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  1. decadentpink

    decadentpink Sex Lover

    Mar 18, 2007
    Difficult to read what he wrote.

    dont feel bad, i simply gave up. it's too hard to read/decipher.
  2. upgraydd09

    upgraydd09 Sex Lover

    Aug 26, 2009
    Me 2 but I seen people trippn hard on youtube,so im kinda hesitant
  3. unhappy_mudkip

    unhappy_mudkip Porn Star

    Apr 20, 2008
    Ummmm lessee... Caffeine and endorphins are pretty much my drugs of choice.. I know right? But what can I say? I am evil.
  4. upgraydd09

    upgraydd09 Sex Lover

    Aug 26, 2009
    Sum x pills n sum lemon kush ,n tha shyt taste just like lemons real lemons we smokd 2 joints n was baked
  5. chowster

    chowster Porn Surfer

    Mar 8, 2007
    :excited:i just picked up some purple kush and blaze and some green guns gooooood shit lol
  6. ckirby081

    ckirby081 Sex Lover

    Jul 1, 2009
    to each thier own but i dont even like takeing the meds the doctors have me on for my disabilites
  7. upgraydd09

    upgraydd09 Sex Lover

    Aug 26, 2009
    more drugs

    Who knows wh@ these are?
  8. wikid18

    wikid18 Porn Surfer

    Apr 12, 2008
    did salvia one time and would probably do it again it was i didnt really when it was happening i felt like i wanted to freak out but after a couple days it was funny as hell thinkin back about it. i felt like i was attached to the universe and if i would have moved i would have ripped a hole in it and been able to see another like outerspace an shit. shit was wild as fuck
  9. MuffCaptain

    MuffCaptain Amateur

    May 26, 2008
    Nice weed man...Need to try some of that lemon kush man. Now about the pills look like bars to me or am I wrong?
  10. grandaddypurp

    grandaddypurp Newcumer

    Dec 19, 2008
    gotta love that white
  11. upgraydd09

    upgraydd09 Sex Lover

    Aug 26, 2009
    the bigger ones were 750 percs the small ones with the 8's on them were dilaudid
  12. slipperysquirter

    slipperysquirter Sex Lover

    Aug 29, 2009
    Oh yeah...

    I absolutely love drugs...most of em.
  13. Justoldbill

    Justoldbill Amateur

    Jun 28, 2009
    Smole 'em if ya got 'em

    Couldn't resist, can't keep my mouth shut. Just be the drugs. Anyway: I really like the wisdom slippery Squirter has dispensed in this thread. You restore my hope for the future. I too am astounded by the moral judgments being pronounced on a Porn site! Are they afraid their kids will see a man enjoying a blunt and be hooked on Mary Wanna for the rest of their lives? I was under the impression this was an Adult site. Forgive my naivety, please.
    I first tried marijuana, amphetamines, Heroin and Opium in Viet Nam in '65 and '66. I have been using most of the time since, a varied combination of intoxicants to "sweeten my relationships and brighten up my days."
    I supported myself and three or more people from 1968 until 1995, when I retired from working at age 48.
    I live in my own home, ride my own Harley, freak with my own computer, ingest anything I think will make me feel different and usually better, and hope this further pisses off those of you who would deny anyone that privilege.
    The smoking lamp is lit; Smoke 'em if ya got 'em'
    Hasta Lumbago

  14. upgraydd09

    upgraydd09 Sex Lover

    Aug 26, 2009
    Sum pix till this weekend ,then I post sum good 1's,feel free anybody 2 post sumptn n tha meantyme
  15. nessa_hobag

    nessa_hobag Sex Lover

    Feb 10, 2009
    Would love to know why alot of people are knocking drug use. I mean you dont know until you've tried it.
    Drugs are alot like sex.. you dont know what you like, or how much you like it... until you've tried it.
  16. upgraydd09

    upgraydd09 Sex Lover

    Aug 26, 2009
    I agree nessa
  17. Limelights

    Limelights Amateur

    Oct 5, 2009
    Hey OP

    Yeah, I could only figure out weed, but not the other thing you do.
    I rather not cross reference all of the nicknames for your drugs because simply there are too many and are all different depending on where you are from. Maybe people should stop trying to be "G" and put the real names of the drugs.
    If people do not want to be told that drugs are bad, be smart about the way you talk. We all know the effects of drugs, so just because you have not experienced it yet, means nothing.

    Also, just because you are successful at life and do drugs does not mean they are good for you. I know plenty of people, and I am not exaggerating, who have several degrees, used to make over $50, 000 US (I converted it for people) a month, build houses for rich and famous people, and do other great things in life while using drugs. That is called being a functional addict. However, all of these people eventually ended up in the same place: being homeless and/or dying. I know of several users who died before the age of 50.
    Yeah, so do it, go right ahead, but do not bitch about the government trying to help those people who need it. Do not bitch about things that you are not going to do anything about it. People who use drugs are more likely to use tax money, such as the hospital or the police.

    You are not stupid because you use the drugs, you are stupid because you use them in the first place. Let me ask everyone these few questions: why did you start doing drugs?; Why do you do drugs?; what benefit are the drugs to you?; and can you (not will you, but could you) stop?

    So, here is my picture so that I can post and have an opinion.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 28, 2009
  18. Limelights

    Limelights Amateur

    Oct 5, 2009
    So have you tried heroin?
  19. Limelights

    Limelights Amateur

    Oct 5, 2009

    You know that it is adults who mostly discuss moral subjects? (I am going to act like a dick because no matter what I say will never be adopted by you, and that is not because you are stubborn or stupid, but because you are unable to quit, so you will make any justifications in order to make yourself feel better. No worries, everyone does it. So with that, I am purposefully trying not to persuade you.) Do you know what philosophers actually do? Just a hint, they talk about moral issues in the world. Furthermore, which will make you happy, morals are subjective. So, you can do drugs, no one is going to stop you, but do you need drugs to feel normal? You cannot have any fun without them? If you say yes, then what is the point anyways? Are you afraid people will judge you if you act weird or differently if you are not drunk or high? They are going to judge you no matter what.

    I just ask these questions because I am curious to know how people work. What is so great about drugs? I never was told why they are so great, just that they make you look really cool, but that did not seem to pan out for me.
  20. timmyd

    timmyd Sex Machine

    May 5, 2008
    Hey squirt lets see your wet pussy lips up next to that rail you got there.