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Do you pledge to love and respect men?

  1. Yes, they are my brothers and I love them.

    14 vote(s)
  2. No, men don't deserve my love or respect.

    3 vote(s)
  1. Miss D Meaner

    Miss D Meaner Porn Surfer

    Jul 12, 2011
    There is no excuse for laziness. If you want to know the author's reasons for starting the thread, you should at least read the opening post.

    For opinions of how the forum members responded with their own thoughts on the subject, you will have to read through the several pages of the thread.
  2. Chagrin

    Chagrin Friskeh Kitteh

    Apr 7, 2005
  3. NoTopNoCollar

    NoTopNoCollar In XNXX Heaven In XNXX Heaven

    Feb 8, 2011
    Hmm...WOW...nice to see another lady with a brain, join the Forum. Welcome Miss D. I'll disagree with you however and agree with a few of the points that bacterius has made, since they are valid points and I've been called a feminazi around here more than once...

    Equality in the work force and in society, as much as we want it to happen, never will. Yes, there are women such as myself, who have worked and been successful in a "man"s world....( I was in logging and construction for a while and when the boom went south...so did I). There are women in positions now, that were primarily male dominated. The wage compensation argument is not so much valid anymore. It was, but the laws have changed and if you do the job, you get paid for the job you do. If you give an inferior or expected performance, you will be paid for your performance. If you go above and beyond you will get rewarded for that. In pretty much every field I've come across. Not ALL men get higher salaries/wages and not all women get what they think they should get for their efforts.
    Don't expect to be hired at a tire store if you can't change a tire on a semi. Don't expect to be hired because you "think" you're the only person out there with qualifications.
    The misconception of equality starts with exactly that. And I believe Bacterius stated that in a general sense.
    Another fact is that women tend to be more responsible when it comes to taking care of family matters and will step up to the plate before a man does. That does not make them less qualified, but it does put a burden on the rest of the work force ( men and women alike) who have to make up or step in, for that person missing from the job, because of it.
    Not all women choose to be mothers, but many do. Maternity leave, again, puts a burden on the employer. It's not wrong or sexist, it's business. If I have to hire a temp to replace a woman on leave and the temp is not going to have to take a leave of absence for child care, spousal care, family matters or pregnancy, as an employer, I might keep the temp and permanently lay off the person they replaced.
    That may seem unfair, sexist or biased, but the fact remains that as a business owner, I'm looking out for myself and the rest of my employees.
    In the end, it's choices made by the individual, male or female that give or take away options. Don't mistake options in the workforce for rights.
  4. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    Does anybody else find that a disturbing thing to think.
  5. Bonnie&Clyde1

    Bonnie&Clyde1 Porn Surfer

    Jul 21, 2011
    Disturbing? Yeah... Surprising? Coming from him, it isn't.
  6. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014
    Very much so......but what else do you expect from our Fugly Dilbert.

    It sounded like a dream to me......bumping into a neighbour at "3am" and checking out a broken telly and then having a long talk and telling you have a great personality.......dream on Fugly.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2011
  7. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
  8. SemiLunate

    SemiLunate Lill Luna Lunatic

    Aug 4, 2008
    I'm genuinely sorry that you have had a bad streak with women. No-one should make someone hurt as much as you have been hurt. But, people are not perfect. Men and women alike cause pain... and most of the time it is not intentional.

    I can fully picture as being the polite and funny person you have said people have described you as... however, from some of your more bitter posts, I wonder if perhaps you do not understand the enormity of how your negativity affects how people view you.

    When you meet a woman and you are enjoying yourself, but then something happens that you do not like (ie she has to leave/likes you as a friend but not as anything more etc) do you remain sweet and polite? Or do your jaded views start to come to the boil?
    Be honest. Not with me, but with yourself. Because if your jadedness appears, then its harder to push down when talking to someone new.

    You are jaded by previous rejections, so it starts to taint your associations with new women - and they pick up on that, causing them to retreat. Which then makes it a self for filling prophecy.

    Also, from the way you described dates with women, and your association with a woman that you are friendly with, it sounds like you are a charming person and very friendly, which means that you get placed in the "friendship" box. Its unfortunate that people (both men and women) do that, but there are just some people you do not imagine yourself being sexually attracted to, so they are just a friend and stay that way.

    You need to be friendly, but not a friend. Easier said than done.

    The dates you described are lovely and would make any woman feel pampered and adored... but you need variety. Something thrilling. Something active. Something dirty and sweaty. Something to get the heart pounding.

    What I think I am trying to get at is that you need a balance in your life. Swinging to treating women with respect, then ranting about how they are terrible isnt a balance.
    Being the sweet funny friend then being the jaded hurt cynic isnt a balance.

    I think once you find your balance, then things will look up for you. And I hope that you are able to find it. Everyone deserves to be happy and at peace.
  9. bostonmasstina

    bostonmasstina Slut Wife

    Dec 2, 2006
    Very well said

    Tina :rose:
  10. Cockateer

    Cockateer Connoisseur of Women

    Sep 3, 2009
    Well, TheGentleman, let me help you to solve your problem. Just take fabulous Ron Jeremy as your role model: Ron as TV repairman
  11. bacterius

    bacterius Porn Star

    Apr 10, 2008
    Thank you for that. It is common sense that women differ just as much as men, there are some who would rather focus on their career and they should by all means get paid as much as men (or more than some men that produce far less). As an employer you have to take into account that some day this very hard working woman, will get pregnant and then you will have to pay maternity leave. By paying her and her temp, the cost to you as an employer is far higher than just hiring a man. same goes for sick day, or taking care of kids days etc etc. My g/f works harder then most men, is far more cabable then most men in her field and probably makes more than most men in her field, however when she gets pregnant we both are very well aware that she will probably be laid off (her small company can't really affort her maternity leave). We both are very OK with that. its just good business and common sense.
  12. TheGentleman

    TheGentleman Sex Machine

    Jul 27, 2009
    You are despicable.

    I clearly stated in my post that I was only kidding. You chose to ignore that fact. You took a post with several paragraphs and highlighted two sentences. You want people to take my words completely out of context. Your only motivation was to turn as many people against me as possible. It seems that you harbor more anger and resentment than I do. If that is the case, I really feel sorry for you.

    No rational person would take that comment seriously. Especially when I clearly stated that it was a joke. You and other members have posted far worse comments about me. You have used the word "twat" more times than I can count. I guess that can be attributed to your low IQ and limited vocabulary. You also posted that women didn't see a need for me. Another member posted that I should either buy a sex doll or go gay. Then there was the member who posted that I should be castrated because I have inferior genes. These people were not joking, they really meant what they posted. That truly is disturbing.

    I'm a 39 year old male virgin. If I was going to rape a woman, I would have done it by now. I want to have sex with a woman. However, I would never hurt a woman to accomplish that goal. I care about women's feelings, even if they don't care about mine.
  13. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    Yet you made the joke, then try to make out it is my fault and we all hate you, well you appear to bring it own yourself, you seem to have more swings than my local fun park. I like women, I hate them bitches, sorry I was in a bad mood but I do like you. Socially you appear to be a jerk and on this site you come across as the worst type of woman hater because it is all there fault for not wanting you in their beds.

    Don't expect sympathy from me as I don't think you need it any more than the attention your pity parties attract, but then these threads do achieve your aim, I wait silently for your next hate thread.
  14. TheGentleman

    TheGentleman Sex Machine

    Jul 27, 2009
    Reality Check

    When you intentionally take my words out of context with the intent to turn other members against me, it is your fault. When you refer to me as "Dilbert" or "twat", it is your fault. It's also your fault that you are an asshole.

    The fact is, you are more angry and bitter than I am. You have attacked countless members of this forum. I know because I have read your posts. The only time that you are not on the attack is when you are too busy kissing a female member's ass. It appears that I'm not the only man here who is not getting any pussy. At least I'm honest about my female problems.

    Given the facts, I can honestly say that you are the biggest loser in this forum.
  15. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009

    The issue is not who is the biggest loser in life but you, your own words condemn you, your threads were you attack women condemn you, this is not a thread commemorating women but rather one telling them what you think their position in life should be, your thoughts on how they should be treated because you have spent a life of rejection.

    Now you re telling us that the scales have fell from your eyes, I do not believe you were on the road to Damascus, what I see is the nasty man you are trying yet again to get pity before you turn it around to hatred because not enough women woll agree with you.

    You are nasty and dangerous, you made a statement saying you thought of raping a young lady, then try to turn it into a joke, well done with that what is next paedophilia jokes, and your words were not taken out of context, the whole statement was there for all to see.

    Now run along dilbert and have a nice day.
  16. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
  17. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    Back to your original modus operandi.
  18. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014

    The next time (if there is a next time) you find yourself talking to that woman at 3AM just offhandedly mention that you thought about raping her and see how far you get......I would say no where, well other than extracting your balls from the back of your throat and then explaining to the cops it was all a joke.
  19. Old Tool

    Old Tool Porn Star

    Sep 29, 2006
    WOW :rolleyes: a couple of weeks or so away on vacation and this part of the world remains completely unchanged . . . the self-loathing and barely sane trolls chum the water ceaselessly and the same group of fishies come to feed :lol: I wonder how many of us are aware of our patterns?
  20. TheGentleman

    TheGentleman Sex Machine

    Jul 27, 2009
    Shame on you!

    I didn't turn it into a joke. It was always meant to be a joke you asshole. I think I'm entitled to make a joke. Especially after so many people like yourself have posted negative comments about me. I can't help but notice that you failed to condemn the castration comment. Castration is far worse than rape. The member who posted that comment was not joking.