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  1. cijababe

    cijababe Virtual Mistress

    Jun 4, 2009
    Hehe Ari and Gary - where's Larry? :rolleyes:
  2. arizona1664

    arizona1664 Guest

    Hiya Cija...I think he went of with Barry!;)
  3. Islandsun

    Islandsun Newcumer

    Mar 18, 2011
    Good Day ! :excited:
  4. knoxvillainswife

    knoxvillainswife Porn Star

    Dec 12, 2010
    *wanders in off the street and sniffs the coffee appreciatively*

    "Wow this seems like the kind of place I could enjoy! May I have a coffee Ashley? And gosh, lucky you working here with all these men around!"
  5. knoxvillainswife

    knoxvillainswife Porn Star

    Dec 12, 2010
    Awwww I was busy in the hot spring, and missed the visitor
  6. MissK1975

    MissK1975 Porn Star

    Jun 5, 2010
    mmmmmm the smell of coffee lured me in :excited:
  7. charlies mate

    charlies mate Porn Star

    Jun 27, 2008
    Walking in, quickly scanning the room, avoiding eye contact with the customers and the rather attractive lady behind the counter, but she has seen me, and has the measure of me right away, she turns her face slighty to one side and I follow her gaze, my eyes lock on a tray of chocolate cakes, my throat tightens, every sinew in my body screams in joy, the old familiar tingle returns to the palate,....then the guilt... just a couple of small cakes with a cappicino, know one need know, there's nobody here that know's me, who would know, it's only a diet, its not the end of the world, it's not like you promised or anything,...but you did promise , didnt you ..., you promised them all, you could kick the habit, go cold turkey, a fresh start, be like the man she met all those years ago, ...so many let down's, so many false dawns, an image of her face flashes across my memory.....I close my eye's.

    Sitting alone in a booth, away from the humdrum chatter of the other customers, thinking about the cruel smile that played upon the lips of the lady behind the counter, Kittyx, she knew I was weak, knew I was there for the taking, knew I would come back again and again, to feed this habit, I push the tool's of my addiction across the table away from me, the coffee cup, the plate smeared with chocolate, and rise unsteadily to my feet, I feel the cafine, chocolate, and sugar roaring through my blood stream...embarrased I dab a tissue to my mouth to wipe away a guilty stain and catch a glimpse of my reflection in a mirror....there I am ...Charlies Mate,...a chocolate addict.
  8. bluegarsteve

    bluegarsteve Porn Star

    Feb 5, 2011
    Ah ha think I have the answer
    How's this for little tongue twisting (non sexual!!) riddling ?

    Ari went out to dinner with his friends Larry, Barry, and Gary. Ari sat across from Gary. At Gary's right, opposite Barry, sat Larry. When the waiter came for their orders, Larry and Barry ordered steak. Gary chose fish, and Ari (who likes to be difficult) ordered like this: "Unless the man at the left of the man opposite the man who ordered fish is not having what the man across from the man at the right of the man at my left is having, then I'll have what the man across from the man at the right of the man opposite me ordered. Otherwise, bring me the fettucine alfredo." Assuming "right" and "left" is from the viewpoint of the diners, what did Ari order?
    Have a think about it
  9. cijababe

    cijababe Virtual Mistress

    Jun 4, 2009
    #brain explodes#
  10. bluegarsteve

    bluegarsteve Porn Star

    Feb 5, 2011
    Well we are trying to raise the tone around here so a little intellectual stimulation as opposed to self stimulation is always good
    here's a clue

    What he essentially said to the waiter was: "If Larry ordered the same thing as Gary, I'll have steak." Since Larry ordered steak and Gary ordered fish, Ari does not get steak.

    BTW pleased to make your acquaintance everyone round here seems to think very highly of you:rose:
  11. cijababe

    cijababe Virtual Mistress

    Jun 4, 2009
    Well hello sweetie - thankyou very much. I never was good at logic problems.
  12. bluegarsteve

    bluegarsteve Porn Star

    Feb 5, 2011
    I'll pm you the answer and you can share with Ari can I offer you a coffee or drink (owe Ari one anyway!)
  13. cijababe

    cijababe Virtual Mistress

    Jun 4, 2009
    A nightcap would be in order - will be off soon :kiss:
  14. bluegarsteve

    bluegarsteve Porn Star

    Feb 5, 2011
    Ashley could you do a hazelnut flavour coffee with French vanilla cream for MissK when she comes in; She's obviously a coffee snob too!
  15. MissK1975

    MissK1975 Porn Star

    Jun 5, 2010

    *gives Steve a peck on the cheek*

    Thank you!

    Logic problems.... how fun!
  16. bluegarsteve

    bluegarsteve Porn Star

    Feb 5, 2011
    Oh hi pet; blushes a little somewhat shy and has been admiirer of MissKs
    even more impressed she's a logic lover!! and coffee lover what a wonderful person!
  17. MissK1975

    MissK1975 Porn Star

    Jun 5, 2010
    *sips coffee*

    mmmm.... perfect!

    *checks the newspaper for the crossword section... *
  18. bluegarsteve

    bluegarsteve Porn Star

    Feb 5, 2011
    Oops hope cijababe got her nightcap hard to tell when she's about secretive sort but very nice!
  19. bluegarsteve

    bluegarsteve Porn Star

    Feb 5, 2011
    Oh sorree got there before you still you could help with 16 across its been buggin me all night:confused:
  20. MissK1975

    MissK1975 Porn Star

    Jun 5, 2010
    *sits across from Steve*

    so what's the clue?