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  1. Krem_

    Krem_ Porn Star

    Feb 19, 2011
    you've done it now cool girl. i really need to talk about some of this stuff with another woman and you and one other are the only ones whom i think will be objective, neutral and trustworthy. i haven't met all of the women and am NOT making a blanket statement by any stretch of the imagination. in fact, i've met only a few women here.

    i've been on my own since i've been 16 years old and the street of new york city isn't the best place to learn congeniality. i finished high school and then went to college and obtained a bachelors degree and recently received a masters degree.

    i worked full time while i did all of that schooling. i guess because of where i'm coming from i am the way i am. christina may never curse and everybody talks about how classy she is. that's her and it's fine.

    i look back now and i was 16 and really a child at the time in many ways. i learned to do what i had to do to survive. i laugh a little about the political stuff, welfare and whatever not because i never took even a penny of welfare and wouldn't even do it if had to sleep on the street.

    things are good now and i have been rewarded for what i've done. :kiss:
  2. NoTopNoCollar

    NoTopNoCollar In XNXX Heaven In XNXX Heaven

    Feb 8, 2011
    Krem...It matters where we come from, it matters what we have done...not to anyone else but to ourselves. Yes, Christina has class, and that isn't something you teach someone, it's how you are. YOU have a whole different set of assets, as do many other wonderful women on this forum. We should never compare ourselves to each other. We are all unique in our own way. Some of us are offensive, brash and outspoken with no curb to our enthusiasm. Some are sweet, gentle and caring. Not one of us is a carbon of another. Every single lady( woman, girl) here is one of a kind and we may hug or rub each other the wrong way. BUT...what matters, is that we're here, we enjoy the forum( not always the members) and we're a handful of women that openly embrace who and what we are....for the most part....we all get along, even when we don't....I think that counts for a lot. Again...my respect to all the women here...you're all amazing!!:rose:;);):rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose:
  3. christina2706

    christina2706 Dark Haired Beauty

    Mar 27, 2010
    Thank you guys. I'm flattered! :oops:

    There are many wonderful women (and men ;)) on this forum and I consider myself lucky to call a few of them my friends. :rose:
  4. aesopstails

    aesopstails Ridiculously Happy

    Jun 21, 2008
    You’re about the last person who’s qualified to give me a vocabulary lesson.

    I’m amused by the time limitations you attempt to put on hypocrisy, while you never mentioned that your “fake-quote” nonsense and your (hypocritical) post denouncing fake-quoting occurred within hours of each other.

    We’re not talking about someone who stole a candy bar when he was eight years old, who then denounces stealing thirty years later. We're talking about two inconsistent actions made on the same day.

    You say you “took responsibility”, yet you did no such thing. Here’s your post on the subject, stating only that it is wrong in your opinion.

    You make no mention of the fact that you engage in the practice yourself (and on that same day, no less), and you certainly don’t show regret or offer any apologies, which is what normal people do when they are admitting to bad behavior or poor choices they made earlier.

    As for the sad little life story you posted, those who have had the misfortune of seeing all of your posts will find it hard to accept anything you say as fact. Even if it’s true, many have survived far worse circumstances without behaving as you do. You’re obviously trying to change your image now, enthusiastically posting your support for some of the more respected members here, but that’s transparent as well.

    If you’re waiting for an answer that makes sense, I hope you have a comfortable chair.

    I should also say that I agree with those who have remarked on the amount of class you typically display :rose:, even when dealing with someone ignorant enough to use an “apology” as “bait”. :-~
  5. Krem_

    Krem_ Porn Star

    Feb 19, 2011
    @aesopstails, your last post was ridiculously stupid and an obvious attempt to stir up some drama. sorry troll, you're going to be hungry unless you take your quest elsewhere because i'm not going to respond and feed you. :rolleyes:
  6. tj01276

    tj01276 Picture Perfect

    Dec 11, 2009

  7. NoTopNoCollar

    NoTopNoCollar In XNXX Heaven In XNXX Heaven

    Feb 8, 2011
    That just gave me bad memories of a couple idiots I worked with...:-~:-~
  8. aesopstails

    aesopstails Ridiculously Happy

    Jun 21, 2008

    TJ, you always post the best pics! (Though, personally, I would have given her a different finger.)

    So this post ^^^, which you actually addressed to me, is not a response? Gee, I guess you need another vocabulary lesson. :rolleyes:

    If you expect people to believe you have the master's degree you claim, you might try posting something intelligent for a change.

    Yet more evidence of your hypocrisy- if you want to see a drama-stirring troll, just take a look at your own posts, starting from Day 1. You joined the Carrie-palooza just in time to pick up where "she" left off. :-~
  9. Funilingus

    Funilingus Porno Junky

    Aug 14, 2008
    This thread doesn't involve me in any way! But since everyone who's anybody posted to this thread, I wanted to be where the action was. :p

    You gotta love XnXX - in one easy location, you can get your fill of both the erotic AND the neurotic! On the forums where an argument on the topic of 'sex with a minor' becomes moot, by lasting so long the person becomes an adult.

    So, lets see, what positions can I take on the morass of myriad topics that have wandered in and out of this thread? I like taking different positions.

    I confess, its not really me in my profile pic. Sometimes I feel a bit anachronistic, but I'm not a "fucking dinosaur" literally or figuratively.

    I'm not under-age. In fact, the way things ache some mornings, its hard for me to believe I'm under retirement age.

    Fantasy is a tricky thing. Its very individual, very personal, and in my experience, trying to find someone to share it with can be nerve-wracking.
    Realize when I say that, that my fantasies are pretty tame...on the kink spectrum, I'm like a vanilla ice-cream cone. (Wait! Where are you putting that ice cream cone! Aaaahh!) :rolleyes:

    Basically, my attitude is that other people are entitled to their fantasies, even those that may be disturbing to me...as long as I'm not compelled to hear about them, read about them, or see pictures of them indulging in them. I'm a very visual person, and enjoy some of the imagery to be found on this site, but I admit I type in the URL with some anxiety, because I never know what I'm going to encounter on that home page when it loads. I was aware people had some freaky fetishes, but I will confess that until I saw it here (and wished I had not) I was blissfully ignorant that anyone would want to sit in a bathtub with an octopus or squid and... oh my virgin eyes. :shock: :eek: :confused:

    Now, I chose (not surprisingly) to not click on that video. But while that brief glimpse of the image may have killed some brain cells, it did not turn me into an..."octo-phile?" I say this to make the point that you can read a story someone has written without it "contaminating you". If I read someone's fantasy about sex with a minor, it doesn't make me a pedophile, anymore than reading gay erotica would "turn me gay". I'm not going to choose to read either one for my own entertainment or titillation,
    but that's not the point.

    Once, years ago, an adult woman I knew gave me a sample of her "erotica" to read, and I found to my genuine horror that it involved the female protagonist (who was clearly her as a pre-adolescent) being raped by her father and forced by him to have sex with a dog. She clearly thought it was arousing, and was eager to hear my opinion of her writing. And I surprised myself. I was concerned about her feelings and didn't want to say anything that would make her feel self-conscious or ashamed, since I felt she had taken a risk in sharing this with me. She was a capable author, so I also wanted to be encouraging about her writing. I was completely repulsed by the topic, and skimmed over sections of it. I was incapable of empathizing with her sexual response to the subject matter, but I had no right to tell her she couldn't write it, or enjoy it for herself.

    My conclusion, which I stand by, is that while it may not be the healthiest thing in the world to fantasize about, it was not my place (or anyone else's) to play therapist or judge, and that it only becomes ethically or morally "wrong" when someone tries to act out a fantasy that involves harm to another, or forces someone to participate in their sexual fantasy.

    Merely reading it didn't alter my attitude toward rape, incest, or bestiality. Though I admit it convinced me there were certain limits beyond which my relationship with her was not going to develop...I knew that I wasn't going to be able to provide what she would likely be looking for sexually. ("Who's your Daddy?"...not me!) But this wasn't a simple or easy conclusion for me, and it was one I grew into. Censorship is wrong, and we have to understand that there are many people out there who would consider every single one of us on this site "perverts", and gladly censor ALL porn.

    And that Ladies and Gentlemen, is all I have to say at this time.
    Good night, and drive safely
  10. Eric the Red

    Eric the Red Porn Star

    Jan 30, 2010
    It's unfortunate that the administrators of this site no longer share your enlightened attitude.
    Cute name by the way. :)
  11. Funilingus

    Funilingus Porno Junky

    Aug 14, 2008
    Guess I owe people an apology...

    I don't get many visitor comments on my account, so I'm always thrilled to see a new one. Not what I would hope for, though! :eek:

    Bill 24 said..."LMAO Fucking hilarious, anyone who believes you bumped that thread for the bullshit reason you gave is a complete moron. Rock on drama llama." :confused:

    Sigh. But Bill, that makes me a moron! Because I believe my own reason. I have no secret agenda, and am not presently involved in any XnXX Forum Feud or conspiracy (that I know of! Though I could be a sleeper agent)

    Bill...sorry I stepped on your toes. I blundered into this after being gone from the forum for like a year, and had no idea of all the intricate complexities of it. I can understand your hostility, considering this remark you made a while back in one of these threads (that I just read today):

    "We would like this fucking thread to die and it pisses me off when DRAMA HUNGRY FUCKING TROLLS keep bumping it!!! *shakes head*"

    But you should know that while I probably don't know the whole history, or all the central players, or which people exist only in someone else's imagination, neither do I care, really. I come here to look at porn and discuss sex with those who manage to be horny, humorous, and intelligent (all at the same time!) Not to psycho-analyze people I'll never meet. I'm honestly not a judge-mental asshole, just so you know. I'm no more the Drama Llama than I am the Dalai Llama! I'm fairly nice to most everyone - I don't even swear at people in my posts (though if enough people tell me that would arouse them, I'll do my best). ;) I wasn't targeting anyone involved on either "side", real or virtual.

    But that said, I thought the whole thing was ridiculously melodramatic, so I decided to post some silly/sarcastic remarks. Not because I LOVE creating drama, or resurrecting the dead (even for Halloween) but because the sheer level of inane drama in the endless thread boggled my mind. When I encounter people who seem to be taking themselves way too seriously, my first instinct is to turn to humor for salvation.

    I apologize to everyone because it didn't even occur to me that I was "bumping" a thread that had long gone dormant, because I was gone long enough for it to be all new to me. I spend a relatively small percentage of my time on Forums, so things like that can elude me at times...for example, I had to look it up on-line to even find out what a "sock puppet" was! I thought it was going to be some kind of euphemism for a masturbation aid made form a stocking...:rolleyes:
  12. Carrie Joslin

    Carrie Joslin Porn Star Suspended!

    Jan 30, 2011
    Oh, I so know what you're talking about... All those silly melodramatic people who got so flustered and said absurd things about freedom of speech infringement and other foolish things when the minimum age recommended for stories was set at 16 really made me think; good God, get a life.

    Yeah... Those fools really did take this place too seriously. In any case, you're right - people do act pretty ridiculous when they get all out of sorts about age restrictions and silly things like that. Hey, the age restrictions are just an example - ok?:rose:

    Carrie on...
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2011
  13. deleted user 1548766

    deleted user 1548766 Porn Star Banned!

    Feb 27, 2007

    I originally posted this thread as a joke. We've had accusations of "sockery" around here for as long as I've been here. My attitude toward it is "Who gives a fuck? This is only the internet. :rolleyes:" However, some posters have cows over the idea that someone might have (OMG!!!...The horror!!! :eek: :rolleyes:) multiple accounts here. I've even had them accuse little ol' me of wearing multiple socks. (I only have this one BTW. I have neither the time nor the desire to be anyone other than JoeD.)

    So I decided to have a bit of fun with the idea. I changed my av and sig to the exact same av and sig that Carrie_J had.

    Then I posted this thread...and comedy gold ensued. :lol:
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2011
  14. Bill24

    Bill24 Sex Machine Suspended!

    Mar 30, 2011
    Joe, the bump was made before Julia's post and not because of socks. Some people are still pissed off about the age requirements, if you read Funilingus's bump post "#1018" you'll get what I'm talking about.
  15. deleted user 1548766

    deleted user 1548766 Porn Star Banned!

    Feb 27, 2007
    I wasn't responding to her or Funilingus in particular. Since I've long since changed my av & sig back to normal from looking exactly like the ones that Carrie_J had I was just thinking that perhaps a new reader of this thread might be :confused: about my (non-serious) intent in creating it. So I thought that an explanation was needed. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2011