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  1. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    And you know on other threads treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republicans are still falsely screaming about classified material being found on Clinton's server even though the vast majority were classified after they were sent or received. But literally hundreds of classified material including some of the most top secret we have just laying around Mar a Lago and Trump showing them to people is no problem.
  2. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    The progressive/liberal/Democrats I don't believe even dared to dream of a day like this. I think a lot more than the normal amount of people are watching this drama in the House and the treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republicans are just ripping each other and even their committees apart. Its turned into just a vicious screaming blood bath. And its finally coming to a roll call vote.

    'Failure theater': Matt Gaetz lashes out at Jim Jordan's Biden probe during Speaker debate

    Sarah K. Burris
    October 3, 2023 3:41PM ET

    Drew Angerer/Getty Images

    During the debate on whether Speaker Kevin McCarthy should be ousted, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) attacked Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) for his attempt at bringing down President Joe Biden.

    NBC News reporter Garrett Haake tweeted: "Gaetz really burning down the House GOP around him. Responds to Jordan by saying oversight efforts – including their crown jewel Hunter Biden investigation – look like 'failure theater.'"

    Jordan has been blamed for being unable to garner public attention to GOP claims that Biden is using the government to attack Republicans.

    POLL: Should Trump be allowed to run for office?

    "Jordan, who is now chairman of a subcommittee on the 'weaponization' of government against conservatives, previewed even more nefarious skulduggery," The Nation wrote in April.

    "There were, he said, 'dozens' of federal whistleblowers who were prepared to blow the lid off the deep state, including at least 14 inside the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Those FBI witnesses would show how the agency was used to thwart Donald Trump and other conservatives. Indeed, once word of the hearings got out, the army of whistleblowers grew. By January, Jordan had revised the number of FBI whistleblowers up to 19."

    Newly elected Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) was in that hearing, and asked Jordan why he failed to deliver on the so-called "whistleblowers" that could back up his claims.

    “Apparently, this committee is no longer focused on the so-called dozens and dozens of FBI whistleblowers who were supposedly going to show some massive government conspiracy to attack conservatives,” Goldman said. “Three of them have now come in for transcribed interviews — over a month ago. Where are those witnesses, Mr. Chairman? Let’s bring them in. Bring them in right here so that the American people can see for themselves what the entire basis of this subcommittee is.”

    Jordan's hearings have failed to garner much attention outside of far-right blogs – and have yet to come up with substantial evidence.

  3. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    'Needless escalation': FBI witness testimony triggers DOJ and House GOP feud

    Maya Boddie, Alternet
    October 5, 2023 8:39PM ET

    Jim Jordan appears on ABC (screen grab)

    According to an exclusive Thursday, October 5 CNN report, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a letter to the GOP-led House Judiciary Committee accusing the lawmakers of 'needless escalation" regarding President Joe Biden and U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan's (R-OH) "battle over GOP claims that the FBI played a role in social media suppressing a story about Hunter Biden's laptop in 2020."

    Per CNN, "At issue is whether Elvis Chan, an FBI special agent whose work focuses on cybersecurity and foreign influence on social media, can be forced to be deposed before Congress without being accompanied by both a Justice Department attorney and his personal lawyer."

    The DOJ has warned Chan "not to testify before the" committee over his "request to have both his personal lawyer and a Justice Department attorney present during his deposition, a source familiar with the matter tells CNN."

    POLL: Should Trump be allowed to hold office again?

    Judiciary spokesperson Russell Dye told the news outlet, "Everything is on the table for Mr. Chan, including contempt."

    According to the report, "the Republican-led committee claims that under House rules, Chan cannot have both counsels present for a deposition. A line included in House Judiciary rules stipulates that a witness may be 'accompanied at a deposition by two designated personal, nongovernmental attorneys to advise them of their rights.'"

    However, CNN reports, "In its letter to the committee, DOJ argues that under the law, government employees are allowed to be accompanied by agency attorneys during a congressional deposition. The letter says that Chan would not cooperate with the panel's subpoena unless a DOJ attorney is allowed to accompany him along with his personal attorney."

    The news outlet notes, "The DOJ and the Republican-led Judiciary Committee have been going back and forth for months over securing Chan’s testimony. Chan was supposed to appear voluntarily before the committee on September 15. But when the panel found out Chan was planning to bring both his agency and personal counsel, the interview fell apart and the committee promptly issued a subpoena."

    A senior Democratic aide knowledgable of congressional probes told CNN, "Nobody who has ever been subpoenaed who requested agency counsel has ever been denied agency counsel."

    READ MORE: 'Extremely dangerous': Ex-federal prosecutors call out 'unprecedented' attacks by Jordan, Trump and GOP

    CNN's full report is available at this link.

  4. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    And now for the rest of the story, cause when it's a wrong story copy N paste by American hater we know there's always more to the story.

    So for starters, who is this Elvis Chan, an FBI special agent who specializes in cyber security and foreign influence on social media?
    Well, he's the eye of the storm when the topic is Hunter Biden's laptop and how it was initially mislabeled by the government as "Russian propaganda" and then the story was censored by social media.

    So what, let him have his attorneys, one could say.

    Minor problem.

    Chan has touted a letter from Meta that says Chan isn't the fellow who communicated with Meta about the laptop. But counsel for Meta confirmed during a phone call that Chan was indeed the communicator at issue.

    Oh, and a judge has already said Chan will be deposed, and he's welcome to the legal representation any witness gets before a senate committee. Which is to say, he can have his personal attorney present, but not a government attorney. Cause, you know, conflict of interest.

    Judge says FBI agent can be deposed for allegedly working with Meta to bury Hunter Biden laptop story | Fox News
    Judge says FBI agent can be deposed for allegedly working with Meta to bury Hunter Biden laptop story
    GOP AGs say FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Elvis Chan 'colluded' with Meta to bury story
    By Brianna Herlihy Fox News
    Published November 14, 2022 8:08pm EST

    A federal judge on Monday ruled in favor of deposing an FBI agent accused of "colluding" with social media companies to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story.

    Judge Terry A. Doughty of the Western District of Louisiana ruled that FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Elvis Chan must be deposed under oath for his alleged involvement in coordinating with Meta to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the 2020 election.

    "Chan had authority over cybersecurity issues for the FBI in the San Francisco, California region which includes the headquarters of major social-media platforms and played a critical role for the FBI in coordinating with social-media platforms related to censorship," Doughty wrote in his Monday court order. "Even if Chan played no role in the Hunter Biden laptop communication issue, he may have knowledge of who did, and his deposition is nonetheless warranted."


    The decision relates to a lawsuit filed in May against the Biden administration. In that suit, Republican Attorneys General Eric Schmitt of Missouri and Jeff Landry of Louisiana accused top-ranking government officials of working with the giant social media companies Meta, Twitter and YouTube "under the guise of combating misinformation" in order to achieve greater censorship.

    On Oct. 10, the AGs identified Chan and 46 defendants in the suit. Chan was cited for his alleged "critical role" in "coordinating with social-media platforms relating to censorship and suppression of speech on their platforms."

    The court on Oct. 21 authorized Chan’s deposition, but Chan’s attorneys filed a motion to reconsider that ruling, which was denied on Monday.



    Chan argued in court that a letter from Meta stated that he was not the person from the FBI who conveyed communications to the company about the Hunter Biden laptop. But that claim was disputed by the AGs who maintain that a counsel for Meta in a September 2022 phone call verbally identified Chan as the FBI official directly involved in the communications between the Big Tech platform and the law enforcement agency on President Joe Biden’s son’s laptop.

    "The issue of Chan’s involvement in the Hunter Biden laptop communication is an additional reason to allow Plaintiffs to take his deposition," Doughty wrote.

    "If Chan played no role in the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story, then such information will be made clear in his deposition," Doughty stated.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    • Like Like x 4
  6. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    silty tries to show us how it should be done.


    • Funny Funny x 1
    1. anon_de_plume
      And this is all the space alien has to offer! Personal attacks and bad memes...
      anon_de_plume, Oct 10, 2023
      stumbler likes this.
  7. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    You talking about silty?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Translation-- Go pound sand you treasonous moron.

    Fulton County DA Tears Into Jim Jordan Over Trump Probe
    Dan Ladden-Hall
    Thu, October 12, 2023 at 3:13 AM MDT·2 min read

    Leah Millis/Reuters

    Fulton County District Attorney Fanni Willis sent Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) an extremely frank letter on Wednesday declining his request for more information about her prosecution of Donald Trump and others for attempting to overturn the result of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia.

    “A charitable explanation of your correspondence is that you are ignorant of the United States and Georgia Constitutions and codes,” Willis wrote in the letter obtained by CNN to Jordan, who serves as House Judiciary Committee chairman and has been angling to be House speaker. “A more troubling explanation is that you are abusing your authority as Chairman of the Committee on the Judiciary to attempt to obstruct and interfere with a Georgia criminal prosecution.”

    Supporting the latter interpretation, Willis quoted Jordan saying in an appearance on Mark Levin’s show last month: “We’re trying to get all the answers, but we’re trying to stop this stuff as well.” “While you may enjoy immunity under the United States Constitution’s Speech or Debate Clause, that does not make your behavior any less offensive to the rule of law,” she added.

    “As the person chosen by the citizens of Fulton County to be their District Attorney, I serve them, and my team and I are exceptionally busy,” Willis continued. “We have already written a letter—which I have attached again for your reference—explaining why the legal positions you advance are meritless. Nothing you’ve said in your latest letter changes that fact.”

    She added that Jordan’s requests implicate “confidentiality interests related to an ongoing criminal matter, as well as serious constitutional concerns regarding federalism and separation of powers.”

    Willis had already provided details about the federal funding received by her office. But Jordan had also requested documents relating to her prosecution of Trump—a demand that Willis has previously rebuffed.

    Last month, Jordan wrote Willis a letter saying his committee has “a strong legislative interest in ensuring that popularly elected local prosecutors do not misuse their law-enforcement authority to target federal officials for political reasons.” “We can only conclude from your hostile response to the Committee’s oversight that you are actively and aggressively engaged in such a scheme,” he added.

    Jordan also wanted copies of any communications between Willis’ office and executive branch officials, especially those in the Department of Justice. “To the extent you have specific questions about the Department of Justice’s communications, we refer you to the Department of Justice,” Willis wrote in her letter Wednesday.

    In August, the House Judiciary Committee launched a congressional investigation into Willis’ office on the same day that Trump surrendered at the Fulton County Jail on 13 charges related to allegations of subverting the outcome of the 2020 election in Georgia. The indictment—which was the fourth criminal case brought against Trump in as many months—also named 18 of the former president’s allies as defendants.

    • Winner Winner x 1
  9. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    So hey there treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republicans how have your revenge hearings been going the past couple weeks?
    • Like Like x 1
  10. mstrman

    mstrman Porn Star

    Sep 2, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Bad Spelling Bad Spelling x 1
    1. toniter
      The word you're reaching for is moron. Or is it maroon?
      toniter, Oct 19, 2023
      stumbler likes this.
    2. mstrman
      What a Moroon!
      mstrman, Oct 19, 2023
    3. toniter
      toniter, Oct 19, 2023
      stumbler likes this.
  11. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    He trolls!
    He misses!
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Funny as watching treasonous conservative American Hating Republicans try to fuck is watching them try to gover
  13. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Comer Says He’s ‘Ashamed’ Of Fellow House Republicans: ‘We’ve Wasted Three Weeks’
    Michael LucianoOct 23rd, 2023, 7:10 pm

    Rep. James Comer (R-KY) said he is “ashamed” that the House Republican conference still has not elected a speaker after it removed Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) from the post three weeks ago.

    McCarthy was ousted after eight Republicans joined 208 Democrats in voting to boot him from his position.

    Comer, who chairs the House Oversight Committee, weighed in on the speaker drama that has hampered the House in recent weeks on Monday’s Kudlow.

    “I need a Republican speaker of the House, Mr. Chairman so you can go back to work,” Larry Kudlow said on Fox Business. “What’s happening?”

    Comer replied:

    We’ve wasted three weeks. And, you know, this was a dumb move by those eight members of Congress. Many of them are on my committee. I like, you know, at least six of the eight. But at the end of the day, they had no plan. They had no plan, and Larry, this could stretch out another two or three weeks. And it’s limited the ability of committees, not only to meet, but my committee, to do subpoenas and things like that.

    So, this isn’t being productive. We got started a month late with subpoena power. I didn’t get subpoena power ’til basically February the 1st because we went through all of this in January with the speaker’s race. So, this is unfortunate and you know, I’m ashamed that we’re in this position. Hopefully, we’ll find someone that can get 217 votes soon.

    Last week, Republicans nominated Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) for the speakership, but he failed to gain a majority of votes on three ballots. The previous week, the conference nominated Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) to the position, but he withdrew when it became clear he did not have the votes.


    • Like Like x 1
  14. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Just fucking hilarious.

    Raskin Rattles Off Republicans’ Brutal Comments Trashing Themselves In Committee Hearing: ‘We’re a Party That Can’t Govern’
    Michael LucianoOct 24th, 2023, 5:31 pm
    Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) came to Tuesday’s House Oversight Committee Meeting armed with receipts showing House Republicans lamenting the state of their conference as they remain unable to choose a speaker.

    Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) had just finished grilling the commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service over its supposed ineffectiveness. Raskin appeared to anticipate Republicans’ line of questioning, as they have been very critical of the IRS

    “What we’ve got is one more hearing to beat up on the IRS as part of the program to deconstruct the administrative state, as Steve Bannon promised at the beginning of the Trump administration,” Raskin said. “One can only regard with amazement that any member of the Republican Party today would lecture the commissioner of the IRS about efficiency or organization or anything else. Look at what the Republicans are saying about the Republicans today on Capitol Hill as we live through all of the reverberations of the chaos caucus.”

    As he spoke, aides held up placards with quotes from GOP lawmakers about the lack of a speaker. Republicans have nominated three candidates over the past two weeks, all of whom have dropped out because they lack the votes. The drama comes after the House voted to remove Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) from the post three weeks ago.

    Raskin then read several comments from GOP lawmakers:

    “The world is burning around us. We’re fiddling. We don’t have a strategy.” That’s Representative Steve Womack, Republican from [Arkansas].

    “We’re fractured,” says a member of this committee, Representative Anna Luna from Florida.

    “It’s not a normal majority,” says Representative Tom Cole, Republican of Oklahoma.

    Here’s Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene talking about the Republicans. “This conference is absolutely broken.”

    Here’s Kevin McCarthy, who used to be speaker before he was deposed by the Republicans. “This is embarrassing for the Republican Party. It’s embarrassing for the nation.”

    Here’s Representative David Joyce from Ohio, who probably sums it up best. “We’re a party that can’t govern.”

    Here’s Representative Troy Nehls from Texas. “We’re a broken conference.”

    Representative Tom Emmer said if it were a family, “We’d be the most dysfunctional family on the face of the planet.”

    Here’s Representative Austin Scott, who ran briefly for speaker in the speakership sweepstakes taking place right now. “It makes us look like a bunch of idiots.”

    And Representative Mark Alford from Michigan, another Republican – “We are a ship that doesn’t have a rudder right now.”

    “So, it would be great if we could actually get a speaker of the House and a functioning House of Representatives so we could deal with these issues.”

    Watch above via C-SPAN.


    • Like Like x 1
  15. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    GOP's James Comer hit with brutal fact check over Biden 'money laundering' scheme claims

    Kathleen Culliton
    October 26, 2023 7:11PM ET

    U.S. Rep. James Comer (R-KY), Chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, attends a media event at the National Press Club on January 30, 2023 in Washington, DC. Comer outlined his committee's agenda for the upcoming Congress including his plan to investigate President Biden's son Hunter Biden and his overseas business deals. (Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

    No, James Biden’s $200,000 payment to his brother isn’t the proof of a mass “influence peddling scheme” far-right Republicans like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene would have you believe it is, a new FactCheck report finds.

    FactCheck's review of the House Oversight and Accountability committee's case against the Biden family, based on a bank statement subpoena that found a 2018 payment between brothers, found more evidence of bombast than bribes, the organization said Thursday.

    “As has been the case so often in the House investigation of the finances of Joe Biden’s family members,” the report states, “the claims have outpaced the evidence so far.”

    The Biden nay-sayers, who also include Reps. James Comer and Lauren Boebert, contend James' payment to Joe’s on the same day he received a $200,000 check from the for-profit hospital chain Americore Health proves what Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene called “money laundering.”

    Yet as the FactCheck analysis found, it might also have been the struggling hospital’s last-ditch effort to hitch its wagon to a big political name, as they state in a bankruptcy court complaint filed in July 2022.

    And a lawyer for James Biden says brother Joe — not yet a U.S. presidential hopeful, let alone president — was simply being paid back for a short-term loan he sent his brother.

    That's why committee Democrats accused Republicans of cherry-picking bank records and ignoring those that didn't align with their conspiracy theory.

    “These records actually show that President Biden was the one who stepped in to help family members when they needed support,” Rep. Jamie Raskin said on Oct. 20.

    FactCheck confirmed the second half of this account with images of James and Sara Biden’s check to Joe entitled “loan repayment.”

    Despite this evidence, Comer took to Fox News three days later to boast, “We just proved that Joe Biden benefited from his family’s influence peddling scheme."

    The FactCheck report notes it remains unclear which narrative is true, but that in a nation where you’re innocent until proven guilty, it’s up to Republicans to make a case.

    “The records don’t prove one way or another if Joe Biden was involved in the Americore Health enterprise,” FactCheck states. "But the burden remains with Republicans on the oversight committee to prove their case.”

    Read the full report here.

    • Like Like x 1
  16. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    As usual, the American hater can be counted on to keep shouting the approved narrative that "YOU DONT HAVE THE PROOF!!"

    A payment voucher from Putin himself addressed directly to Joe Biden and notated "bribe" wouldn't be convincing enough for the despicables.
    Course, they accepted a pack of unsupported lies and bullshit prepared by a foreign agent and paid for by a political opponent to spy on a political candidate and hound him for 8 years.
    Never let it be said that hypocrisy is an issue for a despicable.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    And since when did trumptards and repukes care about proof, eh What proof did Trump and the GOP ever produce about 2020 election fraud?
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. stumbler
      I don't know about you but I find it just incredibly amusing an alleged ex cop apparently does not in this country for someone to be guilty ir requires proof beyond reasonable doubt.
      stumbler, Oct 31, 2023
  18. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    racist troll dismissed
  19. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    • Like Like x 1
  20. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    James Comer texts Biden probe fundraising plea to liberal columnist – and gets destroyed

    Sarah K. Burris
    October 31, 2023 3:28PM ET

    (Fox News screenshot)

    Washington Post columnist Philip Bump revealed in a piece Tuesday that he recently started getting a barrage of text messages asking that he support a number of Republican causes. The texts, he said, oddly came from figures including Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Donald Trump's attorney John Eastman and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

    "I am curious," said the well known liberal writer, "as to whether this was a change in approach by Republican fundraisers or an effort to troll me with spam personally, but that’s beside the point."

    The point, he said, was that on Monday evening he received a request to give to Rep. James Comer (R-KY), who is chairing the GOP's version of an "impeachment inquiry" into President Joe Biden.

    “40 FBI Informants. In the Biden Family. For 15 years,” the text told him. “It’s Chairman Comer and you need to read this

    The message linked to a WinRed fundraising page — it struck Bump as bizarre that Comer was desperately trying to fundraise off of his hearings.

    "After all, the allegation about the informants wasn’t something that came from his and his party’s efforts," Bump wrote. "The pitch couches that a bit, asserting in boldface text that 't has come to light' that these informants purportedly existed. But there’s no news release about it from the normally news-release-enthusiastic House majority and no mention of it on Comer’s X/Twitter feed. The account for the Oversight Committee did mention it once, pointing back to the source of the claim: Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-IA)."

    Grassley and Comer have been coordinating on the Biden investigation, suggesting that the president and his family was involved with some kind of bribery scheme with foreigners. "No evidence corroborating the claim has emerged; evidence undercutting it is generally ignored," Bump wrote.

    This month, Grassley sent a letter to the FBI and Attorney General Merrick Garland claiming the FBI, under President Donald Trump and Biden, put off investigations into the claims. Implying that he's getting information from the FBI itself, Grassley admits, "I've been made aware that at one point in time the FBI maintained over 40 Confidential Human Sources that provided criminal information relating to Joe Biden, James Biden and Hunter Biden." He didn't share other information to substantiate or verify it.

    "That Comer is raising money off Grassley’s claim — raising money by exaggerating the claim to assert that there were 40 informants for 50 years — is the point," wrote Bump.

    "This wasn’t his work; it was simply an allegation that those who would respond to an 'I’m fighting Biden for you' appeal would find compelling. I once referred to Comer’s efforts as a fishing expedition, but he’s not simply throwing out bait to see what he gets, he’s throwing out as much bait as he can to vacuum up as many fish as there are in the sea."

    Bump closed by explaining it's easy to twist the story into a scandal, particularly when Comer, Grassley and Fox are pushing the same claims of conspiracy.

    "It’s like Trump and election fraud: He keeps saying the election was stolen, so all sorts of things that very much aren’t evidence of that point are granted the default assumption that they are," said Bump.

    "Comer takes pixelated images of checks and well-edited videos claiming that Biden’s on the take, puts them on a hook and tosses it into the right-wing ecosystem. Then he refreshes his WinRed page to see how much his 2024 reelection bid is bringing in."

    New House Speaker, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) has indicated the house will vote on the impeachment under his leadership and open an official probe.

    Read the full column at the Washington Post.
