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  1. Parrotsandmonkeys

    Parrotsandmonkeys Newcumer

    Jan 2, 2022
    The Necessary Death of Jessica

    I hate my life. My nonexistent friends, assholes I work with, my estranged family (who I really don’t give a shit about, so it is mutual). It all sucks.

    I am a superintendent at a local private college; have been for the past 20 years. I know what you’re thinking, but I’m not that kind of superintendent. I’m the superintendent who installs A/C units, patches and paints walls, mops the floors or scrubs toilets when one of the cleaning crew calls in sick, and generally fixes things that the idiot college kids break. My hands are always covered in grease and dirt, I’m sweaty most of the day, and deal with one problem to the next. Yup, I’m a glorified janitor, but don’t you dare look down on me and my job. I’m critical to the functioning of the school and need to be respected.

    But I’ve been talking just about me. Let me tell you about the college. It’s located upstate in a little town of about 11,000 people, not including the roughly 1,800 college students. The town is cute, by tourist standards, but really doesn’t have the basics you need if you live there. Further, if you ever want to buy unique things like pullies, clamps, saws, and unusual medical devices, you end up visiting a larger hardware or medical device store a few towns over. But more about those shortly.

    The college was founded in 1834 and grew from a few acres to now more than 500 acres, which is a lot to cover if you’re working in maintenance. The grounds are lovely with large maples and oaks towering over vine covered building with dark red brick facades. There are beautiful areas of campus, especially in the fall when all the leaves are changing colors and littering the sidewalks. The only thing marring this beautiful, quaint little educational institution are the students.

    They are entitled brats who don’t give a flying fuck about anything or anyone. Mommy and daddy (or most likely just one of the divorced parents) almost always pays for Chet or Buffy’s tuition and all other college expenses. They cajole, intimidate, and sometimes even try to bribe the admissions officer with their wealth to get their little precious ones into this exclusive school.

    An average day for me is tedious, occasionally interrupted by the excitement of a burst water pipe or fire alarm malfunction. What I spend most of my day doing is wandering around in my overalls checking and fixing things. Oh, and watching the college girls.

    As you might expect, about half the student body is female. That’s 900 girls walking around campus every day. Spoiled as they are, they of course have personal trainers, the latest fitness equipment, trendy clothing, and take long vacations to places like Cancun or Bora Bora, wherever the fuck that is. In short, they are tanned, slim, beautiful, and love wearing suggestive clothing. Just one of the perks of the job.

    Yesterday, however, did not go well with one of these luscious beauties. I immediately saw an upperclassman of probably 19 or 20 years old strolling down a sidewalk in a miniskirt and low-cut blouse with the top couple buttons undone. She had long beautiful blond hair and toned legs. I walked behind her at a distance, admiring her ass as it swung back and forth in the skirt barely covering it. She knew she was beautiful and flaunted it for everybody to see. I was definitely getting horny. Then as luck would have it, a good stiff gust of wind hit her as she rounded a building up ahead and her books and papers went everywhere. I saw my chance and rushed in to help. We both started running to and fro like a couple of idiots to catch the fluttering papers now headed across campus.

    When I came back out of breath with a handful of bunched papers, she was crouching down picking up her books. I leaned down to help her and noticed that I could see right down her blouse. I had a front row seat to see her perky, medium size breasts perfectly cupped in a red lace bra. Each time she reached in my direction for another book, they strained against the bra like they were about to pop out and I became seriously turned on. Then she suddenly looked up at me and I was caught; she saw me looking at her tits. However, she kept bent over, offering me a good look at her chest. I finally looked down, pretending to be ashamed and study the sidewalk, but saw her slowly spread her legs in that crouched position. More of her tanned legs were revealed inch by inch as her short skirt slid higher and higher, until I was finally staring at her delicious pink pussy. It was completely shaved with delicate lips that beckoned me to fill it. My dick engorged and quickly produced a huge erection that she immediately noticed. She smiled, thanked me for helping, and winked at me as she got up to leave. I told her my name was John, she introduced herself as Jessica, and then I got up my courage and said, “I saw there’s a midnight showing of Ghostbusters at the Magic 18 theater tomorrow night, Jessica, and I wondered if you would want to go with me.” She stared at me for a few moments and then burst out laughing. “Me, go to a movie with you? And how old are you anyways, ten? Who wants to watch that crap movie, and especially with a filthy guy who mops floors?” She spun around, flicked her hair back, and continued meandering down the sidewalk.

    I was dumbstruck. I helped her in a time of need, she let me look down her blouse at her titties and even purposely showed me her pussy and winked at me, and now she makes fun of me? Damn prick tease. The anger began to rise in me and my mind started to race on how I would make her pay for this. And she would pay; I would get my revenge for her making fun of me and what I did.


    It was near midnight on a cool fall Friday evening. Four weeks had passed since I met Jessica and she embarrassed and treated me like shit, but the anger had been burning inside me and gnawing day by day. I had been carefully watching her over the past month, when she went to classes, ate meals, hung out with her friends, went to parties. True to form, tonight was a party night for her, but she was not going to like our private after-party event, I assure you. I estimated that she would leave the party around 1am, and like clockwork, she came out of the dorm door at 1:07am.

    She was with her friends, all of them obviously buzzed, including Jessica. They talked and laughed loudly for a few minutes, and then Jessica said goodbye and headed in the opposite direction of her friends, down the darkened campus sidewalk to her own dorm. I was waiting.

    She came closer and closer to me and finally I leapt out of my hiding place in the bushes as she passed, clamped the rag with chloroform over her mouth and nose, and waited as she twisted and turned in my arms. All that maintenance work paid off; she was no match for my muscular frame built up from that “floor mopping”. Once she went limp, I dragged her to my car, opened the rear passenger door, and dumped her unceremoniously onto the seat. I slammed the door, but in my haste hadn’t noticed her right leg dangling over the side and I heard a crunch as the door impacted her leg. “Oh well”, I thought, “it’s not like she’s going to be needing that for much longer anyway.”

    My house was on the outskirts of town and I had inherited it from my folks, so I had close to 80 acres, and no neighbors even remotely nearby. I liked it that way. It let me unload supplies, tools, and building materials without prying eyes, and that’s exactly what I’d been doing the whole past month. Getting things ready. Just for Jessica.

    We pulled up to my house, I turned off the car, and opened the rear passenger door. She was starting to come around, but it was clear that her leg was not going to work properly after its rather abrupt introduction to my car door. I kicked the quickly forming dark blue and purple bruise on her broken leg just for fun and she screamed. Now she was awake. I yanked her out of the car, draped one of her arms over my shoulder and headed for the house. Despite my help, every time her hurt leg touch the ground she cried out a little. Tough, bitch, deal with it.

    I was excited to show her around my newly transformed basement. It had been converted into a chamber of gruesome delight just for her and I was mighty proud of it. Aside from the chains on the wall which were affixed into the concrete by huge bolts, there was a medical gurney with straps, a futon, a 4x8 plywood board leaning in the corner which had sharpened nails sticking up every couple inches, various hand and electric tools, and lots and lots of rope. Everything a growing pervert needs.

    We eventually made it down the steps to my basement and I threw her to the hard concrete floor. She cried out again, this time from the pain as she banged her head on the concrete.

    I dragged her over to the dripping basement walls. She continued to softly cry and my dick was swelling in proportion to her pain, so at least that was a reward for helping her hobble there. With some difficulty I got her up on her feet with more crying. I grabbed her left hand and pulled it up until I could get it chained, then repeated with the right hand. She was now pressed against the wet wall, strung up in the form of a giant “Y” and quietly crying. I raised my right hand and slapped her face hard to shut her up. She needed to learn who was boss. Blood started to trickle from her nose and she got the hint as her crying turned into muffled sobbing. She continued to wake up more and more and when she finally raised her head and looked around, her eyes grew wide and her face turned ashen white. I got in her face and yelled, “Now the fun begins, you cunt!”

    While her red party dress was cute, it needed to come off before the entertainment began. I took a large bowie knife, slowly trailed the tip up her leg then torso and neck as sweat started to bead on her beautiful skin, and then suddenly I made one swipe with the razor sharp blade, slicing the front of the dress from neckline to hem. It fell open and I could see her gorgeous glistening body and her chest heaving in fear, which was very erotic, given that with each inhale her tits stuck out further and further, straining at her bra.

    I sliced the rest of her dress off her and then paused, looking at her black bra (perhaps a different color for each day? How cute) and high cut panties. I quickly ran the knife under her bra between her breasts and pulled the sharp knife towards me, slicing it off, followed a few seconds later by yanking down her panties to the floor. Her pussy was swollen and wet from fear, and cunt juices ran down her legs. After another minute or two of work with the dress, she was completely naked in front of me hanging from the wall.

    I reached down and dealt a hard slap from my open hand onto her pussy and clitoris. She screamed loudly and instinctively closed her legs together; I thought she might actually faint. I hoped she wouldn’t give up right away, since I had much more planned. I gave her a few minutes and then followed up by kicking her broken leg right at the break. Another blood curling scream. This was beginning to be fun and my dick started to swell, bulging in my pants.

    I stripped naked so she could see her future violation, although I was almost certain the slut had seen lots of dicks and fucked her share of college boys already. Unfortunately, this was no virgin in front of me. I noticed her pissing herself out of fear as I approached. Good.

    She quickly pressed her legs together, but another couple hard slaps to her face and a verbal warning made her spread them back open. I moved close and shoved a couple fingers in her pussy, eliciting a soft cry, and then rotated them back and forth as I pressed into her vagina harder and harder. Soon I had three then four fingers in her snatch and was pumping her hard. Then with a final thrust I shoved my whole hand into her tight wet little cunt and slammed back and forth inside her like a jackhammer, pounding her cervix and the walls of her vagina, as tears streamed down her face.

    After a few minutes of this, I decided it was time for a new activity. Pulling my hand dripping with cunt juice out of her and yanking her legs towards me, I wrapped them around my body as her hands still swung from the chains. I reached back and snapped a set of handcuffs on her ankles behind my back, so now she had no choice but to expose her dripping pussy to my member.

    My dick was huge by this time, leaking precum onto the floor in long strands and forming a small pool. I lined up the bulbus head of my oversized cock and then suddenly entered her with a violent thrust. My hips slammed my cock deeply into her as she cried out from the pain, and then I started ramming her harder and harder. Her body swung wildly as I fucked her, plowing my member into her tight wet pussy. As she swung on the chains, it was like fucking a living ragdoll. I could feel the cum rising and filling my dick, until I couldn’t wait any longer and with a huge spasm I shot a massive load into her. My dick kept throbbing and pumping more semen into her without stopping, until I finally pulled out and watched my seed run down her leg, mingled with her earlier piss.

    I released her from the chains and undid the handcuffs on her ankles. She slumped onto the floor, after which I went over to the workbench to contemplate what to use on her next. Unbeknownst to me, she quietly got up and was slowly hobbling over to the basement steps in a vain attempt to escape my basement of entertainment. How she managed to make it almost to the top of the basement stairs and not make a sound from the pain I’ll never know, but suddenly I heard a scuffling noise on the wooden steps behind me, spun around, and then bolted to get her. I managed to grab her by her long blond hair and violently yanked her back, causing her to tumble down the steps and get even more bruised and hurt. “Did you think you could really get out of here, whore?” She needed to pay for this insolence.

    I thought for a few moments, and then slowly smiled as my mind settled on something cruel. As she lay there in a heap at the bottom of the stairs, I grabbed a 2x4 from a pile against the wall and placed it next to her feet. Then I took her undamaged left leg and propped it up on the board. With all my weight I stomped on her leg and heard the snap of the bone and the blood curling scream that followed. Her tibia poked through the skin of her leg, a sight I greatly enjoyed. She was gasping for air as the waves of pain washed over her. She looked at me with tears streaming down her face and a questioning look of “why?” “Because I own you, bitch, and you tried to escape. But mostly because I felt like hurting you some more.” I felt myself getting hard again and I enjoyed watching her as she saw my dick slowly rising.

    “What was your name again?”, I asked her as I slowly stroked my erect cock. Through her sobs she mouthed, “Jessica”. “WRONG”, I shouted into her face. “You are a piece of meat with holes. Something to violate, carve up, and then throw away. You are nothing. You deserve no name, and this is the last room you’ll ever see.” Her crying from the broken leg suddenly quieted down and she looked at me in abject terror as the words sunk in, the fear trumping even her excruciating pain. That’s when the begging started.

    “Please no. I’ll do anything you want, just don’t kill me. My mommy and daddy will pay you whatever you want. I don’t even know you!” I couldn’t believe it, she didn’t even remember who I was. “I helped you grab your damn papers as they blew across campus and helped you pick up your fucking books, you twat. You let me see your titties and snatch, and then laughed and ridiculed me when I asked you out. THAT’s who I am.” I could see the lightbulb flickering on. “I’m sorry. I’m SO sorry. I never meant to lead you on or be rude”. Fuck you, bitch. “Round three is coming up, and I have to tell you, I really get off on your pain and fear. Plus, I have a ton of cum to still empty into you before I’m done”. I laughed and grinned at her with piercing eyes, now stroking my fully erect penis.

    I dragged the crippled bitch by her hair and pulled her up onto the futon. Rolling her onto her front, I tightly tied her hands behind her, then flipped her onto her back and tied each leg to one of the futon legs, so she was spread eagle. I climbed onto the futon and stood over her head facing her legs as my cock dripped more precum, combined with her own piss, onto her face. The thick leather belt I had been hiding now emerged from behind my back and I raised it over my head, swinging it right onto her pussy. Her scream was unlike anything I had ever heard and she was gasping for air. I was so hard by now that I was ready to burst. Another swing, this time harder. The third was full strength. She was starting to look a little glassy eyed and I feared she was going to pass out, so I grabbed the pliers off the nearby workbench, reached down, clamped them onto one of her erect nipples and twisted. More screaming. She was coming around now. I twisted back and forth, then switched to her other perky tit. After a while they started to turn a deep red color and blood slowly trickled from around the nipples down her perfect tits. Back to the belt. A few more strokes and her pussy was starting to bleed too, so I figured I better stop before ruining the goods. Instead, I undid the leg ropes and pulled her to the edge of the futon so her head hung over the edge, upside down.

    She was delirious now and not entirely aware of what was going on around her (lucky her). I wrenched her mouth open and shoved my thick engorged dick into her, thrusting the whole thing into her throat, balls deep on the very first stroke. She suddenly started to gasp for air, which made me even harder. I began brutally pumping in and out of her throat as she gasped for precious oxygen and then eventually threw up. No matter, more lubrication. My thrusts came harder and faster as she choked on my cock, until I couldn’t hold it any longer and shot my warm load down her throat in a thick stream. I held her head tightly against my dick while I continued to shoot ropes of cum into her throat, her face turned blue, and then her eyes rolled back and she passed out.

    When she came to, she was strapped face down. She quickly realized that something was pricking her chest, and legs, and arms, actually the whole front of her body. Then she remembered the board leaning against the wall. She was strapped face down to a bed of nails. I leaned down and whispered, “I’m not going to lie, this is going to hurt like hell, meat bag”. With that, I went around to the foot end and slowly stepped up onto her lower leg, with moderate pressure first, then harder, then with lots of force. She screamed in pain and even louder when I brought my other foot up and stood on her other calve as well. Now my whole weight was on her beautiful toned legs as I balanced on top of her, and I could see rivulets of blood running down the sharp nails under her legs. I’m sure the two breaks in her legs didn’t make things easier as I stepped on them. I slowly walked up her body, calves, thighs, ass, and then torso. Even more beads of blood trickled down the nails onto the board. Up I went onto her back and she cried out as I pressed down, the nails piercing her breasts and nipples. I stepped off and let her breathe and calm down.

    If she thought she was getting off this board, she was greatly mistaken. My now rock hard dick had other ideas. I carefully laid down on top of her, avoiding the nails, parted her ass cheeks and stuck a couple fingers into her hot sphincter, sliding in and out. After a minute or two of this, I pulled her ass cheeks wide apart and rammed my cock into her unlubricated asshole. I used so much force, my cock was so hard, and she was so unprepared that I pushed right past her loosened sphincter and into her rectum. It was so warm and tight and I grew even longer and thicker as blood rushed to my cock. She screamed “Please no, not this!” I paid no attention. Lucky for me she was an anal virgin. Good fortune, indeed.

    I started to raise and lower my hips as I pumped into her ass. She was a sobbing mess by now, drooling, snot and blood running out of her nose, twitching under me. As I pumped harder and harder she started wailing again, but this time I wasn’t entirely certain why. Was it the burning pain in her ass as I violated it or the nails under her that dug deeper and deeper into her body with every thrust? What did I care, I was making this bitch pay and getting off doing it. I thrusted faster and harder as my cock finally exploded into her ass, plunging the warm cum deep into her intestines. She was gasping for breath at this point, so I climbed off her, leaned down and whispered, “It’s time for the final portion of tonight’s entertainment.”

    I undid the straps and pulled her off the board. Dots from the nails covered her front, each of them bleeding. She was a bloody, pathetic mess. I told her to crawl to the gurney, but she just laid there on the cold floor. Fine, cunt, have it your way. I whipped her ass with the belt, leaving deep welts, until she started to slowly crawl on all fours toward the gurney with her broken legs bent at weird angles and leaving a trail of blood and leaking cum from her asshole behind her. When she got to the gurney, I lifted her onto the cold metal surface. While there was probably no need for straps at this point, I thought it was wise to strap her down just in case, since what lay ahead would definitely be the worst part.

    As she laid there, strapped to that steel gurney, I stood over the workbench trying to decide on the final method of dispatching the disrespectful meat slab. I picked up my new rechargeable electric drill and a set of bits and walked over to her prone figure. Despite her pain and glassy eyes, the look on her face told me all I needed to know. She realized what was coming and was terrified, but she didn’t plead or beg, much to my dismay. Perhaps she was so barely conscious or perhaps she wanted to just end it all. Who knew.

    I held the drill right above her face so she could see everything. I loosened the drill chuck, put in a 1/4 inch bit, twisted the collar, locking it into place with a few clicks. Tears started to well up in her eyes again (actually I thought she was all cried out by now), but no matter, this was going to happen.

    I started with those beautiful tits. I fingered the drill trigger back and very slowly pressed the spinning bit against the side of her breast. It cut quickly with its razor sharp edges and in a few seconds I had made a good size hole a couple inches deep into her lovely tit. I pulled out the drill bit and blood streamed down her chest. I now took the drill, set it directly on her nipple pointed straight down and drilled again. She cried out and blood spurted once more as I pulled the bit free. Lather, rinse, repeat. The second tit got the same treatment, with the same reaction on her part. Then I moved down to her clit. I drilled directly into her clit, but this time the pain must have been excruciating, because she let out a blood curling scream and started bucking her hips. Who cared? Not me. I drilled it and then drilled each of her pussy lips a few times. Time to change bits. I attached a larger drill bit and pushed it into her open pussy, working it around the inside of her vagina and causing massive internal damage and blood to flow freely out of her snatch.

    By this time, blood was starting to pool on the gurney, so I needed to pick up the pace if I wanted her to still be alive to feel the pain. I move to her bitchy tongue and drilled holes into that, and then to the main event, the eyes. For this, I changed to a very small bit, kind of like the one dentists use. I held the speeding bit right over her left eye for a few seconds so she could see what was coming, and then I pushed the spinning tool into her eyeball. It pressed in easily and fluid from her eye leaked all over, amidst her screams. Now the right eye. But I wasn’t done. Changing up to a large bit, I sunk it into her left eye and gelatinous bloody goo went flying, splattering both of us. She choked out raspy gasps. The right eye again followed.

    Now it was time to end it. I made the final switch to a large wood spade bit, roughly 1 inch across with sharp points that essentially carve a tunnel into anything you used it on. I forced the sharp tip into the side of her head and said goodbye as I pressed the trigger and it started its efficient and gruesome work. Hair, skull bone (man that stuff is hard), blood and finally brain matter flew out of the hole. I watched her twitching stop, a final sigh of her chest, and she was gone. I had a raging boner by this time, so I stroked until I was ready to pop, leaned over, and shot my warm load into one of her empty eye sockets. It produced a body-shaking orgasm in me. As a final disgrace, I grabbed the hunting knife and sliced what was left of a bloody nipple off her breast and popped it in my mouth. Delicious. Sayonara Jessica the meat hole. That’s what happens to disrespectful bitches like you.


    It was another beautiful fall day. I was busy planting new bushes by the cafeteria, grunting away as I tried to pull the old bushes out. A group of girls strolled by, all hot as fuck, as usual. They glanced my direction, whispered and laughed, before moving on, their long legs making their asses swing back and forth under their skirts. I watched them as they entered their dorm and made a mental note which one it was. Like I said, I hate my job, but don’t you dare disrespect me.