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  1. x0Bella0x

    x0Bella0x Nerds can be hot too

    Aug 29, 2007
    i KNOW we had this thread before, and i have been searching and searching, and can't friggin find it, and if anyone finds it after i post this, i'll be pissed! :mrgreen: :p

    post "you know you're from (insert city/town/state) when..." for your area.

    here's New York City... p.s, it's pink because it came out black the first time. =/

    * You think Central Park is "nature."
    * You're paying $1,200 for a studio the size of a walk-in closet and you think it's a "steal."
    * You've been to New Jersey twice and got hopelessly lost both times.
    * You pay more each month to park your car than most people in the U.S. pay in rent.
    * You go to dinner at 9 and head out to the clubs when most Americans are heading to bed.
    * You have 27 different menus next to your telephone.
    * Going to Brooklyn is considered a "road trip."
    * America west of the Hudson is still theoretical to you.
    * You're suspicious of strangers who are actually nice to you.
    * You take a taxi to get to your health club to exercise.
    * Your idea of personal space is no one actually standing on your toes.
    * $50 worth of groceries fit in one paper bag.
    * Your doorman is Russian, your grocer is Korean, your deli man is Israeli, your building super is Italian, your laundry guy is Chinese, your favorite bartender is Irish, your favorite diner owner is Greek, the watch seller on your corner is Senegalese, your last cabbie was Pakistani, your newsstand guy is Indian and your favorite falafel guy is Egyptian.
    * You say "the city" and expect everyone to know that it means Manhattan.
    * You secretly envy cabbies for their driving skills.
    * You have never been to the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Building.
    * You can get into a four-hour argument about how to get from Columbus Circle to Battery Park at 3:30 on the Friday before a long weekend, but can't find Wisconsin on a map.
    * Hookers and the homeless are invisible.
    * The subway makes sense.
    * The subway should never be called anything prissy, like the Metro.
    * You believe that being able to swear at people in their own language makes you multi-lingual.
    * You think $7.00 to cross a bridge is a fair price.
    * You've considered stabbing someone just for saying "The Big Apple."
    * Your door has more than three locks.
    * You go to a hockey game for the fighting. In the stands. To participate.
    * Your favorite movie has DeNiro in it.
    * The most frequently used part of your car is the horn.
    * You consider eye contact an act of overt aggression.
    * You call an 8' x 10' plot of patchy grass a yard. You complain about having to mow it.
    * You are a skee-ball juggernaut.
    * You consider Westchester "Upstate."
    * You cried the day Mayor Ed Koch took over for Judge Wapner.
    * You run when you see a flashing "Do Not Walk" sign at the intersection.


    May 1, 2008
    You know you are from your daddies penis when you are conceived.
  3. SuperMurk

    SuperMurk Resident XnXX boxer

    Dec 15, 2006
    You know you're from boston when (i'll give you this version and not bore you with the 101 verson which is available here http://www.truthandprogress.com/showDiary.do;jsessi..28A8FB2FF83DC5F46609F982C4D69D91?diaryId=207)

    -You think if someone is nice to you they either want
    something or they are from out of town

    -The public transportation system is known as the "T" and you'd
    rather drive in bumper to bumper traffic for 4 hours
    to get to Boston than be caught dead on the "orange line"

    -You could own a small town in Iowa for the cost of
    your house

    -There are 24 Dunkin Donuts shops within 15 minutes of
    your house and that is how you give directions

    -If you stay on the same road long enough it
    eventually has three different names

    -53 degrees is "on the warm side"

    -You've walked to Brigham's for an ice cream cone "to
    go" in the snow

    -You cringe every time you hear some actor/actress
    imitate the "Boston Accent" on TV

    -You call chocolate sprinkles "jimmies"

    -A dixie cup ice cream is a "Hoodsie"

    -A Water fountain is called a Bubbler. Say it "Bubbla"

    -You can go from one side of town to the other in less
    than fifteen minutes

    -You know how to pronounce towns like Worcester,
    Haverhill, Peabody, Scituate, Chatham, and Leominster

    -You know what they sell at a "packie"

    -You keep an ice scraper in your car all year round

    -Paranoia sets in when you can't see a Dunkin Donuts,
    ATM or CVS

    -You've pulled out of a side street and used your car
    to block oncoming traffic so you can make a left

    -You've bragged about saving money at The Christmas
    Tree Shop

    -You know what a "regular coffee" is!

    -You can navigate a rotary without a problem

    -You use the words "wicked" "pissa" and "good" in the
    same sentence

    -You know what a frappe is

    -Saint Patrick's Day is your second favorite holiday

    -You drink tonic and would never consider using it on
    your hair

    -You never say "Cape Cod" you say "The Cape"

    -You went to Old Sturbridge Village and Plymouth
    Plantation at least once, in elementary school, but never to Bunker

    -You know the Mass Pike and 495 create some sort of
    strange weather dividing line
  4. x0Bella0x

    x0Bella0x Nerds can be hot too

    Aug 29, 2007
    ....and i was born in Rochester, NY.

    • The only thing at the annual May Lilac Festival is snow.

    • The worst four-letter word you could say is " Fuji ".

    • You can't swim at the beach.

    • You thought that you had figured out that alternate-parking thing, but wind up with a ticket anyway.

    • Toronto is about 70 miles away, but it takes four hours to get there.

    • The name "Greater Rochester International Airport" is bigger than the airport itself.

    • There's an 800 number to report a pothole in the road.

    • You know that a "Can of Worms" is not something that you take fishing.

    • Your baby's first word is "Wegmans".

    • You ask lifetime residents where the George Eastman House is, but they don't know either.

    • In a city where it snows at least 90 inches a year, they build a new sports stadium with no roof on it.

    • It can be 70 degrees one day, below freezing the next, and you think nothing of it.

    • Your mother is buying outfits to wear to Wegmans.

    • Your low-fat diet is never low enough to exclude an Abbott's custard.

    • You order a white hot and a pop, and the counterman knows what you're talking about.

    • You can travel from Egypt to Greece in about a half-hour by car.

    • D&C is a newspaper, not a medical procedure.

    • There are no hamburgers, only ground steak.

    • You can go to any mall on a Saturday and see at least 5 people you either work with, went to school with or dated.

    • A musical comes to town 10 years after its Broadway premier and the entire town goes nuts!!

    • You awaken from a deep sleep, look at the clock and see that it's 6:00, but you have no idea whether it's AM or PM.

    • When 18+ inches of snow falls overnight, but you never thought of NOT going to work.

    • You are perplexed when friends from other cities come to visit and want to "see the sights".

    • In winter if the temperature hits 45 degrees and the sun comes out, people walk around downtown wearing shades and no jackets.

    • There are places at the poles that seem to get more sunlight during the winter months than we do.

    • Wegmans is somewhere to go on a Friday night, for entertainment.

    • You know who Vinnie and Angelo are.

    • You define summer as three months of bad sledding.

    • You think that people from Pennsylvania have an accent.

    • Halloween is snowed out with great regularity.

    • You have experienced frostbite and sunburn in the same week.

    • Half the change in your pocket is Canadian, eh.

    • Your idea of a seven-course meal is a six pack of Genny and a bucket of Buffalo wings.

    • You believe that "down south" means Maryland .

    • Your snowmobile, lawn mower and fishing boat all have big block Chevy engines.

    • You can compare Nick Tahoe's garbage plate to at least 3 other knock-offs in competing restaurants.

    • You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Rochester, NY
  5. JezebelinHell

    JezebelinHell Porn Star

    May 15, 2008
    You Know You're From MS When:

    You’ve been to or know about the towns of: Hot Coffee, Whynot, Soso, Shuqualak (and know it’s pronounced Shugalick), Noxapater, and Okolona.

    When someone talks about “The Flag”, you know exactly which flag they’re referring to.

    In any given parking lot, every third car has a Flag bumper sticker.

    Your neighbor (or yourself) has a Confederate battle flag in his/her yard and nothing else.

    You eat coon hash.

    You know where chitlins come from.

    You know it’s coke, not “pop” or “soda”.

    You know “pop” is a noise or an action (i.e. the coon popped out of his hole), not a soft drink.

    You can tell, purely by accent, whether a person is from the Black Belt, the Red Clay Hills, the Piney Woods, or the Delta.

    You know that the Delta is not the one below New Orleans.

    Your church’s attendance is reduced by half on opening day of bow season.

    The preacher is not there on opening day of gun season.

    The last time it snowed, you took 15 pictures and put some in your freezer for old time’s sake.

    A seven course meal is a bucket of KFC and a six-pack.

    There is a trampoline in your neighbor’s backyard.

    Teenagers refer to the bus as the “cheesewagon” and refuse to ride it.

    You only know five spices: salt, pepper, Ranch dressing, BBQ sauce, and hot sauce.
  6. x__orion

    x__orion ::.unhomed.::

    Jul 2, 2006
    You know you live in Glasgow when:
    You've heard somebody asking if there's a pub open nearby before ten in the morning on a Sunday.
    Actually you've heard the above on any day of the week, and the answer has been yes.
    You know what NEDs are and can spot them a mile off.
    Every time you get on a First bus you feel like you're being ripped off because the prices have gone up again.
    Every time you ride on a bus at least one person gets on or off when the bus is not at a designated bus stop and you no longer think this is strange.
    You carry an umbrella even when it's not raining, just in case.
    You carry an umbrella even though you know the wind will render it useless.
    Even though you don't support Rangers or watch any football whatsoever, you know what days Rangers are playing at Ibrox so you can avoid the subway.
    You've endured a subway journey in a train packed full of Rangers' fans singing sectarian songs.
    You know what 'wan', 'hauf', 'fitba', 'Buckie' and 'polis' mean.
    You get called 'hen' if you're a girl.
    You get called 'pal' regularly.
    You know what a close is.
    It's not 'very', it's 'pure', as in 'the traffic is pure murder the noo'.
    If it isn't fried, wrapped in pastry or full of sugar the locals won't eat it.
    You go oot.
    You've curtailed a night out to get the last subway home because you'll be damned if you're forking out for First bus.
    You can tell the difference between tablet and fudge.
    You wonder whether its the fake tan or too much Irn Bru that gives the NEDettes their unique skin colour.
    Even the bus drivers don't obey the 'no smoking' signs in their buses.
    You have both entered and exited the motorway in the fast lane because the M 8 was so badly built.
    People ask you where you stay, not where you live.
    Regardless of cuisine, if people walk past you eating something in the street it will reek of salt and vinegar.
    Fast food servers don't wait for an answer before covering your food in salt and vinegar.
    It's not sandwiches but pieces.
    A bottle of Buckie goes flying past your head.
    On the Subway you're never more than seven stops from where you want to go.
    Houses come in three colours: blonde sandstone, red sandstone or concrete.
    Half the population owns a dog the size of a small bear.
    The locals are friendly but you can't understand a damn thing they say.
    You've seen grannies staggering along the pavement at 9.30 am clutching a can of lager.
    There are train stations everywhere.
    Bus shelters are decorated with birds, trees, fish and bells.
    At least half of your university course lives at home and never wants to leave Glasgow.
    You've had a bottle of ginger.

    This one is SO TRUE: "You have both entered and exited the motorway in the fast lane because the M 8 was so badly built."
  7. Old Tool

    Old Tool Porn Star

    Sep 29, 2006
    You know you're from San Francisco when . . .

    * You simply can not get enough tassels

    * People from Boston think you're crazy liberal

    * You can smell the Berkeley when an offshore wind blows

    * During the same weekend you've been shushed during a reading from anything written by Molly Ivins and been asked to dance at a wake

    * You think Democrats are evil conservatives

    * You've considered homicide whenever hearing a tourist refer to your town as 'Frisco

    * Muni has damaged something that belongs to you

    * You are not proud that your governor is the toughest of them all

    * Pink is the new pink

    * You know that the Avenues are not really in the same city as SoMa

    * You've petitioned the Mayor to let AT&T park be used to house the homeless instead of whatever else goes on there

    * You squinch up your face at the mention of those snobs living in Pacifc Heights, but secretly wish you could afford to

    * You're aghast that "poor" people live in homes worth less than $950,000

    * You remember when the Mission was full of Irish Catholics instead of those trouble making latinos

    * You long for the days of Emperor Norton

    * You've never actually ridden a cable car for the fun of it

    * You're put out that the terrorists didn't think your city swell enough to fly a plane into

    * You've rationalized a quick trip to the coffeehouse in your SUV at least once this month

    * You're still bitter than Southern California is taking "your" water

    * You still believe the teamsters and longshoremen are noble union endeavors

    * You snicker when tourists are happy to come to your town to get crabs

    * The bay smells nice to you

    * Foghorns are your lullaby

    * Liberace seems kind of butch to you

  8. Perv79

    Perv79 Decadent Deity

    Feb 26, 2007
    I have lost count of how many times I was this guy. :D
  9. Lioness

    Lioness A Fun Flirty Frisky Friendly Felion

    Jan 31, 2007
    and you forgot to mention the Fisherman's Sourdough French bread and the seagulls...I still miss both!!!
  10. Leila

    Leila Porn Star

    Oct 22, 2006
    You know you're from Missouri if...

    1. You've never met any celebrities. (I actually saw Joe Buck in the Mac Store yesterday)

    2. Everyone you know has been on a float trip.

    3."Vacation" means driving to Silver Dollar City, Worlds of Fun, or Six Flags.

    4. You've seen all the biggest bands ten years AFTER they were popular.

    5. You measure distance in minutes rather than miles. For example, "Well, Webb City's only 20 minutes away."

    6. 'Down south' to you means Arkansas.

    7. The phrase "I'm going to the Lake this weekend" means only one thing.

    8. You know several people who have hit a deer.

    9. You think Missouri is spelled with an "ah" at the end.

    10. Your school classes were canceled because of cold.

    11. You know what "Party Cove" is.

    12. Your school classes were canceled because of heat.

    13. You instinctively ask someone you've just met, "What high school did you go to?"

    14.You've had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day.

    15. You think ethanol makes your truck "run a lot better."

    16. You know what's knee-high by the Fourth of July.

    17. You've seen people wear bib overalls to funerals.

    18. You see cars idling in a store parking lot with no one in them - no matter what time of the year.

    19. You know in your heart that Mizzou can beat Nebraska in football.

    20. You end your sentences with unnecessary prepositions: "Where's my coat at?"

    21. All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, or grain.

    22. You install security lights on your house and garage and then leave both unlocked.

    23. You think of the major four food groups as beef, pork, beer, and Jello salad with marshmallows.

    24. You carry jumper cables in your car and know that everyone else should.

    25. You went to skating parties as a kid.

    26. You own only three spices: salt, pepper, and ketchup.

    27. You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.

    28. You think sexy lingerie is tube socks and a flannel nightie.

    29. The local paper covers national and international headlines on one page, but requires six pages for sports.

    30. You think I-44 is pronounced "farty-far." (St. Louis only.)

    31. You'll pay for your kids to go to college unless they want to go to KU.

    32. You think that "deer season" is a national holiday.

    33. You know that Concordia is halfway between Kansas City and Columbia; that Columbia is halfway between St. Louis and Kansas City; and that Warrenton Outlet Mall is halfway between Columbia and St. Louis.

    34. You can't think of anything better than sitting on the porch during a summer thunderstorm.

    35. You know which leaves make good toilet paper.

    36. You've said, "It's not the heat, it's the humidity."

    37. You know all four seasons: Almost Summer, Summer , Still Summer and Construction.

    38. You know if other Missourians are from the Bootheel, Ozarks, Eastern, or Western Missouri as soon as they open their mouth.

    39. You know that Harry S Truman, Walt Disney and Mark Twain are all from Missouri.

    40. You failed geography in school because you thought Cuba, Cairo, Milan, Versailles, California, Nevada, Paris, Houston, Cabool, Louisiana, Springfield, and Mexico were cities in Missouri. (And they are.)

    41. You think a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor.

    42. You know what "HOME OF THE THROWED ROLL" means.
  11. JezebelinHell

    JezebelinHell Porn Star

    May 15, 2008
    mmm god i love that place
  12. Leila

    Leila Porn Star

    Oct 22, 2006
    Hell yes, you have to fast for 2 days before going there so your stomach won't explode. Yummy.
  13. JezebelinHell

    JezebelinHell Porn Star

    May 15, 2008
    oh i know

    let's just say that my purse was full of fried okra for the return trip home :D
  14. Lioness

    Lioness A Fun Flirty Frisky Friendly Felion

    Jan 31, 2007
    I don't remember the name of that place, but I think they featured it on the Travel Channel on one of their food programs!!!
  15. Thandrend

    Thandrend Hammer of the Gods

    Sep 5, 2006
    You know you're from .... Shit, we don't have towns out here.. You know you're from Oklahoma when:

    Cows and animals outnumber the people by a huge margin.

    You track red dirt with you wherever you go.

    You can be wearing a coat in the morning because it's freezing, and be wearing nothing and be burning up in the afternoon.

    You have a "state" everything. (animal, plant, etc.)

    You have the most famous state song.

    And there are plenty more :)
  16. Perv79

    Perv79 Decadent Deity

    Feb 26, 2007
    Some friends and I would road trip there with the muchies and stay for hours. We actually broke out a deck of cards at the table once. :D We all laid down in the parking lot for probably half and hour before attempting to go anywhere.
  17. JezebelinHell

    JezebelinHell Porn Star

    May 15, 2008
    Lambert's Cafe
  18. ~Orpheus~

    ~Orpheus~ Wrathchild

    Apr 30, 2008
    You know you're from Iowa when...

    Mine isn't that much different than the Missourah one.;) I'll post it anyway.

    • Weather is 90% of your conversation
    • Down south to you means Missouri
    • You have no concept of public transportation
    • The top 5% of your graduation high school class went to U of I -- everyone else attended Iowa State.
    • You have no problem spelling "Des Moines"
    • You know the answer to the question, "Is this Heaven?"
    • Your school classes have been canceled because of cold
    • You know what the numbers I-80, 280, 380 mean
    • You have boiled fish in lye for Christmas
    • You know what "uff-da" means and how to use it properly
    • You know what "Amish Country" is
    • You've licked frozen metal
    • The only reason you go to Wisconsin or Missouri is to get fireworks
    • You wear shorts when it's 50 degrees out in March, but bundle up and complain in August when it goes below 60 degrees
    • You have gone Trick-or-Treating in two feet of snow
    • You carry jumper cables in your car
    • You drink "POP"
    • In a conversation you heard someone say "Yah sure you betcha" or "No, I never" or "Not once ever even" and you didn't laugh
    • You know exactly where "Field of Dreams" was filmed
    • People from other states love to hear you say "Iowa" and other words with "Os" in them
    • You know what "Hawks" and "Clones" are
    • When someone says they are going out for dinner or supper, you know which meal they are talking about
  19. Thandrend

    Thandrend Hammer of the Gods

    Sep 5, 2006
    - You know the difference between the city of Durant and the city of Doo-rant.
    - It doesn't seem odd to see the term "chicken fried chicken" on a menu.
    - You have used the phrase "fixin' to" during the last 12 months.
    - Someone you know has used a football schedule to plan their wedding date.
    - You save all your life for your dream vacation, and use it to go to the OU/Texas game.
    - A tornado warning siren is your signal to go out in the yard and look for a funnel.
    - It doesn't seem peculiar if your spouse says "I'm going in to town for something" even though you live in town.
    - You can properly pronounce Eufaula, Gotebo, and Okemah.
    - You can remember the last 12 times a state legislator seriously introduced a bill involving castration, and he didn't mean farm animals.
    - You don't turn on the news until 20 minutes past the hour, because that's the only thing you care about anyway.
    - You know exactly what calf fries are, and eat them anyway.
    - When someone refers to the current season, you have no idea if they mean spring, summer, fall, winter or football.
    - "Howdy" seems to be a normal way of greeting another adult, with no irony intended.
    - You think that people who complain about the wind in other states are sissies.
    - It bothers you not one iota to use an airport named for a man who died in an airplane crash.
    - A bad traffic jam involves two cars staring each other down at a four-way stop, each determined to be the most polite and let the other go first.
    - You know in which state Miam-uh is and in which state Miam-ee is.
  20. Lioness

    Lioness A Fun Flirty Frisky Friendly Felion

    Jan 31, 2007
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]You Know You're From North Carolina If .....[/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You know Pepsi originated in New Bern, Cheerwine in Salisbury, and that Mountain Dew was invented in Lumberton. [/FONT]​
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You know Coke tastes better in the little bottles and that peanuts make Coke taste even better. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You have an opinion about UNC. You went there and loved it, or you hate everyone who did. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* Your folks have taken trips to the mountains to look at leaves.

    * Your school took a field trip to the State Fair in Raleigh.
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You would elect Richard Petty or Ric Flair for governor if either ever ran. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You watched as Dale Earnhardt was the only man who ever lived who could go 200 mph, spin somebody out, call them a you-know-what, and win the race, all in the last lap. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You skipped school or work to go to Dale Earnhardt’s memorial service. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* A tobaggon, to you, means a knit cap, not a sled. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You sold Krispy Kreme doughnuts for a school or church fundraiser before those glazed doughnuts went global. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* When you're traveling out of state, people ask if you're from Mayberry. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You remember watching the ACC Tournament on television at school. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* The local newspaper covers state, national and international news in one page, but sports requires six pages. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* Most men in town consider the first day of deer season a national holiday.

    * Fifty degrees Fahrenheit is “a little chilly.”
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* One hundred degrees Fahrenheit is "a little warm."[/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You have no problem spelling or pronouncing “Conetoe” or “Topsail.” [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* Your school classes were canceled because of cold. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* Your school classes were canceled because of heat. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* Your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waitin’ to pass a tractor on the highway. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* Your school classes were canceled because of a hurricane. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* Your school classes were canceled because of hunting season.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* Your school classes were canceled because of a livestock show. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You’ve ridden the school bus for an hour...each way. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You know more about ACC basketball than professional basketball. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You know the Carolina League is the greatest baseball league in the country.

    * You think South Carolina was dead weight well shed.
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You know tea is always served sweet unless you specifically ask for unsweetened. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You’ve ever had to switch from “Heat” to “A/C” in the same day. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You think ethanol makes your truck run a lot better.

    * Grocery stores don’t have bags, they have sacks and are called Piggly Wigglys.

    * You see people wearing bib overalls at funerals.
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You see a car running in the parking lot at the store with no one in it, no matter what time of the year. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* Most of the festivals around the state are named after a fruit, vegetable or tobacco. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* Priming was your first job...and you know what it means. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* Your idea of a really great tenderloin is when the meat is twice as big as the bun and comes with cole slaw on top. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You say catty-wampus, yunto, ill-ass and ah-ite. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You know the difference between a deer dog, a bear dog and a coon dog by the way they bark. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You put security lights on your house and your garage and leave both of them unlocked. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* Your four seasons are almost summer, summer, still summer, and highway construction. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You can tell if another North Carolinian is from Eastern or Western North Carolina as soon as he opens his mouth. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You can spell words such as Ocracoke, Fuquay-Varina and Chocowinity. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* When asked how your trip to any foreign, exotic place was you say, “It was different.” [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* Hyde County is considered a foreign or exotic place. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* In the Piedmont, you see all the grown-ups go out and play in the snow. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* Schools and churches hold barbecue fundraisers with banana puddin’ as the dessert.
    * Your folks would rather eat at Bojangles’s than McDonald’s.
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You have actually uttered the phrase, “It’s too hot to go to the pool.” [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You consider being a “Pork Queen” an honor. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You carry jumper cables in your car - for your OWN car. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You faithfully drink Pepsi or Mt. Dew every day of your life. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You know what “cow tipping” is. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You have your own secret BBQ sauce. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You or your neighbors have more hunting dogs than you have family members.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You know what a pig pickin’ is.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]* You know what a 'tar heel' is.