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  1. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Biden impeachment inquiry ‘eight months of abject failure’, watchdog report says
    David Smith in Washington
    Mon, September 11, 2023 at 4:40 AM MDT·6 min read

    Photograph: Shutterstock

    The man leading the Republican charge for an impeachment inquiry into

    has endured “eight months of abject failure” in trying to prove the US president guilty of wrongdoing, a watchdog report says.

    James Comer, the ambitious chairman of the House of Representatives’ oversight committee, has repeatedly overhyped allegations of bribery and corruption against Biden without once producing hard evidence, according to the Congressional Integrity Project.

    The lack of a case underlines the huge political risks facing House Republicans when they return to Capitol Hill on Tuesday. Some are threatening to force a government shutdown unless an impeachment inquiry is opened despite objections from wary Republican colleagues in the Senate.


    Comer has been leading an aggressive investigation into unsubstantiated claims that Biden was involved in his son Hunter’s foreign business affairs during his time as vice-president. A CNN/SSRS poll this week found that 61% of Americans believe that Biden did play such a role, including 42% who think he acted illegally. But establishing the link between father and son has proved an elusive holy grail.

    “After months of political stunts, dozens of hearings, transcribed interviews, and memos, and despite hours on Fox peddling conspiracy theories, Comer and his Maga crew have failed to find a single shred of evidence linking President Biden to any of their lurid accusations,” says the report by the Congressional Integrity Project, which monitors the Republican investigations. “In fact, Republicans have been forced to walk back claim after claim.”

    The report offers an anatomy of a fake scandal, detailing a series of exaggerated assertions that have shriveled under scrutiny. They include Comer saying at his first press conference that he had evidence of “federal crimes committed”, relentlessly invoking “deep state” conspiracy theories and claiming that his whistleblowers “fear for their lives”.

    For months, the report says, Comer talked to the media about four individuals he claimed were “whistleblowers”, a term increasingly hijacked by the right. It adds: “Problem is – they weren’t whistleblowers and there were only two people.”

    Comer was eventually factchecked by his own colleague on the House oversight committee. Democrat Jamie Raskin wrote to him: “The two individuals your staff specifically identified as the individuals they understood to have been referenced during your March 6 Fox News interview, are not whistleblowers … Your repeated statements about ‘four people’ suggest that either you have intentionally misrepresented the Committee’s investigative progress to your conservative audience or that key investigative steps have been deliberately withheld from Committee Democrats.”

    In early May, Comer and Senator Chuck Grassley, investigating Hunter’s work for the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, published an open letter to the FBI announcing subpoenas for an unclassified document supposedly describing an alleged “criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions”.

    But when Comer and Grassley obtained the document, form FD-1023, and publicly released a redacted version – against the advice of intelligence officials who feared it would “unnecessarily risks the safety of a confidential source” – it turned out to be an uncorroborated FBI tip.

    “Worse still,” says the Congressional Integrity Project’s report, “the owner of Ukrainian energy firm Burisma had already rebutted the uncorroborated bribery allegations back in 2019.”

    Also in May, Comer published a bank memo attacking Biden for his alleged foreign business ties but even the conservative Fox News network was unimpressed. Host Steve Doocy challenged Comer: “That’s just your suggestion. You don’t actually have any facts to that point. You’ve got some circumstantial evidence. And the other thing is, of all those names, the one person who didn’t profit is that – there’s no evidence that Joe Biden did anything illegally.”

    Joe Biden and his son Hunter have been accused of corruption by Republicans, but a report says there is not much in way of proof. Photograph: Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP/Getty Images
    In June, during a series of interviews with rightwing media, Comer claimed that the supposed bribery allegations against Biden have nothing to do with Rudy Giuliani, the former New York mayor turned lawyer for ex-president Donald Trump.

    The report points out: “The only problem with Comer’s vehement statements? They are not true. Rudy Giuliani himself has taken credit for first raising the allegations. Giuliani has said during several Newsmax TV appearances that he alerted the justice department to the allegation.”

    Also in June, Comer and Grassley began touting potential audio tapes supposedly proving that Biden accepted a $5m bribe from a Ukrainian energy company during the Barack Obama administration. But Comer later admitted, “We don’t know if they are legit or not,” during a Newsmax interview just five days later.

    In July, after weeks of hype from Comer about “bombshell testimony”, a business associate of

    named Devon Archer appeared before the House oversight committee. But Archer failed to offer any evidence of a conflict of interest between Joe Biden and his son’s business ventures.

    Comer made much of a portion of testimony by Archer suggesting that Biden joined Hunter on speakerphone while talking with business associates up to 20 times. “The reality, however, was that Archer’s testimony referred to approximately 20 instances over the span of a decade in which Hunter indicated Joe Biden was merely present; Archer did not testify that President Biden was directly involved in business discussions beyond ‘the brand’ – only that he held casual conversations about ‘the weather’ and ‘fishing’.”

    Comer himself was not even present for the testimony. One anonymous Republican source was quoted as saying: “It was like following a general into battle, but the general decided to stay home instead of fight.”

    In early August, Comer released a memo that attacked Biden for supposedly receiving bribes from foreign countries. It was widely derided by factcheckers. The Politico website reported: “But the memo, the third Comer has released so far this year, also doesn’t show a direct payment to Joe Biden.”

    The headline-grabbing pursuit of Biden has boosted Comer’s profile in the Republican party and proved beneficial in fundraising terms. He brought in $1m in the first six months of 2023, including $400,000 in small-dollar donations, compared with just $15,000 from small-dollar donors in the whole of 2021 and 2022.

    News that prosecutors pursuing Hunter Biden on a gun possession charge intend to seek a grand jury indictment by the end of September is likely to give fresh impetus to Republicans seeking an impeachment inquiry, even though the case refers to his private conduct and is not connected to the president.

    Such an inquiry could also backfire on far-right Republicans who are vowing to shut down the government unless they get their way. No one is pushing harder for it than Trump, who wrote on social media: “Either IMPEACH the BUM, or fade into OBLIVION.”

    Kyle Herrig, the Congressional Integrity Project’s executive director, argues Trump’s myriad legal troubles are a motivating factor for Comer and allies ahead of next year’s presidential election.

    “Let’s be clear why Republicans are doing this in the first place,” Herrig said. “Donald Trump has been indicted four times and they think using the machinations of government to conduct their partisan, stunt-filled investigations will convince the American people that Joe Biden is somehow corrupt like Trump.

    “The problem is that facts are facts and we have the fact that Donald Trump is corrupt and has likely committed numerous crimes. They don’t have a single shred of evidence connecting Joe Biden to any wrongdoing.”

    Comer’s office did not respond to a request for comment.

  2. manuel42

    manuel42 cum gunner of the highest order Banned!

    Jan 30, 2011
    why is it that you think conservatives hate america? What about america do conservatives hate? Because what I understand conservatives love guns, freedom, and liberty. liberals for the most part seem pretty against these things in the 2020's. liberals don't like guns, they like to impose their will on people via masks and mandates, and they laugh in the face of liberty in the form of free thought and expression unless it fits their intersectional disposition.
  3. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    Treasonous--Trump, his inner circle, campaign, and Republicans in Congress tried to overthrow the results of a free and fair election, attempted the firs coup in American history, and staged an armed, violent, deadly insurrection to try and keep Trump in power.

    Conservative--Conservatism has always been a lie the way it it is reached and practiced in this nation. But now conservatives are the most stupid, ignorant, and mentally ill members of Congress led by MTG.

    America Hating--The greatest things about the United States of America has always been our Constitution, democracy, the rule of law, and peaceful transfers of power. Our nation was also founded on the principles of We The People and that all people are created equal. So called "conservatives" are attacking and trying to destroy all that. They have no love or loyalty to the United States of American and instead give all their loyalty to just one man. And you cannot possibly hate the United States of America more than that.

    Republicans--That is what they call themselves but its just another word for traitors to the United States of America and every great thing it has ever stood for.
    1. manuel42
      I can understand why you would think that based on what the media feeds you.
      Are you willing to listen to another perspective? Kinda getting tired of the division.
      manuel42, Sep 11, 2023
      mstrman likes this.
    2. stumbler
      Well you are surley just bullshitting about the media feedung me anything. The attempted coup is well documented by the J6 committee which I watched live. And also documented in multiple court cases and indictments.

      Last edited: Sep 11, 2023
      stumbler, Sep 11, 2023
    3. stumbler
      I screwed that up. We also watched the insurrectiin live on TV.

      Are you denying those things happened @manuel42?
      stumbler, Sep 11, 2023
  4. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    No, you don't want to engage stumbler.
    He claims he wants to debate people on important issues, but all he ends up doing is copy N pasting pages of shit, declares he won, and kicks over all the chess pieces.

    The fact is, despicables hate America, deny God exists, and hate anyone not in lockstep with their vision of the world.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    And we all watched the insurrection live on TV.

    Are yiu denying that?
    1. manuel42
      Oh I watched, and I fucking enjoyed it. Finally patriots standing up for the country that satanic liberals are trying so hard to destroy with their gay agenda, war on energy and American self sufficiency. The swamp must be drained in all countries.
      manuel42, Sep 12, 2023
  6. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Shooter has no clue what yiu watched on TV. Or what yiu concluded from it.

    Nor does Shooter care. Yiur reputation preceeds you.
  7. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    Yep that about sums that up.

    “There’s no question — none — that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president,” “The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing our country and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things.” - Mitch McConnell.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. stumbler
      So you disagree with the Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell? How about House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy who said about the same thing? Or Sen Lindsey Graha n? Are all of them lying @manuel42?
      stumbler, Sep 12, 2023
    3. stumbler
      And hey @manuel42 how many times did Trump say peaceful as opposed to words like fight?
      stumbler, Sep 12, 2023
    4. stumbler
      and @manuel42 what did Trump want his supporters to do when he told them to march on the Capitol? What was their purpose?
      stumbler, Sep 12, 2023
    5. stumbler
      Trump was told by the Secret Service that people with guns were trying to get into the ellipse where he would be speaking. And Trump told the Secret Service to take the metal detectors down and let those armed people in because they were not there to hurt him. So Trump at least knew those people were there to hurt someone. Does that sound like Trump wanted his supporters to be peaceful to you @manuel32?
      stumbler, Sep 12, 2023
    6. shootersa
      Quick question.
      When you carry a gum stumbler are you looking to hurt someone?
      shootersa, Sep 13, 2023
  8. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Where did you go @manuel42?

    You asked me a question and I politely and respectfully answered it.

    And then you made a totally false accusation. And asked me another question.

    So I told you where I was getting my information other than just the media and invited you to respond with your perspective.

    So where did you go @manuel42? Where is your perspective? You said you were "Kinda getting tired of the division." So let's discuss this in a civil fact based manner. Since you are the one that initiated the discussion in the first place. You are not afraid of dong that are you?
    1. manuel42
      Lol. unlike you, I have a life pal. I came back to 25 notifications this morning. Unfortunately for me, I can see you have no interest in being civil the way you answered the first question with absolute vitriol, so I don't think this is going to be productive. I musta been high when I posed the question, I don't know why I would expect anything different from Mr. Rawstory himself. Fuckin liberal loon.
      manuel42, Sep 12, 2023
      mstrman and shootersa like this.
  9. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Now you got it. Debating with stumbler, or any liberal for that matter, is not much different than trying to play chess with a pigeon.
    The problem you now have is that either stumbler or one of the followers is going to attack you.
    But that doesn't have to be a problem. Kind of like having a puppy chew on your shoe. Quick drop kick and the problem is (temporarily) solved.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Where did you go @manuel42?

    You asked me a question and I politely and respectfully answered it.

    And then you made a totally false accusation. And asked me another question.

    So I told you where I was getting my information other than just the media and invited you to respond with your perspective.

    So where did you go @manuel42? Where is your perspective? You said you were "Kinda getting tired of the division." So let's discuss this in a civil fact based manner. Since you are the one that initiated the discussion in the first place. You are not afraid of dong that are you?

    For someone with a life you sure seem to spend a lot of time posting. And 25 notifications was all you had this morning? I had close to three times that many this morning and have more than 25 now since I checked them last.

    I disagree. I stated the facts and why I use the terms "treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republicans." I think I clearly backed that up.

    So what do you say is vitriolic about what I said. Because I disagree.


    adjective: vitriolic
    filled with bitter criticism or malice.

    You haven't even tried have you? I am being civil and polite and sticking to the subject and answering the questions you asked me. Why don't you do the same? Is it because you really cannot what you say with truth, facts, reason and logic? And if you can't then that would prove you are the one who only believes what the fight wing false propaganda noise machine feeds you wouldn't it?

    Are you high now? Are you always high?Is that why you cannot defend what you say on this forum?

    Why would you say that? Isn't that just a tangent personal attack since I have not used any sources let alone RAW STORY? And I have told you before if we debate we need to use sources but I won't use RAW STORY if you have a problem with it even though RAW STORY has a very high credibility rating.

    Now see you falsely accuse me of being uncivil but you are the one resorting to personal attacks and name calling. And why is that? Because you cannot really defend what you post on this forum? It is all just right wing false propaganda talking points that have been fed to you that you turn around and just parrot here.

    You enjoyed an armed insurrection where 5 people died, 146 police officers were injured and $1.5 million in damages was done to the Capitol?

    Doesn't that make you kind 0f sick and sadistic to enjoy something like that?


    noun: patriot; plural noun: patriots; noun: Patriot
    1. 1.
      a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.
      "a true patriot
    How can people trying to overgrow the results of a free and fair election be patriots? Our Constitution lays out very carefully how elections are supposed to be run. And we had a more than 230 year tradition and history of a peaceful transfer of power. So how can people who refuse to obey the Constitution and resort to violence be "patriots"?

    Why do you say liberals are satanic? Specifically what evidence do you have to back that up?

    What "gay agenda"? What evidence do you have that liberals have a "gay agenda"? What is it? Show us that and be specific.

    And why do you hate LGBTQ+ people so much? Aren't they also people/citizens too? With the same rights as everyone else under our Constitution and affirmed by the Supreme Court? What do you want to do with LGBTQ+ people? Put them in prison? Kill them? What authority do you have for hating them?

    Why do you say that when the US is producing record amounts of oil and natural gas and exporting more than we import?

    US crude output to rise to record 12.76 million bpd in 2023 - EIA

    So what you said is not true is it? In fact its just another right wing false propaganda talking point. Which is all you have isn't it?

    Now you are not even making sense and flying with a totally unrelated tangent. Which again is just another right wing false propaganda talking point that has been fed to you and you simply parrot.

    And its actually quite laughable because no one has ever created a bigger swamp and profited from it than Trump.


    Now look @manuel42 you do not have to admit that all you do is parrot right wing false propaganda noise machine talking points that you cannot defend with any truth, facts, reason and logic. You dpn't have to admit that because it is just plainly obvious for everyone to see for themselves.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  11. mstrman

    mstrman Porn Star

    Sep 2, 2020
  12. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010

    Stumblers "polite and respectful" remarks;
    "But now conservatives are the most stupid, ignorant, and mentally ill members of Congress led by MTG."
    "So called "conservatives" are attacking and trying to destroy all that. They have no love or loyalty to the United States of American and instead give all their loyalty to just one man. And you cannot possibly hate the United States of America more than that."
    "Republicans--That is what they call themselves but its just another word for traitors to the United States of America and every great thing it has ever stood for."
    "You are not afraid of dong that are you?"
    "Are you high now? Are you always high?Is that why you cannot defend what you say on this forum?"
    "Doesn't that make you kind 0f sick and sadistic to enjoy something like that?"
    "And why do you hate LGBTQ+ people so much? Aren't they also people/citizens too? With the same rights as everyone else under our Constitution and affirmed by the Supreme Court? What do you want to do with LGBTQ+ people? Put them in prison? Kill them? What authority do you have for hating them?"
    "Now look @manuel42 you do not have to admit that all you do is parrot right wing false propaganda noise machine talking points that you cannot defend with any truth, facts, reason and logic. You dpn't have to admit that because it is just plainly obvious for everyone to see for themselves."
    And shall we talk about stumblers references to America as a "shithole country" and a "banana republic?

    You see, @manuel42
    No matter how respectful you are in responding, no matter how carefully you pose your response, stumbler is going to strut around, shit all over the board, and declare himself winner. And he'll lie as well.

    Better to just dismiss his spew and walk away.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2023
  13. manuel42

    manuel42 cum gunner of the highest order Banned!

    Jan 30, 2011
    I don't hate gay people. I couldn't care less what people do in the privacy of their bedroom. I have a problem with bringing flagrant degeneracy into society. I would hate to see a straight pride parade as much as a gay pride parade.

    I have a problem with the flags they fly in everyones face, they are ugly as shit.

    I have a problem with biological men mopping the floor with women who worked very hard to get where they are in sports.

    I have a problem with depopulating the planet thru homosexuality.

    I have a problem with drag queen story hour.

    I have a problem with the sexually explicit books in schools these days. 9 year old children shouldn't be learning about anal. 6 year old children should not be learning about gender theory. If the child thinks it's a different gender the teacher has the power to hide it from the parents currently. This is not okay.

    Every TV program and movie has to have a gay character in it even tho they make up 3% of the population, and it usually detracts from the story line. Pride flags all over sports equipment, and playing grounds. It's too much. These people need to back off.

    Gay people are not oppressed they are celebrated. For what?
  14. Bron Zeage

    Bron Zeage I am a river to my people

    Dec 3, 2014
    It's no surprise you would find cruelty to animals a solution to your problem.
    • Like Like x 2
  15. mstrman

    mstrman Porn Star

    Sep 2, 2020
  16. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Brons post proves Shooters point.
    When all else fails personal attack is the norm.

    Thanks Bron for proving the point.
  17. Bron Zeage

    Bron Zeage I am a river to my people

    Dec 3, 2014
    You're the one who kicks puppies. I'm sure the puppy thought it was a personal attack.
  18. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    Again this from a trumptard. You can't make this shit up. :O_o:
    • Like Like x 1
    1. stumbler
      Says the guy who is the king of stalking posts only to personally attack and name call.
      stumbler, Sep 13, 2023
  19. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Another despicable proves Shooters point.
    They're so blind to it they don't even realize they do it.
    What fun this forum is!:)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    This is simply so rambling and contradictory it really doesn't make any sense.

    Are you saying you don't hate LGBTQ+ people but they are "degenerate"


    adjective: degenerate
    having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline.

    Because what is degenerate about parades. Are these "degenerate"?

    EDIT' I decided I should delete all the Columbus Day and St Patrick's Day parade photos because there could be a kid in the background.

    Or is it just parades with LGBTQ+ people that are "degenerate"?

    And isn't being on a pron forum being degenerate by your definition ? Isn't that "bringing flagrant degeneracy into society." Aren't you being very hypocritical about that?

    Do you have the same problem with these flags?

    [​IMG]Supporters of President Donald T


    How about these.


    People hold swastika flags as neo-Nazi groups Blood Tribe, and Goyim Defense League hold a rally on September 2, 2023 in Orlando, Florida.
    Stephanie Keith/Getty Images

    Or is it just Pride Fags?

    Can you give us some examples of that? I have not seen that as a huge problem. Why don't you change my mind and give me examples.

    Well that sure sounds hate filled to me. Currently its over population of the earth that is the most serious problem. The population of the planet is 7.888 billion (2021). But you are blaming homosexuality for "depopulating the planet? That sure sounds like nothing but homophobic hate to me.

    Ok what is your problem with "drag queen story hour”? And who should get to decide who gets to go to a drag queen show? You? Are you God again?

    What do you mean "these days"? Haven't there always been sexually explicit books in school libraries. I know I read them where I was in school back in the 1970's. They were some of my favorites. Are you saying its suddenly just a problem now? Or has it just become a problem since it became a right wing false propaganda crusade?

    Are you saying that for your kids? Or all kids? If you don't want your kids learning about those things you can opt them out can't you? Same with what books they can checked out in the library. Or are you saying you are all knowing and all powerful and you get to dictate what other parents can let their kids read? If so, who made you God?

    Give us some specific examples of this. Where is it happening? In every school? In all states distructs? Give us some examples of what you are talking about.

    And here again all you do is reveal you do in fact and in deed hate LGBTQ+ people or you wouldn't be screaming these homophobic hate filled lies.

    And nothing says hate like "these people need to back off..

    Like I have said @manuel42 all you ever really do is just scream the right wing false propaganda talking points filled with fear, anger and hate but you cannot defend then or even define them because you simply parrot them.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2023