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  1. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    CODE RED: Biden Thunders Past Jimmy Carter as The Worse President, Ever
    By Jim Thompson | Aug 18, 2021 3:30 PM ET


    Sure, William Harrison died just 32 days after the inauguration. He was too stupid to wear a coat. But mishandling of the Shah in particular, and the middle east, in general, pushed Jimmy Carter into the “worst president” spot. Now, Joe Biden is thundering past Jimmy Carter like a runaway train headed over the cliff.

    In just seven months, America is experiencing the worst inflation, ever. Biden didn’t just “heat up” the economy, he put a hot iron into everyone’s wallet. Biden converted the southern border from a border, into an express lane of illegal immigrants many of whom have been released into the interior, with COVID, never to be seen again.

    His handling of the exit from Afghanistan makes Napoleon’s winter retreat from Moscow look like Grant’s victory at Vicksburg. Biden told America that what just happened in Afghanistan, would never happen. Then, it happened. Biden also told America, that American’s left outside the wire, must find their own way out – and in the same breathe claimed he had a “contingency” for everything. Apparently, President Biden planned on thousands of Americans being left behind. This isn’t Saigon Part II, it’s worse. The Vietnamese communists eventually started making cheap stuff and exported that “stuff” to America. The only thing the Taliban will export is terrorism.

    Biden doesn’t take questions unless he has talking points. He forgets names. He has to have prepared notes in his pocket. He walks like he has to think about where to put his foot. This man is a physical, mental, and policy wreck. His presidency is a mess and it shows, all over his face.
    • Like Like x 1
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  2. conroe4

    conroe4 Lake Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Nov 26, 2006
    Wow, Carter is quickly rising to the top after obama and biden
  3. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. latecomer91364

    latecomer91364 Easily Distracte

    Aug 3, 2017
    I wonder if it was 'baked-in' to Joe's decision, which he doesn't regret - that billions of dollars worth of taxpayer funded arms, Humvees, Blackhawks and munitions make the Taliban and their partner Al Qaida the best armed terrorist organization in the world. Oh, that and the tens of thousands his 'I meant to do that' bumbling has stranded with little hope of getting out alive.

    More blood splatters across Joe's hands every day - I wish he could drown in it.

    Yep, there's Joe... workin' his plan...
  5. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Something Is Very Wrong Here With Latest News About Biden
    By Nick Arama | Aug 18, 2021 6:00 PM ET
    Now, there’s been a lot wrong, right down the line, when it comes to how Joe Biden has dealt with the debacle in Afghanistan.

    But one of the main problems with his administration is the failure to actually speak frankly and with transparency with the American people. They started this off very badly with both Biden and White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki being on vacation. Biden didn’t even come back until Monday to make his speech. Then he went back to Camp David, and then came back to make a speech today. But that speech, as we previously reported, isn’t on Afghanistan, it’s on the Wuhan coronavirus. That’s stunning. Not exactly the thing that is most pressing with thousands of Americans and allies in danger in Afghanistan.

    The national security team just held a briefing and it was a clown car affair that my colleague Streiff will be covering. But suffice to say, Gen. Milley and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin would lose their jobs in a real administration. Their responses were just horrific and it would be scary to have these people in charge of a public toilet much less in charge of our military response.

    But when Bret Baier appeared on America’s Newsroom on Fox with Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino this morning, they discussed the lack of transparency of Biden and the major players, the failure of the administration to really speak on what is going on in-country. This was prior to the Milley/Austin briefing. Baier said that according to their sources, after the COVID speech, he was hearing that Biden would be heading back to Wilmington, Delaware to continue with his vacation either today or tomorrow.

    What the heck? Right now Biden is rambling on about vaccines. He just finished and took absolutely no questions as Afghanistan is exploding. He pretended like nothing is going on except the virus.

    This news about going back to Delaware has prompted many on social media to suggest that there is something more wrong here, that he must be having serious health issues, even beyond his normal dementia, if they have to keep having him go back to Delaware even at a critical time of things in Afghanistan with thousands of Americans and allies being trapped. If true, this is just dereliction of duty.
  6. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    UK Parliament Holds Joe Biden in Contempt and the Details Are Disturbing
    By Bonchie | Aug 19, 2021 4:45 PM ET

    The embarrassment on the world stage continues under Joe Biden. Following the total collapse of Afghanistan and while in the midst of an ongoing, dangerously chaotic evacuation, the UK Parliament has voted to hold the President of the United States in contempt. That came after several impassioned denunciations on the floor that were covered by RedState previously.

    How does it feel to be respected on the world stage again?

    But while it’s a travesty that things have gotten to this point, it’s the details of what went on behind the scenes that led to this that are most disturbing. Earlier in the week, NSA Jake Sullivan shocked onlookers by announcing that Biden had not spoken to any world leaders about the pullout from Afghanistan. A dereliction of duty at that level is hard to fathom, though, it’s become commonplace for a president who continues to run to Delaware instead of, you know, being president.

    Following Sullivan’s jaw-dropping admission, Biden apparently did talk to UK PM Boris Johnson. Unfortunately, it took 36 hours for the president to get around to answering the call, though.

    Was Biden incapacitated? It’s not like this was a request from the president of Thailand. We are talking about our oldest and closest ally in the British. And Biden took almost two days to even return their phone call as Afghanistan descended into absolute chaos?

    Further, the UK military was reportedly left completely in the dark about what the US was doing as far as pulling out. Timelines were not given, no preparations were made with NATO forces (which had more personnel on the ground than we did), and when the time came, pandemonium predictably broke out. Why was there no communication?

    None of this makes any sense. As I asked yesterday, if Biden were trying to cause chaos in Afghanistan, what would he be doing differently? Is this incompetence or malice at this point? It’s hard to imagine a motive for the latter given this is going to hurt him politically, but we are at the junction where things are so haywire that all angles should be explored.

    The United States is in a precarious position, disdained by our allies and unable to strike fear into our adversaries. Despite being assured that was going to be the result of Trump’s presidency by the same mediocre experts who never get anything right, the country came out of his four years stronger and more respected around the globe. It’s only taken seven months for Biden to tear all that down.
  7. conroe4

    conroe4 Lake Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Nov 26, 2006
    • Winner Winner x 1
  8. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Afghanistan handling by Joe Biden rated by Americans in California
    California visitor: 'If I could go lower than an F-, I would'

    Los Angeles dwellers rated President Biden's handling of the troop withdrawal and evacuation from Afghanistan in a series of interviews with Fox News.

    "If I could go lower than F- I would," John, a Floridian visiting the Golden State, told Fox News. "Between him, the CIA and their estimate of how long the Afghans would last, or even the military who apparently tried to train these people."

    "It was just a disaster," he continued.

    Biden has faced intense criticism over how quickly the Taliban swept through Afghanistan, as well as for the chaos that ensued as tens of thousands of American citizens and Afghan nationals who supported the U.S. troops swarmed the Kabul airport seeking evacuation.

    "Joe Biden’s a disaster. He’s been a disaster from day one," one man, Mark, said. "We’re weak on foreign policy and can be easily taken advantage of."

    "It's frightening," he continued.

    One California local told Fox News: "I’m pretty sure he’s trying to handle it very well."

    Tyler, a student at University of California, Santa Barbara said he was glad the U.S. was finally pulling its troops from Afghanistan after 20 years, but said the withdrawal could have been handled better.

    "It was sort of a hasty pullout," he told Fox News. "A lot of people there are going to suffer and I think that’s really sad."

    A number of people believed the chaotic outcome being witnessed was inevitable.

    "There’s no easy answer," Fred, a longtime California resident, said. "It’s one of those messes, we never should have been in it."

    One man told Fox News: "Obviously the people in charge should be held responsible."

    But he added: "Joe is Joe … You’re not gonna get rid of the Joe just 'cause of a bad decision."
  9. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Tucker: ABC news appears to edit portions that made Biden look 'unpresidential'
    Aug 19, 2021

  10. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Not what should be expected, but what should be expected from the activist media protecting Crime Boss Biden and the Ho (half cracker 3.0) Administration.


    Biden cancels Delaware trip on Saturday, White House says

    WASHINGTON — U.S. President Biden will no longer be traveling to Wilmington, Delaware on Saturday, White House said, and will remain in Washington.
  11. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Biden Administration is a Joke
    Posted Aug 24, 2021 by Martin Armstrong


    The Biden Administration is a complete disaster. As I have said, the Deep State got everything they ever dreamed of — the freedom to do as they like with no president in charge. But there is no position within the Deep State to which any of these agencies need to answer. Therein lies the problem.

    The Taliban are religious fanatics. They will NEVER live in harmony with other religions because even on the surface, they do not allow women to be educated, which means no other religious belief will ever be tolerated. This is not much different from the Marxists. They too do not believe in capitalism and demand to regulate what everyone else does. Like the Taliban, the Marxists also cannot sleep at night, as they stay up worrying that someone else may not be doing what they approve.

    Both groups are NEVER tolerant of others because they see their own world as threatened by anyone who does not comply. Hence, the Marxists killed probably 200+ million during the Communist revolutions in Russia and China, and they will kill many more this time around thanks to the World Economic Forum that is pushing the same agenda with nice words and empty promises. The Taliban has begun their genocide and will exterminate all who refuse to adopt their view of religion. Their genocide has begun.

    The heart-breaking images from Afghanistan show that America does NOT keep its promises. Here is a desperate plea to save their child’s life as a parent hands their infant to a soldier in hopes that they will have a better life.

    Anyone who has met Biden can see he is far from being a brilliant leader. There is no light on behind those eyes. Even Osama bin Laden knew that about Biden. Bin Laden previously warned Al Qaeda NOT to target Joe Biden, as the NY Post reports, because he believed that his inheriting the presidency if something were to happen to Barack Obama would “lead the US into a crisis,” a resurfaced letter shows. Of all the people I know, all have a similar opinion that Biden is not a leader and that is not said on a partisan basis. Even Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin openly contradicted Biden within 30 minutes, telling Congress that Americans were beaten by the Taliban.

    USA Today reported that the gates at the airport in Kabul were closed. The US Embassy in Kabul warned Americans on Saturday not to travel to the airport without “individual instructions from a US government representative,” because of potential security threats outside the gates. Britain is stunned by Biden’s stupid and “hasty” withdrawal from Afghanistan that has left perhaps more than 20,000 Americans and foreigners trapped in a nation spiraling into civil war. First, Biden said it was 10,000 Americans, which was then revised to 15,000. The sheer incompetency of Biden’s decision will go down in history as the worst probably of any president since 1792.

    Yes, two-thirds of Americans wanted out of the war — but not like this. Biden simply looked at the poll and assumed he would be cheered. He told the nation: “I stand squarely behind my decision.” He tried to claim it was Trump’s decision, but Biden has reversed everything Trump decided he could get his hands on. Trump would never have left the country in such a mess with over 20,000 people left behind.

    As the news kept getting worse, Biden fled Washington, taking no questions, and ran off to Camp David in hiding. Kamala Harris has remained silent, and sources in Washington are actually talking about impeaching Biden and Harris, but then it would fall to Pelosi. The pessimism in DC is like cancer growing, eating the support for the Biden Administration from within. It is becoming painfully obvious that Biden is incapable of making rational decisions. That is grounds for impeachment. Nobody seems to know what to do from here. Osama bin Laden was correct — Biden would lead the country into chaos. Indeed, now is the time to attack during his watch.

    It would be nice if we could write the history of the United States and just end it with Trump’s loss. It is kind of like turning off the TV so the kids don’t watch Old Yeller die in the end. Indeed, even stories with happy endings are sad because they end. Perhaps we have reached that point in history.
  12. hannahsbigdaddy

    hannahsbigdaddy Stoned Always

    Apr 5, 2014
    I didn't know we negotiate with terrorists.. good job making us look like you took an ass fucking and enjoyed it Joe. Bow down and give them all of our money now. What a fucking joke this government leadership is. Where's Kamela? Oh taking vacation in China. Alotta help she is. And now just saw sleepy Joe give an update. He's as confusing as ever. Now the deadline depends on the Taliban? Double tap to the head on em all and tell them all Americans are getting out. End of fight.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. pussy in boots

    pussy in boots ride em cowgirl up

    May 30, 2010
    Down to 49% approval rating from a left wing news outlet. And dropping!
    • Like Like x 2
  14. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    The British have had enough of biden... My guess is, the rest of our allies will follow the British.

    Nigel Farage: 'No way' British parliament would vote for military cooperation with America under Biden admin
    Farage warns international terror threat increasing after Afghanistan pullout

    Nigel Farage, former Brexit party leader, slammed the Biden administration’s Afghanistan blunder Tuesday, arguing the crisis has led his country of Britain feeling "betrayed." Under Biden, Farage told "Fox & Friends First" that "there is no way a British parliament right now would vote for military cooperation with America."

    NIGEL FARAGE: The medium-term problem is the resurgence of international terror, already evidence that extremist jihadi groups all over the world have taken great cheer from what the Taliban have done in Afghanistan. And so if we do find ourselves back engaged and, you know, let's be honest, the last few years, we've not seen major terrorist atrocities in the West. But if they start to happen again and we start to think, well, how do we go out again and try and stop these cells that are spreading international terror? How can we do it with the Americans? How can we do it with an ally that is treating us with contempt and betrayed us and into the bargain, many of our own citizens?

    Certainly, if it's a Biden or Harris administration, honestly, there is no way, there is no way a British parliament right now would vote for military cooperation with America led by this administration. And that's a very sad thing to say, because since 1917, the U.K. and America have been side by side in virtually every major conflict. We've been the closest allies in terms of military action, in terms of intelligence sharing, in terms of culture, in terms of business. You couldn't have a better ally in the world. And right at the moment, I'm sorry, but there's no way we could enter into another operation with you.

    WATCH THE FULL INTERVIEW HERE:http://video.foxnews.com/v/6269424351001
  15. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Mark this spot.
    America will suffer a terrorist attack on American soil within the year.
    And despicables will blame it on trump somehow.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    OMG, now can you even begin to imagine how ape shit crazy the media would have went if Trump had said this...

    Biden calls Black adviser 'boy' during FEMA briefing

    The president used the term while introducing senior adviser Cedric Richmond
    President Biden called a Black adviser "boy" during a Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) briefing on Monday.

    The president used the term while introducing his senior adviser Cedric Richmond, a former Louisiana congressman.

    "I'm here with my senior adviser and boy who knows Louisiana very, very well and New Orleans, Cedric Richmond," Biden said at a press briefing with FEMA after Hurricane Ida rocked Louisiana.

    "Boy" is considered to be a racially derogatory term toward Black men.

    The president was criticized for his use of the term during his 2020 presidential campaign, when he recalled how segregationist Democrat Sen. James O. Eastland called him "son" but never "boy."

    Biden was also accused of making a racist remark during his presidential campaign when he infamously claimed that if a Black person did not vote Democrat, then they "ain’t black."

    The president’s latest slip came as he was engaged in a press conference with FEMA after Hurricane Ida made landfall in Louisiana.

    GOP national spokesperson Paris Dennard blasted Biden for the slip, pointing out that Richmond is "a 47 year old man."

    "While JaRon Smith was 38 years old when he was in a similar role for President Trump I can assure he was not called a ‘boy’ by President Trump," Dennard wrote on Twitter. "Joe Biden just continues to insult Black men openly and in public because he doesn't care."

    The White House didn't immediately return a request for comment.
  17. Bitsman

    Bitsman Marquis de Sade

    Feb 5, 2009
    Mission accomplished... Military canines left caged at the airport to starve to death.. not to mention the 100's .. probably 1000's of US citizens left behind as hostages.... Great job .... 20210830_211056.jpg
    1. shootersa
      Shooter went looking for verification on this story. All he found was stories planted by an animal rights group wanting donations.
      There are dogs left in Afghanistan, but they are "contract" dogs, owned by Afghanis and "rented" to American forces, mainly for airport security.

      All the military K9 dogs came out with our military.

      Not so, for a couple of Americans left behind.
      shootersa, Aug 31, 2021
      conroe4 likes this.
  18. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    I am not willing to take that bet... it's gonna happen.

    However real Americans know the truth about how Trump enacted policies to protecting the U.S. at every level.
  19. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
  20. maurelius

    maurelius Porn Surfer

    Aug 28, 2021