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  1. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I am sure glad Moscow Mitch changed the rules to ram Trump's unqualified religious zealots through. Because President Biden and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer are way better at than Trump was.

    Biden announces new round of judicial nominees

    By Harper Neidig - 08/05/21 10:56 AM EDT 121

    President Biden announced a new round of judicial nominees Thursday as the White House and Senate Democrats continue to push judges through the confirmation process at a rapid pace.

    The three federal and one local D.C. judicial picks make up the president's sixth round of nominees since his inauguration.

    The slate includes Beth Robinson, a justice on the Vermont Supreme Court who Biden is nominating to sit on the powerful New York City-based Second Circuit Court of Appeals. Robinson has been on Vermont's highest court since 2011 and is the first openly LGBT justice to hold a seat there.

    Biden also nominated Mary Katherine Dimke to be a district court judge for the Eastern District of Washington, where she currently serves as a magistrate judge after multiple stints as a federal prosecutor.

    Charlotte Sweeney, an employment law attorney in Denver, was nominated to the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado. If confirmed, Sweeney would be the first openly LGBT judge on the court.

    Biden announced he would be nominating John P. Howard III for the D.C. Court of Appeals, the capital's equivalent of a state supreme court. Howard is currently an administrative law judge with the District of Columbia Office of Administrative Hearings.

    The Senate has so far confirmed eight of Biden's more than 30 judicial nominees and on Thursday the Senate Judiciary Committee advanced five more for final floor votes.

  2. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    July jobs report: Economy adds back 943,000 payrolls, unemployment rate falls to 5.4%

    .US. employers added back more jobs than expected last month, with payroll gains moving in tandem with improving economic activity and consumer mobility during the recovery. The jobless rate also fell to the lowest level since March 2020, improving more than expected.

  3. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    "fell to?"
    Did we all forget Trump's 3.7% rate?
    Ah. Of course not. We just don't want to discuss that part.
    Or the part about employers can't find anyone to work for them cause, you know, more money collecting unemployment and as an added bonus, free health care.
  4. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Trump actually broke protocol and would start bragging about a good jobs report before the numbers were even released. And his treasonous conservative/Republicans would cheer their heads off. Even though Trump's job creation wasn't really any better than Obama's after they were running a TRILLION dollar DEFICIT.

    And the real significance of this.report is it proves Biden's policies are working. But that is being threatened by treasonous conservative/Republicans whi refuse to get vaccinated because they want the US to fail because their mad king dictator failed at his coup.

    But it's not working because millions of Americans are now getting vaccinated.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    So, stumbler, lets see, shall we?

    Unemployment rate
    Unemployment rate higher than at any time during the /trump administration, covid pandemic excepting.

    Labor force participation dropped from 63.1% under Trump to 60.3% now.

    There are more job openings. That's the good news.

    But people are remaining unemployed longer anyway, that's the bad news.

    And despite more job openings, and more pay, and more people unemployed, jobs remain unfilled.
    No job search requirement still in many states
    $300 a week bonus unemployment until September in many states.
    Free health care through ACA for the unemployed.

    So stumbler can twirl and pee about how trump broke protocol and talked about employment before the numbers were officially released, and trump supporters cheered the news, but the facts are, biden/harris has blunted the recovery with their Obama style "kill em with kindness" policies.

    Add in record debt

    and watch inflation rear its ugly head, projected to be as high as 6% this year


    And we know why despicables don't want to talk about biden/harris, they only want to continue to talk about trump.

    Cause if they talk about biden/harris the only conclusion is, as bad as trump was despised, we were in a far better place with him than we are with biden/harris.
  6. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Good got will he ever stop talking about trump!
  7. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Well, we can talk about biden/harris
    9/11 families to President Biden: Don't come to our memorial events (yahoo.com)
    9/11 families to President Biden: Don't come to our memorial events
    Nearly 1,800 Americans directly affected by the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks are opposing President Joe Biden’s participation in any memorial events this year unless he upholds his pledge to declassify U.S. government evidence that they believe may show a link between Saudi Arabian leaders and the attacks.

    The victims’ family members, first responders and survivors will release a statement Friday calling on Biden to skip 20th-anniversary events in New York and Shanksville, Pennsylvania, and at the Pentagon unless he releases the documents, which they believe implicate Saudi officials in supporting the acts of terrorism. The group says that as a candidate Biden pledged to be more transparent and release as much information as possible but that his administration has since then ignored their letters and requests.

    “We cannot in good faith, and with veneration to those lost, sick, and injured, welcome the president to our hallowed grounds until he fulfills his commitment,” they wrote in a statement obtained by NBC News.

    “Since the conclusion of the 9/11 Commission in 2004 much investigative evidence has been uncovered implicating Saudi government officials in supporting the attacks,” the statement says. “Through multiple administrations, the Department of Justice and the FBI have actively sought to keep this information secret and prevent the American people from learning the full truth about the 9/11 attacks.”

    Actually, this is probably going to work out better for biden/harris.
    Imagine if he actually went to one of these memorials.

  8. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    But hey, biden/harris is gonna get us to zero emissions by 2050!

    Why shucks, he even had this summit thingy at the whitehouse, and got the big three auto makers to attend!
    Elon Musk says Tesla wasn't invited to the White House electric-car summit, despite selling the most EVs in the US (yahoo.com)
    Elon Musk says Tesla wasn't invited to the White House electric-car summit, despite selling the most EVs in the US
    • The White House is holding a summit on Thursday on the future of electric cars.

    • Tesla CEO Elon Musk said on Twitter that his company was not invited to the event.

    • Teslas account for most US electric-car sales and were recently dubbed the "most American-made."
    The White House is holding a summit on the future of electric vehicles but appears to have excluded the nation's top-selling electric-car company.

    On Thursday, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said on Twitter that his company - which has been responsible for about 74% of electric-car sales in the US over the past three years - was not invited to the event.

    Nope, no politics going on with climate change!
    Wonder, is Nancy Antoinette invited? She'd want to be in the loop cause, you know, hubby investments.​
    • Like Like x 1
  9. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
  10. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Biden/harris needs no help on this score.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
  12. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    9/11 families ask Biden not to attend memorial events unless he declassifies documents on Saudis


    DOJ reviewing 9/11 files after victims' families ask Biden to skip memorials

    The Department of Justice announced on Monday that it will review classified information and documents related to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and consider their release following pressure on President Biden from victims' families.

    Families of victims, survivors and first responders told Biden last week not to attend any memorial events for the attack unless his administration declassifies documents that pertain to Saudi Arabia’s role in the terrorist attacks.

    The group pointed to a promise then-candidate Biden made on the campaign trail in October, when he said he would direct his attorney general to look into the “merits of all cases where the invocation of privilege is recommended” and “err on the side of disclosure.”


    1. shootersa
      Betcha joe doesn't get anything released before 9/11.
      shootersa, Aug 12, 2021
  13. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    This is a big win for President Biden and a huge fuck you to Trump who has been threatening treasonous conservative/Republican Senators for weeks not to pass the infrastructure bill.

    Senate passes $1T bipartisan infrastructure bill in major victory for Biden

    The Senate on Tuesday passed a roughly $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure deal, a significant win for President Biden and the first step on his top legislative priority.

    Senators voted 69-30 on the bill, which was spearheaded by a bipartisan group of senators led by Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) and Rob Portman (R-Ohio). Nineteen GOP senators voted with all Democrats to pass the legislation.

    The bill is now heading to the House, where it faces an uncertain future and skepticism from progressives. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has vowed she won’t take it up until the Senate passes the second part of its infrastructure two step, a sweeping $3.5 trillion spending package that includes Democrats’ top priorities.

    But the Senate’s passage of the bipartisan measure on Tuesday gives a victory for Biden and the centrist-minded group that led the legislation, and placed big bets and months of time on the ability to get a bipartisan deal on infrastructure, one of Washington’s long-running legislative white whales.

    “Congress has talked about truly modernizing our nation’s infrastructure for as long as we can remember. The United States Senate delivered so that we can finally give the American people the safe, reliable, and modern infrastructure they deserve," Portman, Sinema and the eight other senators who were the core negotiators said in a joint statement after the vote.

    And underscoring the bill's importance to the administration, Vice President Harris presided over the vote even though she wasn't needed to break a tie.

    The bipartisan deal includes roughly $550 billion in new funding, making it substantially smaller than the $2.6 trillion proposed by Biden earlier this year.

    It includes money for new investments for infrastructure projects like roads, bridges, broadband, water and rail. According to a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) analysis, the bill would add $256 billion to the deficit, though negotiators argue that “hard” infrastructure projects pay for themselves over time and that CBO didn’t give them full credit for their work.

    “The new spending under the bill is offset through a combination of new revenue and savings, some of which is reflected in the formal CBO score and some of which is reflected in other savings and additional revenue identified in estimates, as CBO is limited in what it can include in its formal score,” Sinema and Portman said in a joint statement on the analysis.

    Even though the bipartisan bill appeared in recent days to be on a glide path to passage, it was full of stops and starts.

    Biden initially tried to negotiate a deal with Republicans led by Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), but those talks unraveled. Biden, instead, blessed the negotiations between Portman and Sinema, who had been quietly talking for weeks, and he joined a group of the 10 core negotiators at the White House in late June to announce they had reached a deal on a framework.

    The group and the White House then spent more than the next month trying to iron out their details, including the perennial sticking point of how to pay for the agreement after Republicans took ramped-up IRS enforcement off the table. That included hours of Capitol meetings filled with pizza and several bottles of wine.

    Even after the group and the White House announced late last month that they had a deal on the “major issues” and the Senate formally moved to take up the bill, they still spent days finalizing key provisions including broadband and transit.

    And the Senate’s final debate on the bill over the weekend was dragged out after Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.) rejected lobbying by his colleagues to sign off on an agreement that would trade votes on anywhere from 16 to 25 amendments in exchange for speeding up the final vote. Senators also made eleventh-hour attempts to add a deal to change the bill’s cryptocurrency language, which has sparked bipartisan alarm, but those were blocked.

    The bill passed in the Senate on Tuesday put Republican splits on full display with former President Trump repeatedly lashing out at Republicans, including GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), for helping advance the bipartisan deal.

    “Nobody will ever understand why Mitch McConnell allowed this non-infrastructure bill to be passed. He has given up all of his leverage for the big whopper of a bill that will follow. ... He is working so hard to give Biden a victory, now they’ll go for the big one, including the biggest tax increases in the history of our Country,” Trump said in a statement on Tuesday.

    McConnell, in a statement after the vote, touted the money that would go toward Kentucky projects under the bill.

    "I was proud to support today’s historic bipartisan infrastructure deal and prove that both sides of the political aisle can still come together around commonsense solutions. By promoting sensible, collaborative legislation, we have shown that the Senate still works as an institution," he said.

    To pass the bill through the Senate, Democrats needed at least 10 GOP votes. Though they got several more than that, they also lost GOP senators who had helped advance the bill over earlier procedural hurdles.

    Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.), who is up for reelection next year, announced over the weekend that he could not support the deal.

    “Having reviewed the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) estimated fiscal impact of this legislation as currently constructed, and frankly still not being comfortable with a number of the Democratic priorities contained in this version, I will vote ‘no,’ ” Young said in a statement.

    And Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), who missed the vote because his wife is undergoing treatment for cancer, announced hours before Tuesday’s vote that he could not support the deal. He voted to advance it on Saturday.

    “As we combed through the legislative text of this 2,702 page bill and the subsequent amendments, there were many sections that I believe contradict the values of the people of South Dakota who sent me to Washington. With that in mind, I could not in good conscience support this legislation in its final form,” Rounds said.

    The Senate’s passage of the bill tees up Senate Democrats to turn to their $3.5 trillion plan, which they will try to pass through the Senate without GOP support.

    Passing the plan requires two steps: First, they need to clear a budget resolution that includes broad instructions and top-line figures on the subsequent bill.

    The Senate is poised to vote on Tuesday to take up the budget resolution, which Democrats will be able to do on their own as long as all 50 of their members stay unified. Before they can approve the budget, they’ll need to endure a marathon session known as vote-a-rama, where any senator can force a vote on anything they want.

    After they clear the budget resolution, they will then spend at least a month drafting the spending package itself, which will include top priorities including expanding Medicare, immigration reform, combating climate change and universal pre-K.

    The House is expected to wait until after the Senate passes the spending package this fall to take up the bipartisan bill, though moderates are ramping up efforts to pressure Pelosi into moving faster.

    “So whatever you can achieve in a bipartisan way, bravo. We salute it. We applaud it. We hope that it will pass soon. But, at the same time, we're not going forward with leaving people behind,” Pelosi told reporters last week. “All of these things are urgent, and we're going to get them done together.”

    1. shootersa
      This is a huge fuck you to America is what it is.
      shootersa, Aug 12, 2021
  14. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    OMG, the worst part of this is that senile old dolt biden probably believes what he's saying.... Well, I guess biden is comparing Cuomo to himself, so it's hard say who is the bigger fucked up loser...

    Biden says he 'respects' Cuomo decision to resign, says disgraced gov did 'a hell of a job'

    Biden downplays the impact Cuomo's actions will have on the Democratic Party


    President Biden on Tuesday backed embattled Gov. Andrew Cuomo's decision to resign amid a scathing investigation into sexual harassment allegations while saying the New York governor did "a hell of a job."

    "I respect the governor's decision and I respect the decision he made," Biden said at the White House shortly after Cuomo announced he would step down from the job in two weeks.

    When asked how Cuomo's actions would affect the Democratic Party, Biden signaled he thought the fallout would be limited.

    "I think the impact is all on Andrew Cuomo and his decision to make that judgment," Biden said. "And I respect his decision."

    Cuomo, a major Biden ally, announced his resignation earlier Tuesday after an independent investigation found credible allegations of sexual harassment against Cuomo from female employees.

    Biden lamented the loss of the governor's leadership and touted Cuomo's record on policies, outside of his personal conduct.

    "He's done a hell of a job," Biden said. "… That's why it's so sad."
  15. conroe4

    conroe4 Lake Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Nov 26, 2006
    He's done hell to new yorkers, especially the elderly. It was very sad.
  16. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Hmp....Tara Reade is speaking up again.
  17. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Mainstream media crushes Biden for ‘flat-footed,’ ‘humiliating’ betrayal of Afghans as Taliban takes control
    Even liberal networks CNN and MSNBC are scolding Biden

    Embattled President Biden has been hammered by political opponents over the botched troop exit from Afghanistan that allowed the Taliban to seize control but something more concerning for the Democratic administration happened along the way: it lost the mainstream media.

    Mainstream, corporate media outlets have long earned their reputation of leaning left, often overlooking potential damning headlines aimed at Biden while criticizing conservatives at every turn. But some of the media industry’s most outspoken liberal pundits and progressive news organizations have taken Biden to task over scenes of chaos and desperation as the Islamist terrorist group takes power.

    CNN’s Jake Tapper opened Sunday’s edition of "State of the Union" by calling the situation a "tragic foreign policy disaster" that caught the Biden White House "flat-footed."

    "That is, of course, a sharp turn-around from six weeks ago when President Biden called it highly unlikely that the Taliban would overrun the country, an assessment that even at the time struck many experts in Biden’s own administration as unrealistic," Tapper said. "Now, as American diplomats rush to shred embassy documents and escape, it seems shocking that President Biden could have been so wrong."

    Mainstream news outlets played footage of Biden’s July 8 poorly aged claim that helicopters wouldn’t be needed to save anyone from the U.S. embassy, while Secretary of State Antony Blinken was roasted for a series of Sunday morning interviews in which he dodged questions and played defense.

    NBC’s Chuck Todd even told Blinken that previous comments about Afghanistan didn’t age well.

    The Atlantic published a story headlined, "Biden’s Betrayal of Afghans Will Live in Infamy," which declared the burden of shame for the debacle falls on Biden.

    CNN’s presidential historian Tim Naftali was one of many observers to compare the situation to the infamous fall of Saigon.

    "This is the Saigon moment for President Biden and this will be an albatross around his neck for the rest of time," Naftali said.

    The New York Times senior writer David E. Sanger wrote that Biden "came to office with more foreign policy experience than any president in recent memory" but still managed to put a stain on his legacy with poor execution.

    "Biden will go down in history, fairly or unfairly, as the president who presided over a long-brewing, humiliating final act in the American experiment in Afghanistan," Sanger wrote. "Even many of Mr. Biden’s allies who believe he made the right decision to finally exit a war that the United States could not win and that was no longer in its national interest concede he made a series of major mistakes in executing the withdrawal."

    As devastating images from Afghanistan dominated the news cycle, Biden began taking heat for remaining silent on the situation. Biden has faced criticism for remaining on vacation and White House press secretary Jen Psaki has also been unreachable. No White House briefing is scheduled fro Monday.

    NBC reporter Richard Engel told viewers the Taliban takeover shouldn’t surprise anyone who was paying attention.

    "I’m not shocked at all," Engel said on Sunday from Kabul.

    "I thought Kabul was going to fall right around now. That was just a gut instinct. I think lots of people that I spoke to believe that," he continued. "It was well-known that the security services were collapsing a month, two months ago, three months ago. So this feigned surprise that, maybe it’s genuine surprise, but if it is, I don’t understand what it’s based on. It was quite clear that it was going to come to this, when you started to see the Taliban take territory without having to fight months ago."

    Meanwhile, the White House has only broken its silence to share a picture of the president being briefed on the situation by senior officials. Biden did not address the nation Sunday night, instead opting to take up the issue in the "next few days" as he remains at Camp David.

    By Monday morning, reliably liberal CNN’s on-screen chyron said, "STILL NO REMARKS BY BIDEN AS AFGSNISTAN FALLS TO TALIBAN" and MSNBC’s website featured a headline, "Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan charade."

    CNN’s John Berman scolded the Biden administration for everything it botched regarding Afghanistan.

    "Whether or not one agrees with the president’s decision to withdraw all U.S. Troops, there’s no question the White House was wrong about the length of time they had. Wrong about the strength of the Afghan military. Wrong about the reach of the Taliban," Berman said.

    CBS reporter Kathryn Watson tweeted the transcript of a July 8 press conference when Biden told reporters the Afghan government and its leadership "clearly" had the capacity to sustain the government in place.

    Longtime CBC News White House correspondent Mark Knoller added to the criticism.

    "Though Camp David fully equipped as a presidential command center, Biden seems out of touch there in response to Afghanistan," Knoller tweeted. "Bad optics."
  18. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    But notice how Peppermint Patti and biden/harris and even Nancy Antoinette and the power rangers have gone missing/silent.

    If this was a Trump thing, they'd all be calling for impeachment and distant lover and stumbler would be twirling and peeing about trump's imminent arrest and perp walk down the capitol steps.
  19. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Biden's Afghanistan catastrophe proves beyond a doubt he is a failed president
    Our withdrawal from Afghanistan has been a failure on every front

    This past Sunday saw the American flag brought down from the U.S. embassy in Afghanistan as Taliban soldiers rushed unopposed through Kabul.

    This dark, striking image represents President Joe Biden’s unforgivable failure to manage America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan.

    Biden’s disastrous decision-making has empowered an evil terrorist organization, put millions of Afghan women and children at risk of rape and murder, betrayed the tens of thousands of U.S. soldiers who fought in Afghanistan, and sullied America’s global image.

    This moment will go down not only as one of Biden’s worst failures in office, but as a horrifying low point in the history of American foreign policy.

    Regardless of how one feels about America’s extended presence in Afghanistan, there’s no question that our Biden-led exit has been an unmitigated disaster.

    As the Taliban moved with dangerous speed, Biden’s administration broadcast their total ignorance of the situation on the ground.

    Weeks ago, Biden said it was "highly unlikely" that the Taliban could overrun Afghanistan. He added that there would be "no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy." Just three days ago, on August 13th, Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby described the situation in Kabul as "not an imminent threat."

    Then on August 15th, 48 hours after Kirby’s comments, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani fled the country. America re-committed thousands of new troops to hastily evacuate our officials and ordered sensitive diplomatic material destroyed as the Taliban captured Kabul.

    Just 48 hours. That’s how long it took for the Taliban to prove -- with horrific violence and brutality -- that Biden and his officials were totally unaware of the life-and-death consequences of their actions.

    Biden has betrayed our allies and our own military in the wake of his failure. Thousands of translators and Afghan Special Forces who bravely fought alongside American troops now risk being executed in the streets. And the sacrifices made by our military men and women – who have fought, been wounded, and died in Afghanistan for decades – have been disrespected beyond measure.

    America’s finest sons and daughters valiantly fought and served in Afghanistan to protect our country and keep terrorism at bay. With his bungling, Biden undid their hard work, essentially telling them that their sacrifice meant nothing. They deserve better than Biden’s failed leadership.

    Biden’s National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan held a briefing on Tuesday August 17th, and his comments revealed that the crisis runs deeper than previously realized. Millions of dollars worth of American weapons and vehicles have fallen into the hands of the Taliban. More than 10,000 Americans still remain stranded in a nation now run by brutal, America-hating terrorists.

    This has been a failure on every front -- thanks to Biden, the Taliban will now use taxpayer-funded weapons to subjugate Afghanistan’s citizenry.

    Given the scale of this devastating international embarrassment, one would expect America’s president to be front-and-center, working to solve this self-inflicted crisis.

    Not Joe Biden. He failed to address the American people or the press for days about the developing crisis in Afghanistan.

    Why? He was on vacation: he spent the last several days holed up at Camp David, enjoying the luxurious benefits of the presidency as abandoned Afghans die in the streets of Kabul.

    Only after immense pressure, Biden returned to the White House – but only to cast blame and refuse responsibility before quickly returning to Camp David.

    Americans should be disgusted. It takes a unique and repulsive level of arrogance to create a humanitarian crisis and then avoid any responsibility for its fallout.

    Take note that this is the Biden playbook – he’s handled the Southern border crisis the exact same way.

    Where is the transparency? Where is the accountability? Where is the leadership?

    As Joe Biden’s vacation stretched on, Americans saw him for who he really is: a failed leader utterly confident in his ability to avoid responsibility for his actions.

    Ryan Crocker, a former Obama U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan and Iraq, said this past weekend that he has "grave questions in my mind about [Biden’s] ability to lead our nation as commander-in-chief."

    Biden’s Afghanistan disaster has put any questions to rest: Joe Biden is a failed president.

    Every American – not to mention the rest of the world – can see it.
  20. erotic_man

    erotic_man Sex Machine

    Apr 26, 2021
    USA have money, power, influence, but ... they lack the knowhow :p