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  1. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    One citizen one vote. This way we'd have no "divided country" And no possibility of faithless or in Trump's case fake ones.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. shootersa
      The reality is, they hate that their man(woman) lost. Everything else they spew is just to hide their upset.
      shootersa, Sep 12, 2023
    2. anon_de_plume
      But of course it has nothing to do with no Republican candidate for president in the 21st century has won the popular vote...
      anon_de_plume, Oct 17, 2023
  2. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Trump is living too well for someone with four indictments and 91 felony charges. He should be in jail, awaiting trial.
  3. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    @Distant Lover
    If neither trump or biden are on the ballot, who would you vote for?
  4. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    Patience :) The trails will begin shortly
    • Like Like x 2
  5. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    That is a good question. :)

    I would think hard about voting for DeSantis. He has those of Trump's issues that I like :) without Trump's deficiencies of character, personality, and intellect. :yuck:

    I like the way DeSantis buses illegal immigrants to enclaves of rich liberals. I like his opposition to critical race theory. I do not want white students in K-12 to be told that they should feel guilty about racial problems. I like DeSantis attacking woke aspects of Disney. :)

    I want a leaner welfare system, and a meaner criminal justice system. I would like for police brutality to be de criminalized. I do not want policemen who would have made better social workers. I want the police to be rough, violent men who share my hatred for criminals. Because acts of police brutality are often followed by urban riots, I think it should be illegal to draw attention to acts of police brutality. Decent people are safest when criminals and potential criminals are kept in a constant state of pain, fear, and humiliation.

    Still, DeSantis would be the first Republican I voted for for president. :cautious:

    I have disliked Kamala Harris ever since the Democrat primary when she condemned Joe Biden for opposing forced school busing. :mad:

    I like Joe Biden, but I wish he was not running. By running he prevented the rise of a Democrat candidate I could support without reservations.

    During the McCarthy Era Jean-Paul Sartre said, "America has the rabies." America is more politically ill than it was back then. One third of the country thinks Trump won the last election, and that global warming is a hoax. One third was sympathetic with the George Floyd riots and thinks The Bell Curve - which I have read, by the way - is pseudo science.

    Standing between these rabid extremes, I am called a racist by some, and a race traitor by others. By the definitions of each mob of detractors, I am both. :p

    I prefer Orientals to whites. If I say more, I may violate number three of the Rules: "No discrimination based on gender, race, creed, or sexual orientation of any sort." :eek:
    1. shootersa
      You need to take a look at Nikki Haley as well. And consider Kennedy.
      Lots of choices out there this season.
      All the noise about Trump and Biden is meaningless because Shooter truly does not see either of them on the ballot.
      shootersa, Sep 12, 2023
  6. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Trump should be judged a risk to escape justice. All he needs to do is to get into his jet and travel to Russia to join his friend Putin.

    If he does that I want all of his property and wealth in the United States to be confiscated by the government. Trump's ability to evade the punishment he has deserved for years infuriates me. :mad:
  7. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    The wealthy have all the advantages in life. It's no wonder they get away with so much. But every now and again. They actually pay a "serious" price. Hopefully Trump will too.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    Until recently I thought there wasn't much that could be done about the Electoral College. But there are a couple books out now pointing to some serious flaws in the Constitution that Trump and the treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republicans exposed. And one of the authors pointed out that many people like e are kind of stuck in the mud on the Constitution while one of the fastest growing voter demographics is young people who see the Constitution as being outdated and in need of a few changes including getting rid of the Electoral college. And to them adding a few new amendments seems simple. They just need to elect more young people.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    'What did he get done?' Mitt Romney ticks off Trump's failures in retirement speech

    Matthew Chapman
    September 13, 2023, 5:22 PM ET

    Donald Trump and Mitt Romney (Twitter)

    Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) tore into former President Donald Trump, calling him an ineffective policy leader who accomplished very little for the Republican Party, during a press conference explaining his decision to retire without seeking a second term.

    Romney, one of Trump's most outspoken Republican critics in the Senate and the only Republican senator to vote to convict the former president in both impeachment trials, announced that decision earlier today.

    "Young people are not warming to the MAGA message," said Romney. "And I think that is true whether Donald Trump is there, there will be someone who follows in his footsteps and gives the same populist pattern. I don't think it will be successful long-term because I think young people are paying far more attention and are not going to be sucked into the populist notions, and so I think our party goes back to, if you will, the wise wing of the Republican Party as time goes on."

    POLL: Should Trump be allowed to run for office?

    "Do you think your party — Trump is leading — dominating in the polls right now," one reporter asked him. "Probably going to be your nominee. You're the outliner of the party. There is no signs that you're saying that the party will shift."

    "I'm not talking about in the next two years," said Romney. "I'm talking over the next decade or so. I just — I mean, populism doesn't work. I quote that H.L. Mencken line, which is, 'To every complex problem there is a solution which is simple, clear, and wrong.' And unfortunately that is what we're hearing."

    "And again, on the Trump wing of the party, I haven't heard policy other than saying, we're going to build a wall," Romney continued. "And by the way, he was president for four years and he built 50 miles. What did he get done? The tax change? That was Paul Ryan ... and he had a health care plan. Remember that? That was going — everybody was going to have low-cost health insurance. Never proposed, never saw. He was in four years. So it's not a policy-centric approach, and if you don't have policy to match your rhetoric, ultimately it's not going to be successful."

    Watch the video below or at the link here.

  10. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Most people who know Trump and especially his biographers have said from the beginning the New York fraud case would worry and bother Trump more than all the other criminal cases even though he does not risk having to go to jail over the fraud case. But almost all of them agree nothing is more vital and important to Trump than his invented business success and wealth. Trump has never been anything else except a liar and a fraud and his biggest fear is having the world know that. With the mental health experts saying it could be even greater than that. Trump has created his delusional reality and cannot bear to have it challenged and now that is happening.

    And there has also actually already been some testimony about that. His former lawyer Michael Cohen testified about Trump calling him and another accountant into a meeting demanding they crank out some more fraudulent numbers simply because he wanted top move up on the Forbes richest people list. Cohen said they managed to bump things up for another billion dollars. And Trump said that would not get him high enough on the list and demanded another billion.

    Trump knocked off Forbes list after 'relentless' lies about wealth: report

    Sky Palma
    October 3, 2023 5:12PM ET

    Composite image of Donald Trump and Trump Tower / Shutterstock

    Donald Trump has reportedly been booted from "the country’s most exclusive club," Forbes reported.

    Trump is now $300 million short to qualify for The Forbes 400 ranking of America’s richest people. According to Forbes, Trump has "relentlessly" lied to reporters for decades in his attempts to boost himself higher in the list.

    "His net worth is down more than $600 million from a year ago. The biggest reason: Truth Social, his social-media business. Trump once envisioned a significant percentage of the country logging onto the platform," Forbes reported. "But that never happened. Roughly 6.5 million have signed up so far, about 1% of the total on X (né Twitter). Trump’s 90% stake in Truth Social’s parent company has plummeted in value from an estimated $730 million to less than $100 million."

    POLL: Should Trump be allowed to run for office?

    Also losing value are Trump's office buildings, which are down by an estimated $170 million.

    Forbes adds that it's not all doom and gloom for Trump's businesses.

    "As fewer people spend time in the office, more are goofing off on the golf course. That’s especially good news for Trump National Doral, the former president’s most valuable golf property, purchased for $150 million in 2012."

    Read the full report at Forbes.

  11. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Judge tosses Trump's expert witness in E. Jean Carroll case

    David Edwards
    October 5, 2023 2:01PM ET

    Trump photo by AFP Photo/Olivier Douliery Carol Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

    U.S. District Court Judge Lewis Kaplan on Thursday rejected one of President Donald Trump's expert witnesses in a trial to determine damages after the former president was found liable for defamation of writer E. Jean Carroll.

    Noting that the trial was set only to determine damages, Kaplan ruled that five of the six requests made by Carroll's attorneys were moot. Earlier this year, Trump was found liable for defaming Carroll while denying he raped her.

    But the judge granted a request to preclude the testimony of Robert J. Fisher, a witness for the defense who intended to rebut expert witness Professor Ashlee Humphreys.

    Kaplan's order pointed to another court ruling that found Fisher unreliable.

    "Mr. Fisher does not explain how his experience informs his criticisms of [Professor] Humphreys's proposal for reputation repair," the prior ruling found. "Indeed, his entire analysis of [Professor] Humphreys's proposal for reputation repair contains no citation other than to [Professor] Humphreys's report."

    In rejecting Fisher, Kaplan indicated he agreed with the ruling.

    Read more: Gaetz getting ‘Cawthorned’ as Republican exposes details of his alleged misconduct

    "Mr. Fisher's report in this case suffers from the same inadequacies," Kaplan wrote. "The first six and a half pages of his twelve-page report contain 'a mixture of legal opinions ... as well as arguments about the evidence[] ... and sundry other things', none of which is a proper subject of expert testimony."

  12. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Ex-Trump Campaign Aide Who Fought Gag Agreements Scores Big Victory

    Former Trump campaign aide Jessica Denson scored a long-fought and sweeping victory over her ex-boss on Thursday, when a federal judge voided the 2016 campaign’s nondisclosure agreement as overly restrictive. In addition to awarding Denson her settlement—$450,000 in legal fees to her defense team, and a $25,000 incentive fee to Denson as the representative for the class actionthe ruling frees every member of the 2016 campaign from the agreement, allowing 422 former employees to speak about their experiences without fear of violating their contract. (The order notes that during negotiations the Trump campaign voluntarily released those employees.) The legal muzzle the campaign placed on its employees was so sweeping that it was “invalid and unenforceable,” the judge ruled. Denson, who accused the Trump campaign of sexual discrimination, previously won a lawsuit focused on her personal NDA, then expanded the effort to include the full campaign.

  13. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Get ready, 422 tell all books coming.
    Wonder if they'll try to coordinate stories?
    • Like Like x 1
  14. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    This is another one I am really looking forward to. I remember when Trump first started attacking
    Peter Strzok and Lisa Page and thought Trump you better be careful. There is nothing wrong with them not liking you and having an affair is their own personal business. And they can sue you.

    Now of course that was early in his administration and I had no idea that Trump could corrupt the entire federal government and with treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republican help drag the US down to the level of a third world banana republic shit hole country run by a mad king tin horn dictator where he could get away with anything.

    But th0ose days are behind us and our laws and courts have managed to hold against Traitor Trump and his treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republicans so Trump can now be held accountable.

    With the added bonus there is hardly anything more funny than seeing Trump have to go under oath and get deposed. Where he usually convicts himself in grand fashion.

    Trump scheduled to be questioned in lawsuits from ex-FBI employees who sent negative texts about him
    Mon, October 16, 2023 at 10:28 PM MDT·3 min read


    Donald Trump is scheduled to be questioned under oath Tuesday as part of lawsuits from two former FBI employees who provoked the former president's outrage after sending each other pejorative text messages about him.

    Peter Strzok, who was a lead agent in the FBI's investigation into ties between Russia and the 2016 Trump campaign, has alleged in a lawsuit against the Justice Department that he was wrongfully fired for exercising his First Amendment rights when he and a colleague traded anti-Trump text messages in the weeks before he became president.

    Lisa Page, the FBI lawyer who texted with Strzok and had also been assigned to the Russia investigation, has sued as well, alleging that the Justice Department violated her privacy by disclosing copies of her messages with Strzok to members of the news media. She voluntarily resigned from the FBI in May 2018, and Strzok was fired several months after that.

    Both allege that the Justice Department acted under unrelenting pressure from Trump, who repeatedly lambasted the pair on social media, publicly championed Strzok's firing and accused him of “treason.” Lawyers for the two hope to be able to prove as part of their suits that Trump's verbal tirades and appeals for action wrongly influenced the Justice Department's punitive actions.

    The Justice Department had sought to block the deposition of Trump as unnecessary, citing testimony from other witnesses who'd already been interviewed in the lawsuits that Trump had no impact on the decision to fire Strzok.

    The department in court filings, for instance, has pointed to an interview with former FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich in which he said he made the decision to fire Strzok on his own, and that he did not recall FBI Director Chris Wray ever telling him about any meeting with Trump in which the president pressured him about Strzok.

    But both U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson and a federal appeals court rebuffed the Justice Department, permitting a two-hour deposition to move forward.

    The deposition had been scheduled to take place at Mar-a-Lago, Trump's Florida estate, but was moved to New York, where Trump was scheduled to be present in court this week for an ongoing civil fraud trial. It is set to unfold as Trump contends with four different criminal cases ranging from allegations of scheming to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election to illegally hoarding classified documents at Mar-a-Lago.

    The text messages — in which Strzok and Page disparaged Trump as an “idiot” and “loathsome human” and called the prospect of a Trump victory “terrifying” — were discovered by the Justice Department inspector general's office — as it scrutinized the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server as secretary of state.

    Strzok was a lead agent in that probe as well, and he notes in his lawsuit that the inspector general found no evidence that political bias tainted the email investigation. The text messages, which were disclosed to Justice Department leadership after being discovered by the inspector general, resulted in Strzok being removed from the special counsel team conducting the Trump-Russia investigation. The inspector general identified numerous flaws with that probe but did not find find evidence of partisan bias.

    In his 2020 book, “Compromised: Counterintelligence and the Threat of Donald J. Trump,” Strzok expressed measured regret for the text messages and the impact they had on the FBI.

    "I deeply regret casually commenting about the things I observed in the headlines and behind the scenes, and I regret how effectively my words were weaponized to harm the Bureau and buttress absurd conspiracy theories about our vital work,” Strzok wrote.

    But in an interview that year with The Associated Press, he also described the personal toll of the attacks from Trump.

    “Being subjected to outrageous attacks up to and including by the president himself, which are full of lies and mischaracterizations and just crude and cruel, is horrible,” Strzok said. “There’s no way around it.”

  15. anon_de_plume

    anon_de_plume Porn Star

    Jul 15, 2012
    And why shouldn't we use a popular vote to elect the president? Why is the office of the president so different that we need to use a different system for elections?
    • Like Like x 1
    1. shootersa
      It took the genius a month to troll Shooter's post.

      The genius certainly had educational opportunities wherever it is he grew up, and certainly his teachers explained the whole premise behind the electoral college and why we don't elect our president like we do the prom king and queen.

      Apparently, the genius wasn't paying attention during that time, or was absent or perhaps incarcerated, because he's now asking Shooter to explain why the office of President of the United States is elected through the electoral college, not a popularity contest.

      Shooter has neither the patience, interest, or motivation to do what the geniuses educators should have accomplished.
      shootersa, Oct 17, 2023
    2. anon_de_plume
      I asked questions. You decided to turn it into trolling... That's obvious because you made no effort to address the questions, just comments about me...

      Have a nice night, spacey!
      anon_de_plume, Oct 18, 2023
      stumbler likes this.
  16. anon_de_plume

    anon_de_plume Porn Star

    Jul 15, 2012
    You, yourself, claim to be the best racist. I hardly think you have room to complain when others call you racist.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    More of Trump's mental illness. At every turn Trump has tried to claim he is immune from E Jean Carroll and it hasn't worked yet.

    Trump to argue presidential immunity shields him from paying E. Jean Carroll damages

    Carl Gibson
    October 23, 2023 1:40PM ET

    Trump photo by AFP Photo/Olivier Douliery Carol Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

    Former President Donald Trump is due in court Monday in the ongoing E. Jean Carroll defamation lawsuit, and he's apparently planning to argue his former job prevents him from being held accountable in civil court.

    Judge Lewis Kaplan previously allowed Carroll's $10 million defamation lawsuit against Trump to move forward in June. On Monday, ABC News reported that Trump is now going to argue before a federal appellate court panel that because he was President of the United States in 2019 — when he allegedly defamed Carroll — that he should be immune from having to pay any damages to the former Elle magazine columnist.

    Carroll's lawsuit stems from a claim the former president made in 2019 that Carroll allegedly fabricated her accusation that Trump sexually assaulted her in a New York department store the 1990s so she could boost sales of her then-forthcoming book.

    "Defendant-Appellee's conduct is not properly the subject of a civil damages claim since his conduct is shielded by presidential immunity," Trump's legal team argued in a pre-hearing filing. "The District Court's rejection of this defense was clearly made in error; more importantly, this flawed decision will have wide-ranging implications which threaten to disrupt the separation of powers between the Judicial Branch and the Executive Branch, and significantly diminish the latitude of protection afforded to all Presidents under the presidential immunity doctrine."

    Trump has also used the presidential immunity argument to argue that he can't be held criminally accountable in Special Counsel Jack Smith's investigation into the former president's role in the January 6 insurrection. Smith submitted a 54-page filing in US District Court last week countering that argument, citing previous prosecutions of presidents including Trump's 2021 impeachment trial, Bill Clinton's civil suit, and Richard Nixon's pardon.

    In May, Trump was ordered by a Manhattan jury to pay Carroll $2 million in damages for sexual abuse, and $3 million in damages for defamation. The jury took less than three hours to reach a unanimous verdict.

    READ MORE: Jack Smith just tore apart Trump's 'starting' absolute immunity argument

  18. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    American hater asked me to help him buy a gift for his wife.
    We went to the store.
    American hater molested me.
    Years later, taking advantage of a change in the law that does away with the statute of limitations, I have decided I'm going to sue American hater.

    I can't tell you when it happened now.
    Or provide any sort of proof that it ever happened.
    It's my word against his.
    There are no witnesses.
    I may still have the clothes I wore and I think they'll have American haters DNA on them.
    But I won't let you see them or examine them.
    And if American hater denies all this I will sue him for defamation.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Who know how the court will rule but so far at least its not sounding too good for Trump.

    US court challenges Trump appeal in rape accuser E. Jean Carroll's case
    Jonathan Stempel
    Mon, October 23, 2023 at 2:13 PM MDT·3 min read

    FILE PHOTO: U.S. jury finds Trump sexually abused writer E. Jean Carroll

    By Jonathan Stempel

    NEW YORK (Reuters) - A federal appeals court on Monday questioned why former U.S. president

    waited more than three years to claim that he deserved absolute immunity from a defamation lawsuit by writer E. Jean Carroll for denying that he raped her.

    Two members of a three-judge panel of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan challenged Trump's lawyer Michael Madaio during oral arguments in Trump's appeals of pivotal rulings by U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan.

    Madaio called presidential immunity an "absolute and nonwaivable protection" that judges could not override.

    Carroll, a former Elle magazine columnist, sued Trump in November 2019 over his denial five months earlier that he had raped her in a midtown Manhattan department store dressing room in the mid-1990s. Trump, who was president in 2019, said Carroll was "not my type" and suggested that she made up the rape claim to boost sales of her forthcoming memoir.

    Trump is appealing Kaplan's June 29 refusal to dismiss Carroll's lawsuit, and the judge's Aug. 7 dismissal of some of his defenses and a defamation counterclaim against her.

    Kaplan ruled on Sept. 6 that Trump's denial was defamatory, leaving only the issue of damages for the trial scheduled for Jan. 16, 2024. Carroll is seeking at least $10 million.

    On May 9, another jury awarded Carroll $5 million for sexual assault and defamation, though not rape, after Trump last October again denied that the rape occurred. Trump is also appealing that verdict.

    During Monday's arguments, Madaio said Trump acted in the "outer perimeter" of his job as president by responding to Carroll's accusations. Madaio also said denying immunity would disrupt the constitutional separation of powers between the U.S. government's executive and judicial branches.

    Trump "faced an unprecedented, unprovoked attack on his character," Madaio said. "As both the leader of a nation and the head of the executive branch, he could not sit idly by."

    Circuit Judge Denny Chin questioned why Trump waited until December 2022 to claim immunity, even as the former president raised other defenses, after both sides had gathered evidence.

    "This was litigated for three years without the assertion of the defense," Chin said. "How was it an abuse of discretion for Judge Kaplan to say it was too late?"


    Carroll, 79, has long accused Trump, 77, of using stall tactics to keep her case from getting to trial. She proposed the $10 million damages award after Trump disparaged her as a "whack job" in a CNN town hall-style event following the previous verdict.

    Carroll's lawyer Joshua Matz rejected any suggestion that Trump could not waive absolute immunity because "broader structural considerations" were at play.

    "That is hokum," Matz told the appeals court. "A party who believes that they are holding onto absolute immunity from suit does not behave the way that Mr. Trump behaved it his case."

    The appeals court did not say when it will rule.

    Trump's defamation counterclaim stemmed from his assertion that Carroll tarred his reputation by maintaining after the May verdict, including on CNN, that he had raped her.

    Kaplan on Aug. 18 certified that Trump's appeal of his refusal to dismiss the case was "frivolous."

    The appeals court could order Trump to pay damages and costs if it ends up agreeing with the judge.

    Trump is the frontrunner for the Republican nomination to challenge Democratic President Joe Biden in the 2024 U.S. election, despite facing four federal and state criminal indictments. Trump has pleaded not guilty in those cases.

    He also is a defendant in a civil fraud trial in which New York Attorney General Letitia James has accused him of unlawfully inflating his assets and net worth to dupe lenders and insurers.

    The case is Carroll v. Trump, 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Nos. 23-1045 and 23-1146.

  20. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    MAGA Make Attorneys Get Attorneys.

    Top Trump allies facing charges lose lawyers after failing to pay legal bills
    Peter Stonein Washington DC
    Tue, October 31, 2023 at 5:00 AM MDT·7 min read

    Photograph: Curtis Means/AP

    A trio of top Donald Trump allies who have racked up huge legal expenses to defend themselves from either criminal charges, convictions or defamation lawsuits have lost key lawyers for failing to pay six- and seven-figure bills in a sign of the huge legal problems they face.

    The hefty legal bills of ex-Trump advisor Steve Bannon, former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, underscore the scale of the criminal and civil charges that ensnare them.

    Welcome to the escalating legal and financial headaches plaguing three of the former US president’s top loyalists who pushed various false claims about his 2020 election loss to Joe Biden that helped provide cover for Trump’s election falsehoods.

    The list of legal woes is long.

    Bannon has a court appeal slated for November over his criminal conviction last year and pending four-month jail sentence for obstructing Congress by spurning a subpoena from the House panel that was probing the January 6 insurrection.

    Bannon also faces a trial next May in New York related to state fraud, conspiracy and money laundering charges that he bilked donors in a Mexican wall project, dubbed “We Build the Wall.”

    Meanwhile, Giuliani was charged in August with 13 criminal counts in Georgia by Fulton county district attorney Fani Willis who also charged Trump and 17 others as part of a conspiracy to thwart Trump’s 2020 loss there. Pressures on Giuliani escalated in October when three other ex-Trump lawyers he worked with in varying ways agreed to plead guilty and cooperate with prosecutors.

    Further, Lindell is fighting $2bn defamation lawsuits by electronic voting machine firms he has claimed helped rig the 2020 against Trump, which have cost him millions of dollars in legal fees owed to a Minneapolis law firm.

    In October, the law firm formally asked a court to allow it to withdraw from representing Lindell in these cases, citing millions of dollars it was owed.

    On another legal front, a top lawyer for Bannon and Giuliani has ditched them and filed big claims for monies owed. Robert Costello and his firm, which has represented both Giuliani and Bannon, have filed separate claims against the duo, respectively, for $1.4m and $480,000.

    A court judgement has been issued against Bannon for the $480,000, which he’s fighting with the help of lawyer Harlan Protass. It’s unclear when and how much Giuliani may pay Costello and his firm. But a legal source familiar with Giuliani’s seven-figure debt faults Trump not Giuliani for the unpaid bill, claiming that Trump at a meeting with Costello and Giuliani earlier this year in Florida said he would “take care of” Giuliani’s legal bill.

    On top of their past due legal bills, Giuliani and Bannon now are also locked in other high stakes legal battles.

    In Georgia, Guiliani’s legal situation seems to have become more perilous: lawyers Jenna Ellis, Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell who worked in varying ways with Giuliani as he pushed false claims in Georgia and elsewhere about Trump’s loss, pled guilty in October, and agreed to cooperate with Willis’ office

    Giuliani has called his indictment a “travesty”, but ex-prosecutors say that he faces new pressures in the wake of other Trump lawyers’ plea deals.

    “As expected, the dominoes have started to fall in Georgia with three plea agreements by key Trump lawyers who in different ways worked with Rudy,” Paul Pelletier, the ex-acting chief of the fraud section at the justice department, told the Guardian.

    “Rudy too may want to plead and cooperate to reduce his exposure, but no prosecutor in their right mind would use him as a cooperating witness. There’s simply no way to undo the entrenched legacy of his outlandish behavior.”

    Other ex-prosecutors concur that Giuliani’s credentials as a witness are tarnished.

    “Rudy’s under huge pressure, but he’s unlikely to flip because that would be the rational thing to do,” ex-prosecutor Paul Rosenzweig told the Guardian.

    Still some justice department veterans say Giuliani may try to cut a deal.

    “Giuliani must be concerned that Powell and Ellis will testify against him and add to the likelihood of conviction,” said Barbara McQuade, a former US attorney for eastern Michigan, told the Guardian. “It may not be in Giuliani‘s DNA to admit wrongdoing, but now would be the time to pursue a deal from Fani Willis if he is willing to plead guilty.”

    Giuliani reportedly has not been offered a plea deal so far, and Giuliani’s spokesman has nixed the idea of accepting one.

    In another blow in Georgia, Giuliani was found liable in August for making defamatory comments about two Georgia election workers, and later ordered to pay their legal fees and turn over evidence to them.

    Further, the voting technology firm Smartmatic in August skewered Giuliani in court filings, charging him with making up “excuse after excuse” to avoid handing over documents in its $2.7bn defamation lawsuit against him, Fox News, and others who pushed lies about the 2020 election results.

    Despite his mounting problems, Giuliani has kept some longtime allies. John Catsimatidis, the billionaire owner of WABC radio, where Giuliani has a daily radio program, told the Guardian that Giuliani “earns good money with us. He gets paid monthly.” Catsimatidis added that: “I pray he’s found innocent.”

    Although Bannon’s legal problems differ, they are just as intense, if not more so.

    The combative Trump ally, known for his far-right War Room podcast, was convicted last year and sentenced to four months in jail for obstruction of Congress by flouting subpoenas to cooperate with the House panel that probed the January 6 insurrection and Trump’s role.

    Bannon appealed the conviction and a court hearing is slated for November.

    Although Judge Carl Nichols, in granting Bannon an appeal of his conviction, left the door open to a possible reversal or new trial, ex-prosecutors don’t think Bannon’s conviction is likely to be reversed.

    “I think Bannon‘s conviction is on very solid ground,” McQuade told the Guardian. “He failed to even appear when subpoenaed by Congress. If he thought he had a good faith basis for a testimonial privilege, the way to assert it would have been to show up and answer all other questions, and to assert the privilege on a question-by-question basis. He failed to do even that.

    “Moreover, because he was not an executive branch employee during the relevant time period, his claims of executive privilege are flimsy to nonexistent.”

    Other ex-prosecutors are dubious that Bannon’s appeal will succeed.

    “Even though Judge Nichols said Bannon’s appeal was serious, it is not. Bannon has almost no chance of overturning his conviction. He’s manifestly guilty,” Rosenzweig told the Guardian.

    Separately, Bannon is due to stand trial next May on New York state charges that he defrauded donors to his non profit “We Build the Wall” project, which already has led to three pleas or convictions of Bannon associates.

    Bannon’s trial will be in the same court in Manhattan that ruled he owed Costello’s law firm $480,000 dollars. His lawyer is slated to be Protass, who is appealing the court’s fee decision against Bannon which he’s called “clearly wrong”.

    Bannon has pleaded not guilty to the charges of defrauding donors.

    Right before Trump left office in early 2021 he pardoned Bannon, who had been indicted on similar federal fraud charges for his role in “We Build the Wall”.

    Notwithstanding his mounting legal threats, Bannon remains an aggressive and busy Trump ally. In October, he used his War Room podcast to host some of Trump’s most far-right Maga allies like Florida representative Matt Gaetz, who played a key role in ousting former House speaker Kevin McCarthy.

    Some ex-Republican congressmen view Bannon as a disruptive, pro-Trump political force. “Bannon always struck me as a leader of the nihilist wing of the GOP coalition,” ex-Republican congressman Charlie Dent told the Guardian. “His intervention with the speaker’s race was clearly a problem and advanced Trump’s interest in the House.”

    “He’s like Trump: all grievances, all the time.”
