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Do you pledge to love and respect men?

  1. Yes, they are my brothers and I love them.

    14 vote(s)
  2. No, men don't deserve my love or respect.

    3 vote(s)
  1. Old Tool

    Old Tool Porn Star

    Sep 29, 2006

    please tell me you're a persona - a made up character just for self entertainment, or the entertainment of this forum. You can't be a real person who actually believes the stuff you type in here - it seems impossible. You are incredible - in all the wrong ways!
  2. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014
    How would you know on both accounts?.

    Have you ever met and spoken to a woman that's been raped?...I would say No, rape is a demoralising and degrading act and nothing to be joked about.
  3. TheGentleman

    TheGentleman Sex Machine

    Jul 27, 2009
    Thank You

    I appreciate your kindness, advice and words of encouragement. :) I will think about what you posted.
  4. TheGentleman

    TheGentleman Sex Machine

    Jul 27, 2009
    The Facts

    How would you know? Have you ever met or spoken to a man who has been castrated? I would say no. Castration is also a demoralizing and degrading act. Yes, it is far worse than rape. A rape victim can seek counseling and recover. It's a difficult process, but a woman can overcome the trauma. Castration is the permanent removal of a man's sexuality. There is no amount of counseling that can help a man recover from that.
  5. Rinnie

    Rinnie Misanthropic Kitten

    Aug 15, 2009
    ...seriously, why are you still here? Someone hasn't taken the hint yet now has he? /eyeroll
  6. richief

    richief The Curly Wurly Man In XNXX Heaven

    Jul 3, 2009
    You want me to condemn the castration comment then I will, it was crude and cruel, but the fact remains that your attitude to women is appalling, you see them as objects, to cook clean and produce children. That is what you want from a woman, well that's fine if you can find a women who will agree to your terms, just don't expect anything more than a drone from Stepford.
    Also the fact remains that you repel women, how just on your looks alone, I doubt that. So there must be something else in your make-up that cause ladies to avoid you or keep you at arms length. Would you care to enlighten us as to what it is.
  7. osakisbl

    osakisbl old codger

    Jan 11, 2010
    take the pledge

    You are a sad and will forever be a pitiful BOY. Growup and stand on your own two, or in your case one foot. To paint any group of people with such a wide brush is to not understand humanity. That is why you are so alone, and will in all likelyhood remain so..

  8. TheGentleman

    TheGentleman Sex Machine

    Jul 27, 2009
    There you go again, misrepresenting the facts. I never posted anything about women being objects to cook, clean or produce children. You must have me confused with another member.

    If I repel women, then why would they be friends with me? Why would they even talk to me? As usual your case is weak. The facts don't support your argument.

    There can only be one reason why women won't date me. That reason is shallowness. Most women judge me based on my appearance. They write me off as a loser without getting to know me first. I have no control over that.

    When women take the time to get to know me, they usually like me. I only need to talk to them for a brief period of time. However, they never want more than a friendship. If they were attracted to me, they would date me.
  9. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014
    Why the fuck are you going on about this on a porn site, what do you expect the rest of us to do?....you make sweeping statements that women are slags, whores, shallow and every other degorative term you can think of. On the rare occasion you seem to think twice about what you saying and try to be nice but then you quickly revert back to being a prick with a grudge.

    If you want to date someone then join an online dating site and let someone get to know this personality you keep telling us about before you make arrangements to meet you in real life.
  10. TheGentleman

    TheGentleman Sex Machine

    Jul 27, 2009
    Why am I going on about this here? Why are any of us here? That would be a better question. The answer is not always simple. I'm not the only person here with issues. I think we can agree on that. I don't know why other people are here. I can only speak for myself. I'm here to voice my opinions on issues that can't be discussed elsewhere. At times I rant or vent. Who here hasn't done that?

    At times I do criticize women. Sometimes fairly, sometimes not. I admit that my emotions sometimes interfere with my ability to think rationally. We have all been guilty of that. No one is perfect. The reason that you and others have singled me out is because I'm a man. As we all know, there is a double standard in this forum. Call it an unwritten rule. Women are free to do whatever they want. Men on the other hand had better watch their step. Women post the same kind of things about men that I post about women. The only difference is that they are never called on it. The women back each other up and the men are more than willing to kiss their asses. I'm one of the few men here who won't kiss ass. That offends the sensibilities of some members. So they go on the attack. It's an attempt to marginalize me. Most internet forums have this problem. Did you ever notice that the female members tend to have more friends on social networks? It's no coincidence.

    It's true that I'm harsh or mean spirited at times. It's impossible to be nice all of the time. Especially when people are insulting you and trying to cut you down. How can you be nice to a person when they are treating you like shit? If I have a grudge then I'm not the only one.

    As for internet dating, I have already tried that. In fact, it was the first thing that I tried. As I have stated in an earlier post, it does not work for most men.
  11. stilldontknow

    stilldontknow Porn Star

    Mar 18, 2010
    You really don't get it do you? Even in the last passage where you think your gender has something to do with flak you're taking. It's not your gender it's your opinions. They're truly odious and the fact you don't see goes a long way to explaining your lack of success with women. No matter what you claim in terms of your friendly relations with the women you encounter, they'll pick up on your feelings because you'll exhibit them in ways you aren't even aware of.

    God help any woman who does hook up with you because all those years of resentment and mistrust will be be bubbling under the surface ready to be triggered by the most trivial of imagined slights. Until you recognise you're the problem you'll continue on your lonely path.
  12. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    You are singled out because XNXX can be a cruel environment, because you reveal that you are a vulnerable, hurting person, and because that brings out the bully in some posters.

    I think that you over generalize in your condemnation of women, but I would rather discuss that with you in friendly PMs than by joining the lynch mob assembled against you.
  13. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014
    I'm here to have fun and have a laugh, also to throw in mischievous and sarcastic comments, meet nice people and chat with them.

    You on the other hand only want to whine about how shitty your personal life is.

    Maybe I've missed them but point out the threads that you've posted your opinions that hasn't got anything to do with you and your lack of one on one with a woman.

    Yes, sometimes we all have emotional rants about all subjects...though the difference between most of us and you is, is that all your emotional rants are about how bad women have treated you....try being a nice prick instead of letting your emotions rule your life and maybe you might get treated with some respect......"though i doubt it."

    Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit......... You speak vile crap that's why the majority of people lay into you

    More Bullshit....

    Harsh and mean spirited at times!!!!, try 99% of the time........Your first thread when you asked for help was an okay thread, well at the start, but since you've been over the top feral and whinning about "poor me".

    Stop bitching about how things are for you and do something positive about it.

    Actually you said...."Any bloke that says they have met a woman from online is a liar."

    So it didn't work for you so you gave up......try again and if that doesn't work then try again. If you're gunna give up everytime you get knocked back then you'll always be a loser.
  14. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Try harder.
  15. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
  16. Bonnie&Clyde1

    Bonnie&Clyde1 Porn Surfer

    Jul 21, 2011
    LOL Yeah... Lynched for no reason? Not even lynched at all, Distant Lover. The guy is a mean cruel dick to all ladies... Then he cries to momma and that's it.

    We all make our beds... Then we have to sleep in them. :rolleyes:
  17. TheGentleman

    TheGentleman Sex Machine

    Jul 27, 2009
    Try harder to be nice?

    I joined this forum two years ago. When I first got here, I was very nice. It didn't take long for people to start attacking me. I guess they saw my politeness as a weakness. That is one of my problems. I'm too polite and nice. Women only date jerks. A man can't bag a babe unless he treats her like shit. Women are turned on by "Bad Boys". Men like that are seen as strong, confident and exciting. Nice guys like myself are seen as weak, shy and boring. Women want an "Alpha Male" who will take charge. They want a man who can handle a crisis and will protect them. Women also enjoy the depraved sexual behavior. The spanking, hair pulling, spontaneous groping and dirty talk. Women never know what to expect from these men and they love it. Nice guys finish last. You know that it's true ladies. :(
  18. Krieg

    Krieg Unholy

    May 31, 2010
    Women, I have found, prefer a guy who treats them with respect and dignity, not as a piece of property. They want to be treated fairly and equally.

    From your posts, you would have to be the furthest from the "Nice Guy" label as possible, making broad sweeping statements about women that, for anyone who has actually had a relationship, know are untrue.

    This thread itself is a glaring example..

    Are you sure your not gay? I have heard this type of diatribe from militant gay men who loathe women.
  19. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I doubt there are very many men who have been rejected by a woman because they treated her with too much respect and dignity. Nevertheless, human sexual selection, like the sexual selection of other animals, happens for reasons that are largely amoral. Men prefer women who are young and beautiful. Women prefer men who are rich and handsome. What matters is not what one does, but what one is. A woman wants to find a man who is rich and handsome, and who also treats her with courtesy and respect. Given a choice, most will settle for rich and handsome.

    A man who is rejected, and who claims that he was rejected because he was too nice and respectful is salving his pride with a delusion.
  20. bacterius

    bacterius Porn Star

    Apr 10, 2008

    This was the funniest post in the thread... if you actually believe that you need some serious advice sessions