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  1. findingneverland

    findingneverland Porno Junky

    Jan 1, 2011
    lmao so true. this is why I find big penises overrated. they're nice to look at but not very practical. the average vagina is 3-4 inches deep and who really wants a monster cock in their asshole?
  2. GemmaSwinger101

    GemmaSwinger101 Porn Star Banned!

    Oct 11, 2012
    inbuilt species survival mechanism

    Then they would not be such straight guys?
    Can't have it both ways.

    anyway, seems to be some hardwired and inbuilt species-survival mechanism in the males, to get us fucked and eventually knocked-up (pussy-lust thing).
  3. findingneverland

    findingneverland Porno Junky

    Jan 1, 2011
    Huh? That makes no sense.
  4. Kenrychard

    Kenrychard Porn Star

    Dec 29, 2012

    That so many posters here and on other threads keep labeling men as gay for sex acts they enjoy sums up the problem. We are so homophobic as a society that men are afraid to try something that MIGHT be gay.
    The asshole is one the most sensitive, erogenous areas of the body, with one of the highest concentrations of nerve endings. It feels nice to be caressed there...and it's a damn shame if your afraid to try it because of some bullshit prejudice.

    When my wife and I married we both had a lot of past sexual experience. But one thing we were both virgins at was anal sex. I had never had my penis in an ass, nor had either of us ever had a penis in our collective asses. So we decided to do it, just to share something with each other and no one else.
    The first try, it hurt her a little, and I couldn't go on. I didn't want to hurt her at all. I'm not large, but not small either...so it just scared me a little. A few weeks later we were out of town in a larger city that actually had a sex shop. We saw strap ones, and there was one that was somewhat smaller than my cock. So I suggested, honey, why don't we get this, and I'll go first. Maybe if you fuck me in the ass first, so I know what your going to experience...I won't be so nervous about fucking your ass?
    Well, long story short, we bought it, she did it, and oh my I LOVED it. Any guy who's ever felt cheated because his wife can have prolonged orgasms, but his are over in five or six squirts? Well getting fucked in the ass is one huge prolonged orgasm....
    We haven't made a regular diet of this, but we have now had anal sex with each other, and discovered something totally erotic we didn't expect. And if any of you think this makes me gay....WHO CARES!
  5. Ari.marcus

    Ari.marcus Porn Surfer

    Aug 1, 2013
    Dosent feel good
  6. findingneverland

    findingneverland Porno Junky

    Jan 1, 2011
    many people would disagree with you
    but that wasn't the point. if you don't like it, you don't like it (same should go for women who seem to always be pressured into anal because straight guys see it in porn and wanna do it)
    I'm just saying as a straight male you should be free to explore anal stimulation without feeling as though you're losing your masculinity
  7. randomblackguy

    randomblackguy Porno Junky

    Jun 20, 2013
    I basically was about to say this. there was a point where I thought that, but I'm alot more open minded than I used to be.
  8. cdatj2

    cdatj2 Sex Machine

    Jan 31, 2009
    i agree with the others about the gay implications, folks just hung up on labels and not enjoying the erotic pleasures of an open mind, my wife gets so wet playing with mine we both enjoy the hell out of anal
  9. HungnYoung

    HungnYoung Porn Star

    Aug 22, 2013
    Well after having (if I am correct) my prostate milked before I can safely say its just not my thing. I truly empathize with women who get mad at men because its not really fun without a "warning".:oops:
  10. Xmanic

    Xmanic Newcumer

    Oct 23, 2013
    They're definitely insecure about their sexuality. They grew up thinking it's simply wrong. Like how a lot of things are apparently "wrong" even though we feel like they aren't. Society is very controlling, i hate it. I hope one day everyone understands each other and there is no more hate in this world and that even goes for myself. I've always thought to myself "if i enjoy something and it's not hurting anyone than why shouldn't i do it? Should i have to pretend to not like certain things just because everyone else thinks that it's wrong? In no way should i have to feel bad for this because deep down i know there is nothing wrong with it." I think people can't accept themselves and that's not their fault, it's just how this general way of thinking has been passed down.

    I can't believe we let some idiots in the past enforce silly ways of thinking upon us and actually enforce it ourselves. When the world changes then people aren't going to be so "taboo" about these things. It just takes time and for people to step up and say "something is wrong here, none of this makes sense and shouldn't be" Then do something about it!.

    I wish i could start my own culture where many of these "taboo" things are accepted and people can accept themselves, others and think of each other as a whole.
  11. neal slide25

    neal slide25 Amateur

    Oct 13, 2011
    I am a straight male and I would kill for some anal play. My wife has never tried it, but if she offered I would gladly accept. But I'm too uncomfortable to ask for it.
  12. okieblueyes

    okieblueyes Sex Machine

    Nov 9, 2006
    I'm 56 and my GF is 43 and we both enjoy ass play . She loves it when I'm going down on her and continue to switch holes and I love it when she invades my ass while giving me head . Our only problem is I'm to large to enjoy her ass properly
  13. Barry McCockiner

    Barry McCockiner Porno Junky

    May 6, 2013
    I'm straight and totally into ass play. Earlier in life I was one of those guys who gave into societies taboo and considered it as having "gay" tendencies. That is, until a chic massaged my prostate while givin' me head and I've been hooked ever since! :excited:

    But now that I'm into anal play, I can't find a chic that's into massaging a prostate or using a strap-on! Now, from my encounters and conversations, it's mostly the women who think it's taboo and "gay". I wonder why that is...
  14. DesertFox

    DesertFox Amateur

    May 30, 2011
    I'm straight and I enjoy ass play. I think my favorite are anal beads and butt plugs. The largest thing was 1.5" wide.
  15. freak6996

    freak6996 Newcumer

    Oct 21, 2013
    Shit idk I love geting my ass ate and played idk y guys have suck a problem I'm s freak pretty much anything a women bring up ill do
  16. elzacapa47

    elzacapa47 Sex Machine

    Nov 28, 2008
    I let a woman do anything to me! with pleasure!
  17. shadowfap

    shadowfap Fap Happy Jester

    Oct 28, 2012
  18. Copey104

    Copey104 Porn Surfer

    Jan 31, 2013
    Please do that to me!!
  19. bradtheimpaler69

    bradtheimpaler69 Sex Lover

    Oct 1, 2013
    Straight guy into kinky good stuff

    So let me start by saying that I consider myself as straight, not attracted to guys at all, but I've been playing with my ass since I was 14. Reason being I had a football injury that resulted in me going to the hospital. I took a shot to the kidneys and was pissing blood, so the doctor wanted to give me a prostate exam. I was scared as hell and didnt want to do it. But I had to I guess. So doc's got me spread open against the examination table, lubes me up really good and proceeds to shove his finger in my ass. It was supdr intense and I hated it at the time but it got me hard as a rock. I was ashamed that it did because I thought if you liked stuff in your ass like that you were automatically gay, and I really struggled with that for years. But I realized playing with your ass doesnt make you gay. Hell I was 14 and getting tired of just whacking off everyday. So once in a while in the shower or wherever I would take some lube and proceed to stretch my asshole. Once it became good and stretched and I could fit 2 or 3 fingers inside, I'd go to town on myself. I would try different positions and toys in it to try and get to the right spot. A few months ago I bought my first vibrator, a silver 6 inch dildo. I love stretching my ass out and shoving that thing all the way inside of me. Its not an everyday thing, just a special occasion when the mood is right.
  20. J Bone Man

    J Bone Man Porno Junky

    May 24, 2013
    Guess I missed that memo

    I wasn't aware it was so "off limits". Truth be told, I did, but chose to ignore those who find themselves forming "conventional wisdom" for me without knowing a thing about who I am.