you” Cora croaked.

    “You did?”

    “You are so beautiful Amy”

    “You are too Cora.”

    “No I'm not,” Cora sobbed “I'm a freaking mess, I am a freak show look at me,”
    “I came and got you Cora, remember?”

    “I know Amy, thank you so much for that, you shouldn't have had to”

    “Thats okay Cora I'm here with you now”

    The door opened and a doctor strode in. “Hello Cora I'm Dr. Elisabeth Kent. How are you feeling are the pain meds working okay?”

    Cora nodded.

    “There is one issue, are you on birth control?”

    “Just condoms” Cora said.

    “There is a good possibility that you will be pregnant, would you like for us to take steps to terminate

    “Really Doctor?” Amy got up from her chair, Advancing angrily at the doctor, she has just been through a terrible trauma and you are worried about her being pregnant? If she wants it then she'll keep it if she doesn't well there is still time isn't there?”

    “Yes I suppose, but it's”

    “Enough!, how much longer are you going to keep her?”

    “We can discharge her in the morning, we have fixed what we can she just needs time to heal.”

    “Fine then we will let her heal if she's pregnant we can follow up I assume”



    “Amy, he knows where I live.”

    “You can stay with me or go home to your mom and dad”

    “I want to stay with you Amy if that's okay”

    “Well if you need anything just ask one of the nurses” the Doctor turned and walked out.

    There was another knock on the door. It was an old man perhaps fifty with big strong hands and arms. He looked like a working man, his green eyes stared across the room. “Daddy! No I don't want you to see me like this!” Cora burst.

    “Cora my little flower who did this to you”

    “Daddy I can't talk about it”
    “Cora, oh god Cora you mom said you were in the hospital, who would do this to you”

    “Daddy I don't want to talk about it”

    “Are you okay?”

    “I'll be fine eventually” Cora said softly

    “Baby I'm so sorry”

    “It's okay Daddy I'll be okay” she half smiled forgetting the missing teeth in her mouth. Hank's jaw tightened and his brows furrowed. His massive paw clenched into a sledge hammer. “Daddy calm down I'm alive, I'm okay and I'll be out of the hospital tomorrow.”

    “Doesn't that seem like a little soon?” The darkness of his rage was replaced with a choking concern.

    “It'll be okay, could you ask mom to go to my apartment and pack a bag for me?”

    “Of course baby girl but why?”

    “I want to stay with Amy for a while.”

    Steve looked at Amy and smiled “the famous Amy, I have heard a lot of good things about you”
    Amy blushed “I just helped Cora when she called me that's all”

    “I know” he said softly pulling her into a crushing hug. He held her “Thank you so much for taking care of my girl” he whispered in her ear” she could feel the hot tears on her neck “I don't know what I would do if I lost her” he gasped hiding his face in her hair.

    “Cora sweetie, if you don't mind I'm going to get Amy a bite to eat. The nurses say that she only left to meet your mother downstairs, she has been here nearly a day and hasn't eaten, probably hasn't slept much either”

    “No daddy I don't mind but bring her back, I need her to help me get out of here”

    “I will he promised”

    Hank led Amy out of the room by the arm. His arms were massive like a body builders, only used to hard work like breaking rocks. He closed the door and they walked down the hall to the elevator. “Oh my god Amy” He held her tightly his arms held her uncomfortably tight. She held him back and patted him lightly. He sobbed into her shoulder.

    She arrived back at the hospital with a full belly, she was still tired but at least she had eaten. Hank hadn't held back he found the nicest restaurant nearby and told her to please order anything she wanted. She hadn't realized how hungry she was until she started eating and she was sure that she would gain five pounds because of it. She really didn't care she felt good. Tired but good.

    “Hi Cora,” Amy said at the door.

    “Hi Amy” Cora replied Amy took her friend's hand. Honestly, that was the only part of Cora that wasn't black and blue. She sat down and held Cora's hand until they both drifted off to sleep.
    They were awakened in the morning, at three and then at six.Sometime during the day Joan met Amy in the parking lot and loaded her truck with Several bags of Cora's clothing and toiletries. The hospital administration finally discharged Cora at eight in the evening. They took Cora out to the car in a wheel chair.

    Amy drove home. She helped Cora to her double bed and brought her some things to eat. Cora ate a double slice of Cheese Cake. Before stripping off her clothes and climbing into bed. Amy was a little nervous and put on a night shirt and crawled in beside her. “Hold me” Cora pleaded. Amy turned and spooned her friend. Cora clutched at her hand and held it between her breasts.

    She had an appointment with the dentist, in a week when the swelling went down. In the meantime Cora's diet was limited to whatever she thought she could eat. Which in this case was cheesecake. Amy went to the kitchen and got a small slice of cheesecake, for breakfast. Finding that Cora had stretched out on the bedspread. Amy was horrified to see her friend in the condition that she was in. She had a few cigarette burns on her shapely butt and in black magic marker there were terrible things written on her belly and...the bruises were everywhere, they were starting to go from black to a yellowish blue now.

    Amy went back to the kitchen and got a bowl of water and then went to the bathroom and got a bottle of alcohol and some towels and some soap. Amy took her time washing her friend while she delicately ate the cheesecake. Then she scrubbed most of the magic marker off with alcohol, it faded but it wasn't gone. The marks weren't as bad as it was. “Will you be okay if I leave you for a little while?” Amy asked, realizing that it was Friday and she would be late if she didn't leave right then.

    “You are coming back right?”

    “Yes I'll be back soon”

    “Where are you going?”

    “To... my writing clinic” Amy half lied.

    “Okay don't be long”

    “I won't Cora.” Cora grabbed her hand and pulled Amy against her bruised body, she didn't complain, she winced slightly and held her.

    “You saved me Amy, those Men” she spat the word. “left me for dead and I probably would have died if I hadn't called you.”

    “Why did you call me?”

    “Because you were involved, because I was afraid of what anyone else would say. I knew that you would understand. You are such a good friend to me, and I'm sorry”

    “For what?” Amy asked

    “I'm sorry for everything Amy.”

    “Cora I need to go”

    “You are coming back though”

    “Of course I am I live here”

    “Okay” Cora said “I'll miss you”

    “Miss you too” Amy said almost as an afterthought. She wasn't really sure she meant it but she did say it if only to reassure her friend. She got her clothes from the closed and hurried to the living room to change.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. crackedjaguar

    crackedjaguar Porn Star

    Jan 29, 2007

    She dressed again when it was time for her appointment in the same skirt and blouse. The thin white thong that she hoped she would lose again. She checked herself in the mirror, and then turned lifting her, skirt, she caressed the love bite on her ass. She hadn't had a chance to look at it since the Cora incident, she took the time to admire it in the full length mirror in her closet. Before Cora life had been so much simpler, now, now she wasn't sure. She missed having the idle time to indulge her fantasies.

    She wore her heels today; it was still cold, but not icy. She stepped quickly across the drive and onto the porch. She rang the bell and waited. It seemed like forever before he opened the door and let her inside. He took her coat and she handed him her pages. "Sit" he said and she took a seat on the couch. He set the pages on his desk. "Undress" he said without turning to look at her. Amy's body cried out “Yes!”as she quickly worked the knot in her blouse and then shimmied out of her skirt and panties. "Yes sir" she said standing proudly naked for him finally. He picked up his pen. "Sit" she did and he looked up at her "masturbate" she looked at him questioningly. He motioned for her to get going. She laid back on the leather couch and started to caress her slit. He read her pages and occasionally made marks. She was right on the brink of an orgasm when he said "Stop" she looked at him pleadingly.

    He set the pages down and walked over to her. "Sit back" she laid back on the couch spreading her legs for his enjoyment. He sat there and watched her as she caught her breath. She felt embarrassed that she was this accepting of the conditions. More so that she was naked and her slit was bubbling with juice in hopes of getting penetrated, and she was showing it to him, she wanted him to see. But then she was conflicted; she didn't want to be too easy, but she wanted. He knelt down between her legs, her whole body switched to sexual overdrive he was going to do it, he was going to ravish her leave her panting and dripping from sex. He leaned over and brushed his lips against her diamond hard nipples one and then the other. She creamed her thighs spasming trying to close but unable because of the hard body between them. She was almost to the point of tears, he leaned in his tongue touched the base of her throat and moved up to her chin she just let her neck fall back the delicious feelings overwhelming her.

    "You are holding back in your writing" he said softly.

    "What?" He pulled at her nipples.

    "Stop holding back" she moaned something unintelligible.

    "You want me to fuck you?"

    "Uh yes sir" she whimpered as he twisted her nipples lightly.

    "You want me to pound that little pussy of yours?"

    "Yes sir" she moaned relishing in the touch of his fingertips as they licked the flesh of her belly.

    "You want to feel my cock between your lips?" He asked softly the words grazing the skin of her neck.

    "Mmm yes sir" she gasped as his fingers flitted on the inside of Amy's thighs.

    "You want me to pound your ass?" He hissed in her ear.

    "Oh god" she creamed again the depravity of it all made her want to melt into a pool of her own warm juices on the couch.

    "You have to let go, let go of your inhibitions, let go of the dictates of society, let go of the worry,"

    "Yes sir" her voice trembled as he inhaled her scent, his mouth inches from her steamy box.

    "Good I want you to write out of your normal sphere of writing"

    "Like lesbians?" She asked her whole body trembling. He licked her nipple. "But I don't... you know"

    "No? Not the least bit curious?"

    "Yes but it's not the same?"

    "Nothing is the same, every time is different"

    Amy let out a little mewl as he pulled her nipple with his teeth letting them drag across the sensitive flesh.

    "What about animals..." Amy gasped

    "What about them" his fingers spread the lips of her sex.

    "Could I write a story about a woman and a dog?" She stammered.
    "Would you like to?" He blew lightly across her clit

    "Mhmm Yes sir"

    "Well I hope you write something good" he said “same time next week.”

    "Please sir, I need spanking, she knew she needed a reason, and there was one. A reason that she didn't have to fabricate. “I was a bad girl and you had to pick me up at the store.”

    “Yes I remember, almost got me arrested for solicititing prostitution”

    He sat down. She crawled across his lap. “I would never charge you sir” she giggled . She took his hand and sucked his fingers like they were a pacifier as he reddened her ass again with the other hand. She pulled the fingers free when her backside was sufficiently heated. "Don't forget the bite sir" and she stood and bent over offering her delectable ass to him. She almost fell when she felt his teeth on her, and he slapped her ass one more time. Amy gathered her clothes and dressed.

    “There is something isn't there” he asked as she gathered her things.

    “What's that sir?”

    “Something you aren't telling me”

    “My friend, Cora she is the one I was out with that night”

    “Trying to turn you into a money grubbing slut like her?”

    “Something like that” she said and glared at him as her feelings caught up with his words.

    “Something else?”

    “Sir, I don't expect you to understand, or even care. I left her that night and, well the guys we were with raped her and tortured her and beat her.”

    “I see” he said stoically.

    “She is at my house I'm sort of taking care of her”

    “That's good” he said softly.

    “I feel guilty”

    “It could have been you” he suggested.

    “Yes it could have been me, it should have been me”

    “But you said no”

    “I said no” Amy sighed.

    “Nothing wrong with that”

    “I wish she had come with me”

    “I'm sure you do but it could have been worse if she did”


    “A man who will do that in a rage, will do a great many other things in revenge.”

    “You mean he would have...”

    “Done much worse? Possibly.”

    “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

    “It's a terrible thing, jealous, anger, fear negative emotions consume a person if they are let to run their course.”

    “I hate them”

    “Don't” he said softly.

    “Why shouldn't I hate them?”

    “They don't deserve it”


    “Time to go” he said. She paused, and tossed her panties to him. He smiled at her as she stepped back out into the cold. She got in her car thinking about what he had said before putting the car into drive.

    She got home and admired her ass in her mirror now there were two bite marks and her ass was a beautiful shade, she picked up her favorite toy and inserted it, turning it on. She was just about to get comfortable “Amy, are you back?” Cora called. Seriously the girl could have had better timing. Here she was about to enjoy herself, and she sighed.

    “Yes Cora just got back” Amy said her toy in her hand as she was half reclined on the couch, on leg thrown over the back and her back against the arm. Cora hobbled into the living room,

    “Oh, I'm sorry,” Cora giggled, “I didn't know you were doing that”

    “It's okay I can get to it later” she said through her teeth, she really did want to get to it now.

    “I could, you know if you want” Cora suggested.

    “No, I think we already covered that Cora,”

    “It's always better with another person” Cora said softly sitting down next to Amy's spread thighs.

    “Cora” Amy started

    “Just close your eyes, and pretend” Cora said softly. “Please, it will make me feel better”


    “Shh Amy”.

    Amy leaned back and closed her eyes knowing there really was no way for her to get out of this, she had tried to politely refuse but Cora seemed to be determined.

    She wasn't into girls like that, not that she had ever tried. But, she gasped as the soft fingers grazed the insides of her thighs. Amy bit her lip she was so wound up. The sweeping motion of the fingertips just outside her throbbing nexus. Gently against the lips, dragging friction so exquisite. She breathed had she been holding her breath. Probing her, spreading her open. A delicate touch. All she could think about was James, plowing the furrow between. Circling the swollen nub of her passion. Brushing it, her body buzzed. The toy from her hand. Rubbing against her wetness. A whimper escaped her lips. The fingernail lightly grazed her clit. Then rubbed over it as the toy buzzed warmly inside her. She moaned, the experienced hands manipulating her most sensitive flesh. She imagined him there between her legs as she bucked against the orgasm. Gasping for breath as she held on to the sweet beautiful Ecstasy.

    Amy trembled and opened her eyes. “Thank you for letting me do that for you” Cora said softly and pressed her swollen lips against her cheek.

    Amy sat down to write. About mid week she stopped using her vibrator, and started doing kegel exercises. She did them relentlessly; while writing, and when she ate, and when she was walking around the supermarket. She didn't want him to think she had a sloppy pussy. God she wanted him to take her, make her scream his name, leave her laying tangled in the sheets; a wet, sweaty, mess. She started to touch herself but stopped, she needed to control her urges, use them for writing.

    Cora came up behind her as she finished her session with the torture machine that was writing. “Amy?”

    “Yes Cora?”

    “When you got up earlier.”


    “I noticed you had two bruises on your butt”

    “Yes” Amy said neither confirming or denying anything.

    “How did you get them?”

    “Oh um I don't know.”

    “Are you sure Amy?”

    “Yes I'm sure?”

    “Because it looked like someone spanked you”

    “Did it?”

    “Did you really go to a writers workshop?”

    “I did?”

    “And they spanked you?”



    “Cora, leave it alone please its personal.”

    “They aren't hurting you are they?” Cora bit her lip.

    “It's nothing to worry about Cora” Amy said getting up and hugging her friend.

    “Your sure?”


    “You would tell me if, you know”.

    “I would Cora believe me I would”

    “Okay” Cora said sitting on the bed.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. crackedjaguar

    crackedjaguar Porn Star

    Jan 29, 2007
    Bump.... still waiting for someone to say something...
  12. darthel0101

    darthel0101 Porn Star

    May 25, 2012
    Interesting premise.
    Interesting promise.
    Mildly jarring grammar and spilling issues. Enough to want to edit but not enough to make me set aside the story.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. crackedjaguar

    crackedjaguar Porn Star

    Jan 29, 2007
    It's 4/5ths finished...
    If you want to see the rest shoot me an E-mail...
    I'll let you play with it.
    Sorry about the Grammar, and spilling issues, spelling whatever...
  14. tittylover7201

    tittylover7201 Newcumer

    Sep 18, 2016
    Would love to read the rest of this story
    1. crackedjaguar
      There is quite a bit more to it, I just don't want to post all of it here... this is kinda a teaser.. But I'll be happy to talk to you about it.
      crackedjaguar, Nov 18, 2016